Hello everyone, it's Hasit here at World Have Your Say. Tonight we talked about the standoff between Iran and Britain over the capture of British naval personnel. Now the European Union has got involved, demanding their release, and the Iranians have broadcast yet another 'confession' from one of the crew. We also talked about Heather Mills - Sir Paul McCartney's estranged wife is doing really well as a dancer on American TV, despite losing part of her leg in an accident. And finally, is a giant chocolate Jesus offensive?
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On yesterday's programme we got reaction from people in Iran and the UK to the ongoing saga of the captured Navy officers. The UN have stated "grave concern" over the matter, and there's a very much in swing.
Is this worth revisiting on the show today? Here's a few more ideas....
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Evening all. It's Hasit here in the World Have Your Say office in London. Tonight we talked about the British naval personnel who are still being held in Tehran. It was thought a female officer would be released soon, but that doesn't look so likely now. We also discussed the continuing problems in Zimbabwe - 14 African countries have been meeting in Tanzania to try and find a way forward. And an American blogger has stopped writing on her website after being made a victim of 'cyber-bullying'. Last, but not least, our Gaza correspondent Allan Johnston is still missing, and we're going to keep reading out your messages of support until he turns up safe and sound.
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Kathy Sierra is a blogger in the US. She's frightened to go out. Click to the pic to hear why . . .
Andy Carvin was so shocked he's come up with a tomorrow March 30th. We'll be hearing from Andy on tonight's show . . . read on for more details.
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Hi everyone -- Peter Dobbie from World Have Your Say here, with our daily tease about what we're planning for today's show.
We're focusing on Iran at the top of the programme, to get behind what's going on with the , who're all being held (we think) somewhere in Tehran.
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Good morning. It's been a big week, what with Mideast peace and , so we haven't talked about the .
Perhaps now is the time. The seem to lay out the discussion pretty well. And . What do you think?
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Well, not quite, but we talked about it on the programme.
click here to listen.
Read my earlier post for more details....
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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We're quite a depleted team today, so apologies for the fact there's no early post asking what you'd like to talk about today. In a rare move for World Have Your Say, I'm going to tell you what we'll be discussing on today's show.
The League of Arab States holds it's annual summit in the Saudi capital of Riyadh today. The starting point for discussion will be an initiative first proposed in 2002 at the annual Arab League summit. Apparently this . With reservations. And it's only a starting point. So will it be just another talking shop, or can progress on the issue finally be made?
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It's Christiane blogging your texts and emails today.
As , today we're talking about Alan Johnston. Today marks 16 days since the 91热爆 Gaza correspondent disappeared. We are also talking about slavery. Post your comment now.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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Hi All,
It's Madeleine presenting the show again today.
It's a sunny day in London and we've got a spring in our steps, but we've got some big topics to discuss on today's programme.
1) Alan Johnston
Today marks fifteen days since 91热爆 Gaza correspondent Alan Johnston disappeared in the territory. We've been receiving plenty of emails of support for Alan, and plenty of criticism of the people who may be holding him. We'll speak to some journalists in Gaza about how they're viewing his disappearance also.
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It's my first day back after the US trip. Of course, our flights were delayed, and the adrenalin of being on the road and meeting listeners has long faded, so jet lag and general tiredness created a serious need for sleep. Or something beyond sleep.
But I've had my day off and am officially recovered. It's a new day and there's plenty to talk about. Apparently the 91热爆's domestic audience loathed the coverage of the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade. What did you think?
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Topics tonight included Bob Woolmer's murder, yet another Northern Ireland breakthrough agreement and Egypt's constitution.
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On today's show we'll be talking about the latest on the murder of the Pakistan Cricket Coach . We'll be speaking to cricket fans in Pakistan and asking them how the team will be received when they arrive home.
A May date for the return of has been agreed following an historic meeting between the leaders of the DUP and Sinn Fein. On today's programme we'll be asking will power sharing work?
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A new week dawns, but many of the events of last week continue to dominate the news agenda this morning.
The inquiry into the murder of Pakistan cricket coach Bob Woolmer continues to steal headlines in the UK. Key members of the Pakistan team have been questioned and left Jamaica, and the rumours of . We talked about this on Friday's show from Portland, would you like to hear more on this today?
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As Richard wrote earlier, today we're asking our assembled audience in Portland what they think of Al Gore. Will he save the planet? Is there a chance he could run for President again?
A prominent archbishop has called for mass protests to force Robert Mugabe from power in Zimbabwe, should senior religious figures take centre stage in politics? And following the news that Bob Woolmer, Pakistan cricket coach, was murdered, we'll be hearing some reaction.
Post your comment now.
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As news reports continue to come in as to exactly what happened on the night died it's now clear that he was . There's so much i'd like to say about this story but until all the facts come out I think i'll keep my thoughts to myself. Nevertheless I think this is a must do story for WHYS and i'd love to know what you'd like to say about this. Are you shocked, angry, saddened, surprised, all of the above or none of the above? What are your memories of the man? Let us know..
Mark's already sent his ideas for today's show and I pretty much agree so here they are...
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. . . the Bagdad Theatre, Portland, Oregon that is!!
Topics tonight included Iraq, World Water Day, John Edwards and of course, the issues raised by last night's belter of a show from Harlem.
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We London-based WHYSers have just had a chat with the team in Portland and have a rough outline of what we think Oregonians will want to talk about tonight. However, we can never be sure what listeners want to say. As Ros has mentioned, once you turn on that tap, you better be ready for the gush . . . .
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I was left with so much to think about after our show in Soweto last year that I sat down the next morning and wrote a very long blog post. It was much to get my head round it as anything else. Harlem鈥檚 has had the same affect on me.
I鈥檓 a few thousand feet up as I write this as we鈥檙e already on the way to Portland. For the moment though my mind is still very much in New York.
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Fiona and I are in Portland finalising everything for the two programmes here.
We're at the and in the next cubicle I can hear Ros' co-host April, Eve and Fiona speculating about what people might want to talk about tomorrow. I'm happily blogging away, uploading - and then the phone rings.
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The World Have your Say travellers spent today in the home of the orginal Globetrotters. Harlem, upper Manhattan. This was one of the most heated debates we've ever had - reflected ni the number of comments below pointing out that the conversation was at times, hard to make out. Our Harlem audience were passionate - that's for sure.
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Good morning from a chilly London. Last night's debate from Columbus has pulled in a whopping 300+ comments on this creaking jalopy that is our blog . . . . . rest assured we will be moderating (probably for the rest of the afternoon).
The boss has just sent me his ideas for tonight's talking points in World Have Your Say which comes from the Big Bagel itself NooYawk . . . . read on and as ever, please let us know what your favoured topics are.
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Apart from the usual last minute technical nightmares?! They鈥檙e just too boring for you, and too upsetting for me to talk about at this time, so instead I鈥檒l tell you about the seriously good corn bread and sassy wings at , the venue for our New York programme.
A whole host of people are ready to talk to the world, ranging from the Major of Harlem to the youth of Harlem...
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Hi It's Karnie live blogging tonight..welcome to World Have Your Say...
Today we're talking about:
Should George W Bush be impeached?
Following yesterday's programme you really wanted to talk about this. Senior politicians on both sides (reprublicans and Democrats) and the mainstream media are largely ignoring it, but there are growing calls for Bush to be impeached, and we've had several emails/texts asking to talk about it. So here we are...keep those messages coming in. Two reasons most commonly talked about: lying over the grounds for invading Iraq, and the NSA wiretapping scandal. Does he deserve to be impeached, or is it just sour grapes by people who can't accept he got elected again?
We are also talking about, Freedom of Thought and Expression...Are children in schools being discouraged to express their own opinion? 3 global stories this week show us examples of where and when children's free speech or thoughts/actions are being stifled. They are in brief..The US Supreme Court is considering the case of the pupil suspended for holding up a pro-drugs banner. Poland debates whether to ban discussion of homosexuality in schools鈥nd children in the UK are banned from wearing the veil. What should young people be able to wear and talk about at school? When are schools justified in restricting pupils' freedom of expression, and when is it needless authoritarianism?
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Should George Bush be impeached over Iraq? Following yesterday's show you really wanted to talk about this and today we are. What do you think about this? Should Bush be impeached? Or is it too late for anything like this to make a difference?
Freedom of thought and expression. Are school children being discouraged to express their own opinions? We've spoken about three stories, one from the , one from and one from in which the free thought and expression of youngsters haas been stifled. Check out the stories and let me know what you think.
Here are the rest of the meeting notes
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Well, they're packing up after before jumping in a van and driving down to meet me here at . The road trip was inspired by .
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We're now off air, you can read all the comments below.
As David wrote earlier, today we're live from Cleveland, Ohio. We are discussing about Zimbabwe and what the US should do about Mugabe. And we are also discussing about the Iraq war. Only 35 per cent of Iraqis want America troops to leave now. Shouldn't they now listen to how Iraqis would like them to finish the job? Post your comment now.
Laura will add your emails and text messages here. You can post your own comments as well.
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Ok, we've had the conference call between London and Cleveland, where Ros, Mark and the rest of the team are busy setting up for today's show from the gleaming new auditorium at East Cleveland Public Library. The weekend of anti-war protests across the US is our starting point for today's show....read on for Ros' blog.
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All this week WHYS is live from the US - starting out in Cleveland, Ohio. It's four years since the start of the Iraq conflict, and there are plenty of Iraq stories in the news. Would you like to hear a conversation between Americans and Iraqis? A debate about whether or not to impeach President Bush for leading the country into an illegal war? More about the crackdown in Zimbabwe? Or something completely different?
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As we waited for the 19 bags of kit to come out at Cleveland鈥檚 airport yesterday, a man cheerfully told me that we鈥檙e lucky that it鈥檚 only minus four degrees outside, we narrowly missed the freezing fog, plummeting temperatures, a tornado, blizzards and even an earthquake of last week. It鈥檚 spring in London but it hasn鈥檛 made it across the Atlantic to Ohio.
What has made it over the Atlantic is the spirit of St Patrick鈥檚 Day. Spirit being the key word here 鈥 whilst trying to locate a place for dinner last night 鈥 we ran in to lots of Clevelanders dressed in green T-shirts and hats, Guinness, whiskey and dodgy green cocktails in their hands.
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We're off air now but tonight we talked about the US marine charged with killing 18 in Haditha and just how warm a welcome will Sir Elton get in Trinidad and Tobago when he plays there in April? Read on to see all the comments, texts, e-Mails and one-liners we had . .
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Richard gave some ideas earlier - so we'll start off talking about Trinidad. Should we try to hear from the church there?
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Well if the wishes of the Archdeacon of Trinidad and Tobago are carried out Elton John at the Plymouth Jazz Festival. The Venerable Philip Isaac, doesn't want Elton to headline the event for fear his presence may tempt islanders into homosexuality. Are you in Trinidad? How's this story playing there? If you went to an Elton gig would you be tempted into homosexuality!?
Anyway, onto some more news that might make today's show.
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Today we're picking up on a debate raging across university campuses in Europe and America. It's about the Middle East and whether universities are censoring discussion of the situation there...
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Next week in America I'm going to be getting a helping hand each step of the way. I'll have a co-host for all five shows and I thought you'd like to meet them....
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It's a single issue show today and it relates to Mark's earlier post and the story about . They've been accused of "selling out" academic freedom of speech by scrapping a talk on links between the Nazis and Islamic anti-semitism after allegedly receiving emails from Muslims protesting about the event. So, are university's shying away from discussing the Middle East? If you can't discuss issues like this at university where can you? Your thoughts.
Here are the one's that got away...
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Last night's programme got a lot of you going - and we discussed it afterwards, as we always do. One of the things we discussed was whether asking on to the programme because of an he'd written about self-censorship was enough of a news "peg" to justify doing it on the programme. Firstly, your reaction made it clear it was an issue you wanted to talk about.....and then this morning i read ...about Leeds University banning a talk by an academic about the links between Islam and anti-semitism....
As , today we were talking about Zimbabwe's neighbour countries and later about satirising religion.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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Here's today rundown. If you'd like our topics emailed to you each day, if you email me I'll put you on the list. More details here.
We've talked about what's happening in Zimbabwe for the past two shows and still more issues are being raised. Today we're picking up on a fierce debate surrounding the policy of the South African government towards their next door neighbour.
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First up we have Nick Cohen on today talking about his article on following the news that tutors at Clare College of Cambridge University have apologised to Muslim leaders following a publication of a 'racist' cartoon in a magazine.
We discussed who else we should be getting on to have a debate - we've asked Syed A Khan from Detroit to come on. We're looking for someone who feels that censorship is necessary when it comes to Islam. And callers to tells us their views.
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One of the topics that we've been talking about all week came from an article by (click to read the full article) in this Sunday's . In it he says, "Freedom of speech includes the freedom of artists and satirists to make fools of themselves as well as their targets, except when they run into religion - and then, more often than not, they turn round and run away."
He also believes鈥
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Hi there,
As Richard wrote earlier, today we're going back to Zimbabwe on today's programme. Then to Pakistan, where there has been an angry reaction from lawyers following the country's top judge appearing before a closed hearing following allegations that he abused his power.
Post your comment now.
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Today we're going back to , and after yesterday's explosive show and the comments we've received since, it's clear that there's still an appetite to talk about this. I can't promise you the fireworks of last night but I can promise you a picture of what's been going on from Zimbabweans and all the up to date news developments from various correspondents.
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Following our very passionate debate yesterday, do we want to hear what people think about the developments in Zimbabwe and the .
A Swiss man who while he was drunk faces a 75 year jail sentence for lese-majeste - the crime of insulting the monarchy. Would you like to hear what Thais think of it all?
European environmentalists have said that Germany should consider imposing a but there's an outcry from motorist in a country that considers unrestricted driving a birthright? Is it? Will it make any difference to the environment?
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Hi there,
As Ros wrote earlier, today we are asking what's happening in Zimbabwe, and if Latin America should be more grateful to America.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
Post your comments now.
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Here's today rundown. If you'd like our topics emailed to you each day, if you email me I'll put you on the list. More details here.
Hugo Chavez and George Bush are both touring around Latin America giving their distinct views of the role the US has to play in the region. White House officials have called this a "year of engagement" to counter what they acknowledge is a negative view of their country. But is that view deserved?
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Pete has blogged the early ideas - see his post from earlier today.
Mark kicks off our discussion by talking about a piece in the . Ros is keen on this, but the logistics of getting voices from anyone who attended the opposition rally in Zimbabwe is going to be next to impossible. If we did it would we just be missing the main voices that we wanted to hear?
And about insulting Islam, is there a tide change in opinion or is it just the last taboo of critical discussion?
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Oh, and self-censorship within the arts. And of course what you want to talk about today. Or later in the week. Or next January if you can think that far ahead. Really, all suggestions are welcome.
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Mr McKinnon is in our studio, four of our producers are manning the phones, Anna's watching the texts messages and we're across the emails. We're all set for our Commonwealth special - your questions answered.
As always you can phone, text, email us to take part in the programme. Or you can add your comments to our blog.
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As i'm sure you're an avid reader of our humble blog, i expect you already know that is our guest on the programme today. Here's Peter's original posting, and we've tidied up the spelling and punctuation since he wrote it.
The story that has been making waves overnight fortuitously involves a Commonwealth country - Australia. Five senior Muslim clerics - by their own Muslim association - from speaking to the media. One of them, Sheikh Taj el-Din al-Hilali , likened unveiled women to uncooked meat.
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The WHYS team is back on the road in the US.
During the week 19 - 23 March we're broadcasting from Cleveland, OH, Colombus, OH, New York, NY and Portland, OR. We've asked those in the World Have Your Say team who are in charge of the trip to find out a bit about the locations they are going to, the subjets that people have been discussing and our plans so far.
So here they are. Starting with mine, a double dose of Portland, Anna with her take of globetrotting to Harlem, Pete tells us about WOSU in Colombus and David, fresh from a blogging masterclass, says "Hello Cleveland".
date: Monday 19 March
time: 1-3 pm
Yes folks, we're back in the city immortalised by the spoof rock film . The joke there was that the hapless musicians weren't even in Cleveland. But unlike them, we WILL be. Oh yes. For this is World Have Your Say where all plans go smoothly (with the odd hilarious exception, like Ros breaking down on the road to ; but enough of that, we don't like to talk about it, memories are still a bit raw....)
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We're now off air but read below for all of today's comments.
On tonight's show we are talking about women. It's International Women's Day today and we want to know what, if anything, this day can do for women across the world.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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Hi it's Jane here on behalf of Mark (who's off getting his photo taken) using Richard's log in. Still with me??
Anyway, lots of discussion in this morning's meeting on International Women's Day. Is it patronising and out of date? Or still massively important with so
many of the world's poorest women struggling in horrific circumstances with basic freedoms, rape, forced abortions, arranged marriages, genital mutilation?
We'd like to hear from you. Is there a...
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On Wednesday 21st March, we鈥檙e broadcasting from in Harlem.
What springs to mind when you think of Harlem? According to 颈迟鈥檚鈥
鈥 neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhattan, long known as a major black cultural and business center. After being associated for much of the twentieth century with black culture, but also crime and poverty, it is now experiencing a social and economic renaissance.
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Portland gets a raw deal. We're descending on them to do two programmes, four hours of broadcasting, over two days of Oregonians talking to the world. So listen up, speak up, and have your say.
Thursday 22 March is from the . It seat 590, but we鈥檝e only got 4 microphones so we鈥檙e planning on squeezing 200 of you into the ground floor stalls. You can see the picture on the website. Both of the events are, of course, free and you can reserve your ticket by emailing our partner station OPB here.
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Well, do we? . I know it's important and in many countries around the world it's being celebrated but is it a bit redundant now ?, and dare i say it , a bit patronising?
No? ok then, what about an International Women's Month or Year?
The details of the celebrations, protests and initiatives and millions are clearly taking part.
A few other thoughts...
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A court in Turkey has , the popular video-sharing Web site, over a video deemed insulting to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey.
The media has dubbed it a "" of videos between Greeks and Turks.
An interesting article on has lead up to consider finding a Washington State senator who's pro-impeachment and a pro-Bush anti-impeachment voice to debate it, with particular reference to the new troops line.
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We are now off air but you can read all of tonight's comments below.
As , today we were talking about if it should be allowed for a sister and a brother to have a relationship. We were also talking about Indonesia. Post your comment now.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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Monday March 12 is Commonwealth Day, when the 53 member states mark their membership of the loose association of former British colonies, dependencies and other territories. And Mozambique, which has no historical link to the British Empire.
Ahead of the anniversary, the organisation's secretary-general, Don McKinnon, will come on to World Have Your Say to answer .
What would you like to ask him?
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After quite a lot of two-ing and fro-ing today (I'm going to ignore the advice of my spell check and keep that sentence in) we have settled on today's topics:
Patrick Stuebing and Susan Karolewski are German and are brother and sister - though they didn't know each other when they were growing up. When Patrick was 23 and Susan 16 they met and began a sexual relationship. They now have four children.
"Many people see it as a crime, but we've done nothing wrong," says Patrick. Do you agree?
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...about what we should talk about on today's programme. And the appalling pun is because of a suggestion from a listener that we talk about the Eurovision song contest. It doesn't take place until May, but it's already got people talking thanks to Israel's entry. It's called "Push the button" and may be banned from the competition on the grounds that it makes an 鈥渋nappropriate鈥 political message.
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Hi there,
As Richard wrote earlier, today we asked if 50 years of independence have been good for Ghana. Just before we went on air news broke that . We asked for your reaction. Wel also heard from people in Sumatra who have been affected by an earthquake.
We heard a great range of voices from Africa on the programme, big thanks as ever to our top man in Nairobi, Michael Kaloki, for all his efforts.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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Kicked around a lot of ideas around Ghana's of independence.
Our excellent colleague Michael in Nairobi joined the meeting and has already canvassed opinion from many different African countries on whether Ghana - and indeed other independent countries- have made the most of their "freedom".
One guest already fixed by "casual" Karnie Sharp is , a senior lecturere at the University of Ghana who argues her country has "squandered opportunities". Is she right?
Away from the celebrations....
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Good morning everyone, what should we talk about today? Ghanaians have been 50 years of .
Has the country (and the rest of Africa which threw off colonial rule in the decades that followed) ?
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World Have Your Say will be teaming up with in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday March 20. It's part of our week in the United States and we'll be broadcasting from in what .
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We're now off air, but read below to find out what happened on tonight's show.
This is Martin Vennard writing, not Peter Van Dyk.
As Richard wrote earlier, today we're talking Danish riots, ethanol as a fuel and the should we be worried about the falls on the world's stock markets ...
Post your comment now.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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The global stock market has moved into week two of it's . We want to find out if we should be worried about this?
We'll also be looking at the and hopefully getting protestors and residents speaking to each other about the violence?
And, is the answer to the world's energy problems?
Here's the rest of the meeting notes. Enjoy!..
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No sign of Dicky this morning, so sorry this posting's a bit late. I think he's at home waiting for the engineer to call. Excuse me if this entry is bad-tempered. You'd be bad-tempered after ...
Still, it's only a game isn't it..?
Few things knocking around today.....i noticed that columnists can't seem to agree about whether the stock market wobbles means a crash is on it's way or not. Andreas Whittam Smith in the Independent says , while the Guardian's Economics Editor Larry Elliott says .
Who's right ? and does it matter?
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As Richard said earlier, tonight we're talking about two topics: Childhood Obesity and Hunger Strikes.
Click here to listen live
Text us on : +44 77 86 20 60 80
call now on +44 20 70 83 72 72
or post a message on our blog
I'll be posting your texts and emails here...
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Ok, the votes are in for today's stories. Tonight's show kicks off at 1800GMT, and we're going to be talking about:
1) Obese kids: Who's to blame? What can be done?
3) And if we can persuade them to join us, the Nigerian Finance or Transport Ministers answering your questions
What do you think? Read the blog for more details on these stories, post your comments, send us an email, or call +44 20 7557 0635 if you want to join the discussion on air tonight.
It's James here: Roll up, roll up, it's time for the morning meeting. Click here to find out how the meeting works and how to contribute, or read on to see what we're talking about today. If you'd like to participate, give us a call on +44 20 7557 0635.
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I ask this because even in France, a country best known it's fine cuisine and love of the family meal, they've acknowledged obesity in children is becoming . All adverts for products considered unhealthy will, from today be accompanied by health warnings. are claiming chain restaurants are promoting dangerous "X-treme Eating". And if there weren't enough reasons to do this story today we've had this from Robert in Utah;
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We are now off air but read below for all the comments from tonight's show...
On today's show we will talking about the decision by the New York council to ban the 'N word'. We will also be asking should you be able to give your child whatever name you'd like.
You can read emails and text messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.
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A row has broken out in Germany over a . The German interior ministry is appealing against a decision by the Berlin authorities to allow an Islamist to name his son Jihad, the Arabic word used for holy war. Were the Berlin authorities right to allow this man to name his child Jihad? Should people be allowed to call their child what they want? What's in a name anyway? What's the situation like in your country?
Next we're off to New York where the city council has symbolically banned the use of the . I say symbolically because if people are caught using the word they won't get punished. Nevertheless having done this subject before on the show we know it's a hot topic. Are you in New York? What are people saying about this story? Is it a good move by the council? Or, just a useless gesture that won't change a thing?
Here's what didn't quite make it...
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Henry sent this to me earlier. If you'd like to give us your view on life in your country, email me and I'll post it on the blog.
Life in Nigeria is a bit rough but well there is no other place I can call home but here so I have to make it what I want it to be. As for the big stories making rounds in Nigeria for now, its all about politics since we are in an election year. The ruling party in Nigeria called the Peoples' Democratic Party is campaigning seriously as well as other political parties.
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Hi folks, Sorry for the lack of a live blog last night, no excuses, our bad. Once i've gone through today's stories i'll put all the comments from last nights show underneath.
First up we head to New York where the city council has symbolically banned the use of the . I say symbolically because if people are caught using the word they won't get punished. Nevertheless having done this subject before on the show we know it's a hot topic. Are you in New York? What are people saying about this story? Is it a good move by the council? Or, just a useless gesture that won't change a thing?
Next to Germany...
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