Who's responsible?
It's that time again, Ruth to blog the programme tonight.
Is it the government, businesses or the individual that bears the most responsibility for climate change?
George Bush wants US citizens to cut their gasoline consumption by - Would you be prepared to cut your petrol use for the environment?
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Should Christians be legally compelled to act against their beliefs? Read the about UK discrimination laws that will require Catholic adoption agencies to place children with gay couples.
State of the Union Address
Bush's State of the Union is a total waste of time [like Alo Presidente of Chavez and Castro's Speeches]. It was all talk, no action except to harm the World.
Adelou - i beleive that goege Bush has had more that one chance, but he is so full of his own infallibility that he will make the same mistakes again if he is given the chance.Americans who ought to have seen this at the end of his first tenure an should have voted him out of office did not do so then, now they are complaining.
Lee Roy Sanders - I only see a radio dictated to stooge and a mouth piece of the Pentagon. Politics is just a brainwash of words to secure the people from revolting. The media and all free speech is controlled. The government can commit any crime it wishes and uses naive individual's best wishes to do it.
Tedla, Governments should lead research for renewable resources and private companies ultimately should design products which use less of hydrocarbons.
Simeon Nwagwu from Nigeria, President Bush went to war in Iraq just to unseat Sadam Husein & possibly eliminate him. He's succeeded in winning d war but has failed & will still fail in Iraq even with a million troups cause d Iraqis are no human beings.
Jos, Nigeria, President Bush is begining to gain back his senses, by trying to make the US a 'green-house'. Though 10 years is a long-way! Mabewa.
Neville malta. I think its too late for mr bush to stand up and be counted.Total failure in both foreign and envoirmental policies.
Shehu, Nigeria. America must help the world by apprioprately taxing hydrocarbon transportation so that alternate fuel vehicles become economical.
Engr Bright, Nigeria, 91Èȱ¬,.I support Bush in cutting oil by 20% even 50% cos' oil is been use weapon of warfare against US.
Afuwai, Nigeria. Americans are increasingly becoming stupid lately. Surrounded by callous fanatics on all fronts,history will judge Pres BUSH'S policies right.
Buba, Belgium The billions wasted on war could been used to tackle climate change and other problems.
Gay Adoption
Catherine The gov should not force a person to go against his religious belief's. Gov agencies may. Leave the church run agencies out of it.
Dan Msowoya-Malawi Gays clearly are anti procreation. It is questionable therefore that they would value the child's worth. What parental guidance will they give the child, besides they would be too you to make an informed decision. It would stigmatise that child when he/she grows.
Thomas Uk, I'm fed up with this hypocracy.Please let the church have its peace
Obed from Ghana In Ghana no gay would dare offer to adopt a child.What is a home without a mother&a father.This is not a matter of only Catholics.
Slav, Latvia Maybe the solution is to ask the children (if they are in age when they can decide). I think teenager has right to choose.
Shuwary Barlatt,Freetown. It is interesting to know that people who impose conditions on themselves for not bearing a child to want having a child.
Mehnmon Tokpa, Gbarnga, Liberia. I hope and pray that Bush's strategy on energy works so that the costs of oil can reduce to affordable poor like Liberia.
Steve, Nigeria, Dear bbc, if parenthood is anything good ?, gay&lesbian would not think of coming together.it is unbiblical&should not be mentioned .
Zanna Mohammed, Lagos Nigeria. We always talk of gay rights; what about non gay rights.
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