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Tuesday LIVE

Peter van Dyk | 17:59 UK time, Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Today we asked if you would eat the meat of a cloned animal, if you think dangerous dogs should be banned - or is the problem the owners - and what are the best and worst cities in the world?

Click here to listen, and stay here to read emails and messages here, and of course post your own comments as well.

Answering the question would you eat cloned meat, a listener in Poland says:
Yes. And I would also make love to a cloned woman!

Tiffany in Cleveland, OH USA
If the FDA approves cloned meat will we, the public, be well-informed as to which products use cloned meat and which ones do not? If I do not want to eat the cloned meat, will I be not be given a choice?

Akaniboy, Freetown
If all food is properly labelled I will choose what I eat. Do u remember smoking + nicotine, milk formula against breast milk, let people the choice.

Maina in Nigeria
Cloned beef is franken-food

Terlumun from Benue state, Nigeria
I'll eat meat from cloned animals as far as it doesn't kill. I'll consider it a privilege if I get it to eat.

As an American, I think part of our skepticism is the learned lesson that we cannot trust our Government to be open and honest with the public. If there is no reason for cloned meat (or milk from such animals) to be a health concern, then be transparent and label it as such. We know that large corporations manipulate our government on a daily basis (look at the health care industry for the most glaring ethical problems). I don't understand why the man who is representing cloning animals will not support transparency in labeling. Then his industry will see the reaction of consumers and, if necessary, engage in an educational campaign. We have many too many examples of "science" believing there is no risk to a process (think pollution, radiation, damaging drugs) only to learn later of aspects that were not tested nor considered relevant. People are asking to be informed and to take a longer view. There is no need to rush nor to prevent us from knowing the source of the food product.

Neil in Troy (Detroit), MI, USA
What is the failure rate of cloning as opposed to artificial insemination? And what is the mortality rate for each method? That is where it is a moral issue for me. I choose not to eat meat like Veal because I know it has not been treated humanely. I feel that same for cloned animals.

Dan from the USA
Carol mentions embreo transplant produced cattle don't have an affect on the consumer's benefit. Actually I beg to differ, if a dairy producer uses embreo cattle that produce twice as much milk as another producer, than this producer can bring his or her product to market much more effectively and cost effeciently. Obviously the cost savings will be passed along to the consumer. Carol needs to consider this.

Des, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Apart from food safety and moral questions, is it even advisable to develop genetically homogenous livestock herds which may be succeptible to devastating new diseases in the future?

Ryan. I am 21, and live in the US
As far as food from cloned animals go, meat is meat, is meat. There is no logical reason why it is any diffrent. They are the same cow right? I dont think there is any thing wrong with it other then the moral consept on breeding animals for food.

Layi, Lagos
They are spot on. Laq of urb planin,rural-urb migran n poor health culture of dwelers coupld wit poverty has led 2 dis situan. Govt wil nid us 2b mor invol@vd in d environment as they r clearly overwhelmd.

Prof Kakonge in Uganda
Cloned animals have much shorter life expectancy, can this be passed on to human beings? There may be long term risks which may appear later.

Eric in the Netherrlands
it's just not right that someone else decides what is and what isnt useful information for me.

Darran in Singapore
If the fattest animals are being cloned in the hope of higher yields of meat from the cow and as a result meat is cheaper. Then in the long run, the meat born of natural means will be forced off the shelf due to its inability to compete price wise. Because of this, important consumer choice is narrowed .

Timothy from Kenya
The food from natural environment contain traits that enable us cope with changes of the same environment.

Frank in Italy
Rather than quantity we have to look for quality.

Peter in Dublin
On labelling: as with 'free range eggs' it should reflect how animals are treated irrespective of being cloned or not.

Tony from Nigeria
If cloning will address food shortages for mankind, i think the whole world should embrace it.

Ken in Cleveland
I'm deeply disturbed about the cloning of animals for food. What's to stop scientists from creating centipede like chickens or cows with no heads and monstrous hindquarters? I've been thinking about it for a while but this is it... I'm becoming a vegetarian.

Dangerous dogs

Lithuania has a case of pit-bulls mauling children and/or adults every year or so.

Text message from Germany
A population isnt punished when a person commits murder, so why punish a breed of dog? Its all about upbringing.

Jeremiah in Uganda
There is both some good and some bad in every creature: including in dogs.

Sam, Accra, Ghana
A distinction should be drawn between dogs that can only be used as guard dogs and those that can be kept as pets. The two groups can be kept under different regimes backed by law.

Eva in Prague
We have exactly the same discussions in the Czech Republic every time any dog seriously harms someone.

Daniel, Douala, Cameroon
Open your eyes for heaven's sake. Pet lovers hate people.

We have the same problem here in Switzerland where 3 pitbulls killed a 6 year old recently.

Kirabo from Uganda
Dogs don't hurt people unless provoked, but young children shouldn't be left unsupervised with dogs.

Jason an American in Liberia
Pitbulls are also some of most intellient, the l'il rascals dog was a pit. Don't forget there is nurture as well as nature in all animal behavior I've seen it on 4 continents.

Emmanuel in Zambia
In Zambia, dangerous or not, dogs are tied or locked up in a dog house during the day and freed during the night.

Christian in Calgary, Canada
The dangerous dog problem is certainly not isolated to the UK. Here in Canada the issue is unfortunately revisited far too often. Not to undercut the declared "great place to live" Vancouver, but I remember a recent case of Pitbull attack on a small girl. I second a previous comment made, we have to get back to basics and take the appropriate precautions.

Best - and worst - cities to live in

Henry in Lagos
Lagos is obviously the biggest urban nightmare in the whole world. Unplanned, lack of basic amenities, bad road, high crime rate. where can be worse.

Shola from Lagos
I totally agree that my home city Lagos is one the most inhabitable.It's air quality is so bad that in some places that one is forced to cover his nose.

Nonso in Nigeria
Lagos is it! It is dirty, over-crowded, lacks rudimentary amenities and all. In fact, humans ought not to live in Lagos.

Samuel, Bong county, Liberia
If you see the dirt on the streets of Monrovia, human feces and water flowing from burst septic tanks all over the streets, you would instantly tell that it is the worst place on earth.

F M, Lagos
Insecurity, bad roads, poor power supply, gross indscpline, corrupt police officers and (above all) horible traffic jams. That's Lagosfor you but I love it anyway.

Muhammed in Lusaka
As a person who grew up in London and then moved to Lusaka, I think Lusaka is one of the worst cities in the world.

Text message from Poland
Washington DC is infested with rats The people, including Arlington Cemetery staff are unfriendly and unhelpful to tourists - I'll never ever go back there. I can't stand ignorant people!

Jeff from Nigeria
Lagos was allowed to grow without proper urban planning. An aerial view shows a large city with no infrastructure. Slum grows with large populace.

Text from USA
It is high time you Western media stop carrying bad stories about Nigeria. This is disrespect.

Mark in Geneva
From New York originally but I lived in Zurich for more than a decade. Even though it has perhaps the highest standard of living it is one of the most arrogant, rude, racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic places in the world, but it has great public transport.

Text message from Kenya
The best place to live is in the remote parts of nothern Kenya.


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