Canada, Sex & Intelligence, Borat
Today, we want to hear your reaction, especially if you're in Canada, to the We'll also be talking about a that men, no matter what race, age or occupation, are smarter than women. And the comedian who's got Kazakhs and his fellow Jews hopping mad.
, the sixth most famous man in Kazakhstan, is causing a stir with his latest film: The comic creation of Sacha Baren Cohen AKA Ali G, has managed to infuriate the Kazakh government so much that it will be discussed at a summit between George Bush and President Nazarbayev.
We want to hear your reaction to the attack on the college in Montreal. Do you live in the area? Can safety in schools be improved?
Are men more intelligent than women? Has this new research got it right? What are your thoughts? And has Borat AKA Ali G really upset Kazakhs with his latest film? Is he being offensive or just plain funny?
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