
World Cup Have Your Say -

Friday 16th, back of van......

  • Piers Wisbey
  • 16 Jun 06, 06:35 PM

.......... hurtling towards Frankfurt, fridge door swinging open every 10 seconds as Kezzer swings us through another chicane…. Hope Health and Safety at work don’t read this…

We’re clocking up the miles and the countries. Have hung out with fans from USA, South Korea, Czech Republic, Serbia and Montenegro, Poland, Germany, Iran, England, Argentina and Togo.

The story so far:

Drunkest fans: Easily won by the Czechs. Our hats off to you boys, you know how to drink. The campsite in Gelsenkirchen was mayhem. The owners of the bar said ‘we were drunk dry’. 400 Czech fans between them BOUGHT 800 litres of beer in 14 hours. Yet they were mainly drinking shots of slivervitz AND had their own beer barrels in their vans!!
Most polite: USA. A credit to their mothers.
Tallest: Germans
Most in need of tickets: England
Most fans who have got into games without tickets: England (but mainly from Liverpool)
Most fans who think that because we are 91热爆 we will have handfuls of spare tickets (we haven’t): England
Most high pitched chanting: South Korea
Most organised singing: South Korea
Most closely related to the president of Montenegro: Serbia and Montenegro. Spent an hour with the brother in law of the president, redrawing the map of the Balkans in Kezzer’s notebook.
Best mutual appreciation: Poles n Czechs.
Best expression of drunkenness: German fan: “Excuse me for being full up”
Special award to the Germans for making it all happen.

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  • 1.
  • At 07:00 PM on 16 Jun 2006,
  • wrote:

I was unable to see most of the game because of problems with work. I saw the last minutes with the Netherlands defeating the Ivory Coast 2 to 1.

Congradulations to the Netherlands for their victory.

My fear is that the Ivory Coast staked their hopes for peace on winning the World Cup. I just hope that at least having participated, they could use that as a steeping stone for peace.

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  • 2.
  • At 10:49 PM on 16 Jun 2006,
  • wrote:

This is a wild card. I did not expect Mexico and Angola to equalize. Group D Depends on Portugal VS Iran.

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  • 3.
  • At 04:10 PM on 17 Jun 2006,
  • wrote:

No Chance Now Of Dutch Fans Winning The "Best Dressed" Section?

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