Caught in the web...
Sinn Fein's Caral Ni Chuilin and the SDLP's Carmel Hanna clashed on Stormont Live yesterday about appropriate language in the assembly. While Ms Ni Chuilin had successfully complained about Nelson McCausland referring to Gerry Adams having a past in the IRA, Mrs Hanna scoffed at other complaints. The Sinn Fein MLA pointed out that it was wrong tthat other members refer to Provisional Sinn Fein. This apparently was because it was used by unionists to cause offence. But there's a raging debate on Slugger O'Toole about another website that is different from Sinn
The following website uses Provisional Sinn Fein - so which is it? And why is Provisional so upsetting?
PS It appears that this is indeed an old website from the previous assembly.