Come again?
"There's a billion pounds that we're not utilising appropriately."
"There's a billion pounds that we're not utilising appropriately."
Who's just said that? Paul Davies, chairman of the All Wales Directors of NHS Finance.
To whom? The Assembly's Finance Committee.
How come?
"We don't get it right now. Far too many patients end up in the wrong place, either being hospitalised when they shouldn't be, or they stay in hospital too long, or they stay in primary care, and they should be in hospital, all those mistakes...(are) extremely costly, very expensive.
"It's staff, it's capacity, it's beds, and it's basically trying to say - are we making the best use of the five billion pound (budget) and we're saying - we're not. There's a billion pounds that we're not utilising appropriately."
If they did manage to use it properly? "If we did, then we would see that improvement come through."
Made me sit up. Let's see what the Finance Committee makes of it.
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