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Andy Gallacher

%3Ca%20href="/blogs/thereporters/andy_gallacher/2006/11/scandal_hits_home.html">Scandal hits home

  • %3Ca%20href="/blogs/thereporters/andy_gallacher/">Andy Gallacher
  • 8 Nov 06, 08:36 AM

The shadow of the %3Ca%20href="https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/5400536.stm">Mark Foley affair may have been what threw the mid-terms to the Democrats here in Florida's 16th district but it was a close race none the less. The Republicans had only five weeks to prep their replacement %3Ca%20href="%3Ca%20href="https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Representatives/details.aspx?MemberId=4212">Joe Negron and he fought a fierce battle.

His name wasn't even on the ballot papers; Mark Foley's name remained in place because of election rules, and there were fears that that could confuse voters.

But in the end Democrat Tim Mahoney took a seat that had been a safe Republican bet for years. Former Congressman Foley resigned at the end of September over inappropriate e-mails he sent to Congressional pages and the Democratic party saw this as a real opportunity. Campaigning on the war in Iraq and the Foley scandal they turned voters minds to national issues and while many of the people I talked to voted on local issues, the war and Mark Foley were very much in their minds.

Andy Gallacher is the 91Èȱ¬'s Miami correspondent.

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  • At %3Ca%20href="/blogs/thereporters/andy_gallacher/2006/11/scandal_hits_home.html">10:14 AM on 08 Nov 2006,
  • David wrote:

On first viewing the picture asking people to "punch Foley" probably reflects a lot of opinion in Florida - on the Democrate side!

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