Springwatch team Flickr favourites
Spring has truly sprung and anticipation grows here in Springwatch Towers as filming starts and your pictures flood in to the .
The team have kindly taken a few moments today to choose their favourites. Martin even popped his head around the door to join us.
This snowdrop and its visitor by Andy Richardson caught my eye because what scene better heralds the start of spring?
The Specials team loved Bob Smith's chaffinch because the interesting angle looks like he's dancing.
The Webbies think this picture of a busy home builder by Maggie epitomises early spring and is a unique capture.
Simon's Squad spotted this basking adder pictured by Kerry, which they said they liked as it's often an unexpected herald of spring.
Producer Holly chose this long tailed tit by Edward Nurcombe. It's her favourite bird, not least because they regularly visit her garden a lot at the moment.
Springwatch's Management Menagerie adored this cheeky blue tit by Theresa Gunn.
Level-Headed Joe thought this crow by Steve Maskell showed a lovely bit of spring behaviour in brilliant composition.
And finally Martin Hughes-Games picked this fox by Lorna Griffiths, saying that if he had to come back as an animal in a later life he'd choose a fox!
Which of these catches your eye and why? Tell us below.
As always we'd love to know how spring is unfolding where you are, so add your spring pictures to the and tell us what's going on in your neck of the woods.