One for the musos out there...
As some of you will have noticed, Mr Chris Packham has an impish sense of humour. On the day of the Cup Final he revealed a T-shirt that he had invented so he could keep himself, the crew, and the audience up to date with the score. On Thursday he unveiled a T-shirt with a space hopper's face on it. But some of the more culturally astute of you have picked up on another little trick of his...
Yes, it turns out that Mr Packham has, for his own entertainment, been doing a bit of name dropping. Specifically, he has been dropping the names of song sung by a single band into each programme. And not just once or twice, but a different song title for every day the show has been on.
So my questions to you are: one, what are the song titles that he has so casually slipped into each programme (one for each day of transmission)? And two, what is the name of the band that sang them?
Post your answers below!