What are the football presenters & pundits really like? (3)
- 1 Apr 07, 07:15 AM
Since I started working for Football Focus and Match of the Day, the question I’ve probably been asked most is: "What are the presenters and pundits really like?" I thought you might enjoy hearing about a few of my more peculiar experiences and observations with our talent team, as well as sharing two revealing bits of footage of them that I stumbled across on YouTube.
Let’s start with Gary Lineker. I’m never sure whether the person who’s asking wants me to confirm Gary’s the same lovely bloke that appears in public, or instead fancies an outrageous tale of heavy drinking, chicken jalfrezi and stealing a traffic cone. Because of responsibilities to my employer, I normally plump for telling them the latter. For legal reasons I must stress this incident hasn’t happened … Gary doesn’t eat jalfrezi.
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