Suspending service
After two weeks of trying the patience of you, me and a whole lot of other people, and having tried for 45 minutes to post this message welcoming a drink on the Beach:
"Much appreciated. And I come with this from our techy colleagues:
"We are working as fast as we can towards a resolution but it's likelythat a small percentage of those who try to comment at the moment will continue to get error messages of various types. We realise this is frustrating and it shouldn't happen to even one person. We hope to have a resolution soon and will let you know when things are back as they should be."
I know that spam has been a huge problem. They are working on a fix for that. I share your frustration about all this. It sucks all the fun out of the Blog. I know THIS will be 502'd several times. One day...soon I will be over.
And I was...once...twice...three times"
I think it's best to put the blog out of its misery till it works. Everyone who uses it has been very patient. Everyone who works behind the scenes on it has worked very hard. But for now, it doesn't work. I will post again when it does. The froggers' refuge may be everyone's best bet for now. Thank you. Check back often but don't try to comment. Why risk the blood pressure?
To cheer us up, and to mark the season when things will probably be working again...try this.
Eddie: Have a lovely weekend. And thanks for taking the trouble to do this. Once, Twice. And so (to) forth.
Meanwhile, we'll be waiting for the solution to arrive. Will you keep us updated here on in the newsletter? Just so we know .....
I blame the Python crowd for all the spam. "Just wait till I see that Michael Palin chappie" [spoken in a Terry Thomas voice]
...thanks for the message Eddie.
Can we take it that you're hopeful for a resolution at Christmas this year..?
Eddie, I wonder if PM might consider doing a "piece" on "Spam" (involving, if possible, ISP's themselves) which I think is becoming/is a MAJOR problem for many internet users
I understand ISP's have the ability to block "Spam". If so, why don't they..?
Frankly, I don't understand why they don't (I'm told AOL for instance block any servers that are used for "Spamming") and apart from the nuisance factor, quite a bit of the "Spam" I have seen is offensive
I wonder why "innocent" internet users should be subjected to this sort of thing...
"There'll be bluebirds over
The White Cliffs of Dover
Tomorrow, just you wait and see
Altogether now, froggers:
"There'll be love and laughter
And peace ever after
Tomorrow, when the Blog is free...."
Well, I'll have a shot at frogging:
It's been fun. I'm just going to stop frogging. I may be some time...
frugs all round!
Thanks Eddie -that's great - a suspending service! DIWyman could do with some new suspenders for his Speedos. It looks like the elastic's gone in them. ;o(
Same charge as last time? I'll leave it under the bar at Jonnie's place - but be quick, before they spot it and drink it all!
502% of it...
Testing, testing, 1, 2, 1, 2...
So I've just trie a test - which said it was accepted!
Now that looks positive - however some of us - as Eddie suggested - have moved here till Monday -
and on Monday we can see what's happening here!
testing 0926
Well, I'm taking your advice and not even trying to post,
yours till the general election
Eddie, we'll be here, just let us know when things are up & running smoothly again. Maybe you should ask the techies why it is that some of the other blogs sem to be working fine, and can we be moved onto their structure....
Gossipmistress - I meant to post this on the PM Blog for you a week or so ago. I forgot. Apologies
Remembering the picture of the MRSA stricken cat from the "Froggers-WOYW" I thought this article on a similar issue might be of interest - the link provides further detail:
Hand washing best for C.difficile MONTREAL,
Sept. 23 (UPI) --
Canadian researchers who tested five hand-washing protocols that emulated hospital conditions reported finding soap and warm water worked best.
Dr. Michael Libman of the McGill University Health Centre in Montreal studied the most effective ways to eliminate C.difficile bacteria from the hands of healthcare workers on 10 volunteers.
"The results were striking: the protocols that involved washing with water eliminated more than 98 percent of the bacteria, while washing with an alcohol-based solution eliminated almost none" Dr. Matthew Oughton, a member of Libman's team of researchers, said in a statement. "The protocol involving a disinfectant towel eliminated around 95 percent of bacteria." Clostridium difficile belongs to a bacteria family which has the ability to produce spores, which are highly resistant and produce new bacteria when favorable conditions return, Oughton said. "We think that alcohol eliminates the 'living' bacteria but not the spores, whereas the mechanical action of washing combined with the chemical action of soap eliminates both," Oughton told the 47th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy in Chicago. Alcohol "hand rubs" remain very effective and convenient for routine hand hygiene and eliminating non-spore producing bacteria. However, whenever contamination with C.difficile is suspected, using soap and water is recommended, the researchers said.
Copyright 2007 by United Press International. All Rights Reserved.
Eddie, thank you for reporting the latest meaningless fob-off from the teckies.
And thank you HUGELY for knocking things on the head.
Fifi x
O the 502 irony!
I do hope the old blog's not in hospital for too long, it might catch a superbug. Where would we all be then?
And talking of Superbugs, thank you Charlie! Very interesting!
16. Goodness, Gossip, you'd think there'd be webs dedicated to vet-interesting human medicine topics.
Could you persuade your profession to set one up?
You'd be in a good position to advise the vets' supervisory body whether to use the 91Èȱ¬ PM blog masters.
16. Goodness, Gossip, you'd think there'd be webs dedicated to vet-interesting human medicine topics.
Could you persuade your profession to set one up?
You'd be in a good position to advise the vets' supervisory body whether to use the 91Èȱ¬ PM blog masters.
Treading carefully among the debris-
here's hoping!
Fifi - I hope that wasn't a death wish! - the last thing we intend is for the blog to be knocked on the head!
I hope you - as we all do - to be a kick up the arse!
Definite 502 :-)
just spent ages looking at your lovely photos.
they 'transported' me!
(hope you get this....)
Molly (21) Awww shucks! Thanks!! I'm glad you liked them :)
test 1142
...are things hotting-up Eddie..? 12:16
Oooh, my very own strapline. Thanks, Eddie!
Boo! - again.
1255 hello, hello.
Hi, Eddie
So how are we all going to communicate one with another during the collapse of international monopoly capitalism which Jack Straw is predicting for a few weeks time?
Yours 'till the revolution,
(whose biography
'Natasha Kaplinski, my part in her downfall'
will be out shortly).
Hm. Strapline comment hasn't appeared (posted c. 12.05 from memory).
Perhaps the Blog is still a little unwell?
posted 12.56
reposted 13.02 after being sent to The Place I Will Not Name.
Where did everyone go? Oh dear.
13.20 for the record.
Testing testing; One... Two... One... Two...
I'm afraid your first 1,141 tests didn't get through. Full marks for persistence though.
(That's the cry of the Parachute Regiment's Flower Arranging team...)
test 1515
test 1529
oh, let me have a go
test 1516
can we all test?
Testing Testing 15:47
502'd Re-tested at 15:57
test 1610
V strange as that was 502'd
V strange as that was 502'd
this is a good game!
Will you be back up and running by the time they take the Black Water gun men out in Baghdad and string 'em up - hang 'em high for better mobile phone cam pictures?
'Cos I'm sure we'll all want to comment on that.
They can still shoot first, but must ask questions later.
Test 16:07
1612: got a 502
1623: another
1633 yet another
1623 surprised? another!
1647 tried preview ...waiting....
1658 502!
1742 you guessed it!
Witchi(39)I've noticed that sometimes the first attempt goes through, even if it's visited the room who's name I shall not mention, while other times it's the third or fourth attempt that'll go through. No ryme or reason that I can make out for this, though....
Try just submitting posting then scrolling back to re-read an *intereesting* commment.Chances are, comment gone, no blood pressure inflated appearance of your posting. Or maybe it will....
Great fun!
I wager 08:40 will be 502'd!
test 10:23
test 1020
test 1021
Ermmmmm I seem to have fallen into a time vortex! Can someone throw me a lifeline?
FF - here it comes (unless I'm sucked in too....)
Eddie - Your'e counting is atrocious! How did you ever get a job at the 91Èȱ¬? :o)
Ooops! Welcom to the time vortex, Witchi! Maybe that's the problem with the blog? it seems to have slipped back in time by something like 10 minutes....
McCraken @ 53
It's possible you (and indeed many of us, until recently) may have missed the point
Being unable to count; votes, phone calls, the scene sequencing of videos etc could, possibly, be used as a defence by programme Production Companies (and those they employ) against charges of falsifying programme data...
Witness, recently, Blue Peter and Buckingham Palace
So, for what it's worth (which in my case is the √of sweet b-all) MAYBE, you can ONLY get a job at the Beeb, if you can't count...
That factor also probably explains why 91Èȱ¬ staff are so miserably underpaid
Still, being inumerate, at least they won't realise it...
test 11:20 from a waterlogged Abingdon!
Test 11:36 and my clock is correct!
test 1140
Hey! Looks like we're Blogging again! Great!
Didn't I tell everybody that the "Techies" would sort things out..?
I never doubted them. Not me. Not for an instant. Wonderful people. Always said so (please God, don't strike...)
Charlie (55) - I think I see a trend here.
It always intrigued me that we had Radio 1 to Radio 7 and 91Èȱ¬1 to 91Èȱ¬4 - perfectly OK and spot-on counting. Then by some strange quirk we jumped to 91Èȱ¬24 where they have the news! What happened to 91Èȱ¬5 to 91Èȱ¬23? Were they exported? Could someone have simply miscounted?
And they put The One Show on at Seven - that's just stupid!
Piper (59) don't count those chickens just yet... We've been lulled into a false sense of security before.......
Just peeking to see how the patient is doing
Okay, so I'll put myself out of my misery. Are we still suspended, or not?
Big Sis (63), I think that Eddie's just keeping us in suspense over it! (Sorry, I'll get my coat.....)
testing @ 13:10 from Northampton
hmmmm testing 13:12.....
Now slow down folks - I know we're all excited, but we're at risk of blogging the system again!
Fearless @ 62
...talking of chickens, Christmas is not far away so, if you know the owner of the three who appeared on the Blog a few days ago, I'd like to make an offer...
I did try and put in a bid, but the Blog wasn't functioning and... well, I missed the opportunity
Big Sister (24):
Good question. Are we meant to suspend our postings too?
Should we be helping with the testing, or is this getting in the way
13:30, 502 count: 0
Hello all.
As you may know I have been testing the Blog comment thing and it seems, for now, to be working. I was wondering if you would be kind enough to test it too? I have been posting on the "suspending service" thread. It helps if you post the time of your comment.
If it all seems to be working and no-one gets 502'd, we'll maybe re-start. What I don't want to do is re-start then annoy everyone and have to grind to a halt again.
Only if you can be faffed. Wouldn't blame you if you couldn't! Let's see how it works...
peeps from behind net curtains..
..LOOK, chickens, hundreds of the r**dy things.....perhaps someone should have counted them before...... effort to curb malicious comment posting by abusive users..
OH and that works as well.....deep joy is spreading across the land
Testing testing 1342
Blog time seems to be a couple of minutes behind everyone else's time!
Here goes...1400
Hello all.
As you may know I have been testing the PM Blog comment thing and it seems, for now, to be working. I was wondering if you would be kind enough to test it too? I have been posting on the "suspending service" thread. It helps if you post the time of your comment.
If it all seems to be working and no-one gets 502'd, we'll maybe re-start. What I don't want to do is re-start then annoy everyone and have to grind to a halt again.
Only if you can be faffed. Wouldn't blame you if you couldn't!
Sorry I appear to be repeating repeating myself myself.
(77) That's okay Eddie, That's okay Eddie. So, with all these chickens about suddenly, did anyone spot any eggs before they appeared? That'd help answer the age-old question re chickens & eggs...
Of course we can be faffed, Mr. Mair.
1403 (Archers time)
This is a test. Right?
Eddie...only too happy to oblige..
it is 14:08 here in a VERY wet Kingthorpe
wow.....Kingsthorpe is in future, it's now 14:13 and still raining
As we've all been in suspense for a while, I thought the boys might like a glimpse of these (click on my name). Oh, and girls are welcome too! ;o)
14.22 here in the fog.
Eddie @ 78
No need to apologise. But how did Scotland get on in the Rugby World Cup? I've been away you know.
Time check from not so sunny Cambuslang... 14:19
its now 14:19 in a delightfully damp suburb of Northampton
By George, I think they’ve mended it!
it's 14:21 and I do not have the Hampton of a Norse, still raining though.....
Possibly a game of Mornington Crescent according to Huygens' variation? Stations with non-digital clocks count double.
Traditional opening:
Baker Street at 14:26
it's 14:24, isn't life wonderful when the blog appears to function as all good blogs should!
Happy of Kingsthorpe
Great blog...again... :0)
Cambuslang must be 2 minutes ahead of BST - well it is West (ish)
14:26 Cambuslang time
Dunno what to say now... oh, I know - anyone been to any Gresham College public lectures? Passed by yesterday on the way to a ritual carpeting at Old Joe's corner shop. The programme looks very interesting..
silver-fox(81) If that was a test, what was the answer?
14:33 according to our servers...
Well, I'll be faffed.....
14.42 in a damp East Sussex.
Reserving judgement - posted a while ago, appeared to go through but....
Myabe that tiem vortex has developed in to a black hole
We are 15:58
I'm fair faffed myself. But that might have been the pics, Big Sis ;~}
15.08 here in a wet and deeply dismal East Lothian.
Yes - look at my previous, they've even fixed the clock. Or the one on my pc runs on Beeb time?
Well that's funny - I faffed earlier on, and my comment appeared - and now it's disappeared again at 15:27 :o(
Val, my PC runs on Beeb Time, and was in sync with the 1:00pm pips - mind you my radio is digital, which creates a time-shift of its own!
Anyway it's now 15:44, it's stopped raining and the sun's out.
Glad you liked it, Val. I thought ithe suspenders had appeal to both boys and girls ;o)
UptheT (95): I have been to the Gresham School lectures and are well worth the time. I went to the astronomy ones although it was by a different lecturer...I think. Ask me after a nap.
Faffing @ 1609
Charlie, I think you've hit on something. It's the zeitgeist
ah, so instead of frogging we're faffing now, are we? Well, I'm faffing this at 16:09 and 50 seconds... pip pip pip
If this works I may just pop down to the beach...
Thanks Belinda. I will try to make time to attend one of the Gresham talks next time I'm in the area on a Monday.
Sun is shining (almost) so should still be some lovely tourists about this weekend.
Have a fafftastic evening
16:35 PM That's enough testing, ed. That's enough about an election as well.
16:40 and is all well?
If I remember correctly, the posts that we send can go to any one of a number of servers.
Looking at the timings of the test posts, and allowing for some innacuracies in every posters' computer clock, the timings recorded are reasonably accurate except for a server that appears to be consistently about 8-9 minutes slow.
Why I have bothered to analyse or report this I have no idea.
Red Rum, x.
David (110) can I add "that's enough about Diana" to the list?
faffed by my own hand at 17:05
Here is Tuesdays Glassbox
Or click on my name above
17.23. can I join in? Off for a curry but have to attend a meeting to get it.
Of course, the webcam isn't working .....
6 15 pm. Giving this a try. I'm warning you, blog, this is your only chance. Mess me about tonight & I'll - well, I'll...well I just don't know, but I'll certainly be cross about it.
Good to see you've all been behaving while we've been in Prague. In fact, coming home at 1 am today to no post in the hall (postal strike) & hardly any posts on the blog (blogger breakdown/strike) it really felt like we'd never been away.
Annasee(117) You were in Prague?!?!? I'm jealous! I haven't been there for myself for four years now. I really ought to go back and see it all again. Any photos to flicker at us?
evening all!! Well well well!! What's been going on *here* then?? Actual posting??!??!
PC Globe here reporting in for duty at about 19:43 hours.
Outlook - fair to middling at present.
Tue Oct 9 20:15:05 BST 2007
Former heavyweight boxing champ Muhammad Ali
visited the ruins of the World Trade Center on
Thursday. When reporters asked how he felt about
the suspects sharing his Islamic faith, Ali
responded pleasantly, 'How do you feel about
Hitler sharing yours?'
Tue Oct 9 20:16:22 BST 2007
Your comment submission failed for the following reasons:
In an effort to curb malicious comment posting by abusive users, I've enabled a feature that requires a weblog commenter to wait a short amount of time before being able to post again. Please try to post your comment again in a short while. Thanks for your patience.
Tue Oct 9 20:17:07 BST 2007
and again, of course!
trying again to determine approved interval:
Tue Oct 9 20:19:35 BST 2007
Assalaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu
Peace, God's mercy and blessings be upon you
....................................some of my posts........
Ground Control to Major Tom.........can you here me Major Tom.......
My guess is...the blog will be back tomorrow. Early...
Hope so, as we lurch r=from one problem to the next. I'll set my alarm.
You will be given a post of trust and responsibility.
Tue Oct 9 21:51:20 BST 2007
I wondered why I couldn't get through yesterday; Eddie asked somebody,
"..and for all those bored rigid by the reporting on the possibility of an Election...when's it going to start again?"
Snork! (as we say on the Archers mb.)
I'm back! (If I don't get 502'd anyway.)
* scarcely able to believe we're doing this *
Testing 23.49
Fifi ;oD
Good news. Ten weeks from Friday will be a pretty good day.
Wed Oct 10 00:59:03 BST 2007
How early do you think that will be, Eddie? (obviously not this early! :p )
this early. And it would have been earlier but I got distracted by something on the radio.
Really, Eddie? What was it that got you distracted?
Fred and Horse, 113 & 114,
Yes, Di as well.
Alot of things I post in certain places and letters to the Indy end up on Google. And a letter I wrote was read on Today and it ended up on Google.