Sequin stands in...again.
Bonjour mes petits chous....
Blame Lord Dearing .
Ed is off on his hols for a week - he'd run out of fake tan - so I'm in the chair again. And delighted to be here. Can I start with an apology please? When I last filled in for him a few weeks ago on a Friday I didn't have a chance to reply to many of your kind comments and "welcome backs" on the blog. I wasn't meaning to be rude. Honest. I just need to learn to manage my time better this week. . Any tips? Do you have special "blog time" in your day?
How do you say blog in French? Could it, I wonder, be le blog ?
Hello Sequin! Welcome back. I hope you'll be posting Eddie's postcard as soon as it arrives.
Hi Sequin. Good to have you back. (Can't think why Ed is so much in need of a holiday, though - where has he gone? Surely our beach is all he needs!)
Our blog is of course a frog. Which translates into French as a grog.
Which is a bit how I feel this morning!
Apologies accepted Carolyn!
Now Carolyn -- perhaps a nice picture of you at the top to replace this washed out one of Eddie for a week or so ?
Bonjour Sequin! Wonderful to see you back here, after doing such a marvellous job of the Westminster Hour. Bravo!
As for fitting in blog time - Eddie seems to forfeit sleep and then drink 9 expressos in the morning. I bet the PM gang are pleased that he has gone for a week.
er ... is constructive criticism allowed ?
Hi Sequin and hope your week goes well. I'm not sure we're the people to be asking about time management, as we probably spend too much time here (if such a thing can happen).
Eddie seems to post at outrageous times of the morning, and sometimes, by the looks of things, whilst a recorded interview is playing on the programme. This may be beyond the call of duty, however....
Bonjour Sequin
Any queries regarding French and the blog or frog will be answered by our own Jacques who will be along presently I'm sure.
Sequin - just a thought.
As you are here for a whole week, surely it would not take a lot of effort for someone to place your phisog up alongside the strapline. That bloke currently up there, you know the one with the top of his head missing, keeps looking at me in a very funny way.
Roadworks: West London.
Chiswick, restrictions and roadworks on the A4, both ways, on the elevated section between the Chiswick Roundabout and M4 J2.
Restrictions on A4 Knightsbridge both ways at Scotch Corner for roadworks. Acton, bridge maintenance works on A40 both ways between Allan Way and Savoy Circus.
Your capacity for appearing on so many radio (and sometimes TV) programmes has always struck me as phenomenal. I really can't believe you need even more time management.
Looking forward to hearing you on my way home tonight...
Salut, Sequin!
Nice to see you back. But, you must be a leetle fatigue this morning after l'Heure Westminster last night?
We'd noticed Eddie was looking a bit pale on the webcam, so a top up was clearly overdue. Wish him our best, if he gets in touch (we've noticed he likes to keep an eye on things, even when he's officially 'off duty').
Hope he left his workspace nice and clear for you. No doubt you brought your own coffee mug ..... Eddie's must be black inside with all the espresso he drinks!
We'll enjoy your dulcet tones this evening.
PS Where would all the boys be without you? If I'm Big Sis, you're the equivalent of the Newsteam's Mum these days!
Welcome back Sequin! We're always glad to see you back here :-) As for special frogging time, I tend to fit it in around whatever I'm doing at work/home (hence me not being around much the last couple of weeks due to work). I do always try to log on to the frog when I get home from work, so I can read the comments at the same time as I listen to the second half of the programme....
Not sure if I was blogged out because I used a French word just now.....
But, hi Sequin! Nice to have you back for a week. Don't drink out of Eddie's coffee mug unless it's been thoroughly deep cleansed or you'll end up with a caffein overdose.
You're always left to look after the boys, aren't you? But lovely that you've your very own pad now on Sundays. SO and I think you've made it very interesting and enjoy it so much more now that you're in charge.
But as to 'chous' .... I'd 'chouse' an 'x' if I were you.
Have a good week, Sequin. Give us a wave on the web-cam......and whatever you do, please do NOT wear a Rugby Shirt. We need a break.
PS to my last post: Now that your body clock has been readjusted, you'll be ready to keep up the tradition of 3 a.m. postings, won't you?
Jonnie, RJD
Agree with you as to desirability of Sequin's picture. You can see it
here , cunningly concealed under a link which now reads "Presenter" on the main PM web site.
Re: RJD -- Well I've removed and replaced Eddie with Carolyn on the extra site so I'm sure the 91Èȱ¬ can do the same!
Welcome back Sequin - you bring a refreshing touch of class to proceedings. I think Eddie finds time for the blog by way of ruthless delegation to the team - but of course you're a much nicer person so that may not be an option !
Good to have you back in the hot seat.
You have to be an alien, or three people.
You cannot have slept at any time in the past five years, at least.
Can you pass me the secret of your incredible energy?
Sequin stands in...again (and again, apparently). Welcome back, Sequin. I hope that you have a good week.
Is Eddies Special blog time not between 5 and 6 pm? ;-o
It'll be nice to have a change for a few days.
Mmmm. It is that time of year when my thought also turn to holidays. Currently trying to sort out a Gite in champagne region. Unfortunately near enough for me to have to consider EuroD for the girls. ;-( I'm a right misery when it comes to the commercial aspect of Disney. At 6 and 3 they will love it. Not sure if I will.
I'd rather head east to Epernay or I suppose get the Chuff chuff into Paris.
Next job is getting good ferry deal.
I assume taking the car have a smaller carbon footprint than flying and hiring.
Les Grenoiullants dis Bonjours!
(Excusez mon franglais terrible and made-up!)
Nice to have you back Sequin
Sorry I can't hear you tonight but I'll be listening on wednesday! GM
Sequin, isn't the first rule of time management, "Give it to somebody else to do"? Works for me ;-)
Lovely to have Carolyn back on PM.
Bonjour, ma belle.
Welcome back.
Eric using up the last of his annual leave, then?
But Gossipmistress, you will have to use 'listenagain' for your fabulous 'glassbox' resume. ;-)
Today's newsletter includes:
"We're wondering whether people across Britain really ARE worried about global warming and CO2 emissions..."
Well, I certainly am. I am very worried at the continuing erroneous attempts to attribute the latter to the former, and when politicians get involved it can only mean new excuses for additional taxation.
Not that I favour waste or pollution. If I had my way, bonfires would be banned from November 14th. to November 1st.
Vyle (28), I agree to an extent - how do we know whether the increase in temperature is driven by human activity? BUT I try to think of the whole thing as, is it good for the planet to keep polluting the way we do? And the answer to that has got to be No.
Good afternoon Carolyn, and welcome back. A little batch of goodies if the news is flat...
Iran Commemorates International Women’s Day
By arresting 33 women.
New Commander of U.S. Forces Sees No Military Solution in Iraq
Needs more troops to prove it.
White House Empties Trash Baskets Filled With Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group Reports
To make room for Dole-Shalala Walter Reed Study Group reports.
Hi and welcome again, sequin!
Great to hear you again at 5.
As far as blog time goes, why not do what we all do, and have in on your computor at work? Say between 5 and 6, if there's a lull, or during one of the newsy bits, you can tap out a brief epistle or two.
oops gotta go, someone's just come in
Eamo (29): I try to live my life in order to have as little an impact as possible...I also adhere to this principle at work funnily enough.
Everything's turning green except the greenbelts, which are turning into in windfall cash for BP, HMQ, and BAe.
The wide green turning into the long green, eh?
And another spanner in the Olympic works
Welcome back Sequin and apologies are accepted. I E Mailed A Photo of Miami Florida taken at 12-March-2007 at 6:45AM Miami Time with a Half Moon. I hope 91Èȱ¬ PM Received it. Cheers from Miami Florida. Roberto
OK, it's blog time now....Eamo(24) I'm afraid I haven't done what you suggested and got someone else to do it! It's dark outside, everyone has left the office - apart from the World Tonight team - so I've just grabbed a moment to look through all your lovely entries.
Gillian (14) I promise no rugby shirts. Eric's locked his away along with the coffee and his mug. What he doesn't realise is that I've given up coffee for lent, so I didn't need to raid his supply. The martinis, yes, the coffee, no.
Big Sister (11) je suis jest a leetle fatigay ce soir apres l'heure Westminster. Usually there's less of a clash with my shifts, but I still managed to get more sleep last night than I do on a Today shift so I'm laughing. Sort of.
I'm hoping to cycle in tomorrow - a feat of endurance - so hopefully see you all demain.
I would like to express my thoughts and prayers to the 91Èȱ¬ and to the family of the 91Èȱ¬ Correspondent in Gaza who disappeared. I hope he is found. Roberto. Miami Florida.
Sequin (36) Ohhhhh! Just because Belinda was ante with her anti on the rugby shirt idea does not mean that some other froggers would not like to see you thus attired!
I beg your pardon Humph (38), I have absolutely no problems with any Rugby Attire, be it on Eric Muir or Sparkily Sequin.
Ooops, Belinda (39). I meant Gillian (14). Sorry for the mistake.
Jonnie (27) what now? I've only just got in from work!! I'm sure Sequin will forgive me...I just want to curl up in front of ER* with a cup of coffee!
(*Not the queen..!)
I really would like some of Sequin's energy. She seems to be on the radio at all hours of the day & night. What with that and Eddie's 5am postings - Do you think the 91Èȱ¬ are feeding R4 presenters something n their coffee??!
Belinda (32), well that's you and me sorted, just the rest of the world to convince now...
Carolyn, it's lovely to have you back again. Not that there is much chance of missing you on the airwaves, as you seem to be on somewhere most days, whenever I turn on the radio! You & Charlotte Green seem to be the voices of Radio 4. My favourite ones too. (I would include Eric but since he's swanned off without even asking, I don't think he deserves to be counted this week)
Actually it's rather sweet of you to tell us he's "on holiday" when it has been obvious that at any moment he was going to be removed for his own & the public's protection. I mean, that outburst about the man whose radio he was going to confiscate last week... And the LANGUAGE! 134 uses of the word b*st*rd wasn't it, in one show? The poor chap obviously needs a long lie down in a darkened room, probably with a dose of horse sedative, to get over his insomnia/ caffeine addiction problems.
In the mean time, have a quick look at that Julie Andrews book if he left it on the desk. What do you think? Is it worth winning?
Big Sister wrote: 13
"But as to 'chous' .... I'd 'chouse' an 'x' if I were you."
I'm sure the good Captain knows that perfectly well, but remember her words:
"Bonjour mes petits chous....
Blame Lord Dearing ."
She had just tried her hand at delegating.
As from Tuesday she'll pedal her own canoe or paddle her own ... well you know what I mean.
Fifi's Strapline's in.....again! Nice one, Fi!
Thanks for frogging, Sequin. Good show last night, thank you.
Regarding the Rugby shirts, I have to take your word for it as the web-cam was frozen on Saturday evening. You certainly sounded well-dressed, though!
How lovely to see La Belle Carolyn back with us - Such grace! Her aplomb, her wit, her steady nerve bring an elegance to our radios.
Tonight at 5 I will lift a slender, long stemmed glass of the best fizz to toast her and wish her the happiest of weeks on Eddie's throne.
Meantime, I hope that Eddie enjoys his garden leave, skiing, lounging, or whatever activities/inactivity are now filling his days.
Sequin: Good to hear you on PM again, though I'm now conditioned to falling asleep to the sound of your voice as I do about 10:30 every Sunday night!
(I've always wondered what happens in the last quarter-hour of the Westminster Hour that I never hear... is it a singalong? "A-roll out the ballot, hwe'll 'ave a ballot of fun...")
On the Green issues:
Yes, I'm a bit fed up with politicians jumping on band-wagons, but is it any worse than when they ignore popular mass-opinion?
Frankly, I don't care if global-warming is man-made or not. It's a reality and we have to deal with it. We'll deal with it a lot better if we have a wider variety of power-sources and stop relying on ever more scarce fossil fuels (and uranium's not exactly abundant any more either.)
What I think people have to realise is that the current climate and atmnospheric make-up is nothing more than a minor aberration in the Earth's life. It's likely to be extremely temporary and we have to be prepared to deal with it or die out.
An interesting article on 91Èȱ¬ female broadcasters, this, which I share with my fellow froggers.
Incidentally, is there a bloggage up there?
Warren Peace:
No need to be concerned.
I'm a great fan of the lovely Sequin, and like to tickle her sense of humour. And she's certainly no stranger to PM. As to getting into her stride, there is no other presenter on Radio 4 who moves so effortlessly between programmes as our Carolyn.
The joke was from one ex-teacher to another.
Belinda (32), Hahahaha! Very wise.
Hello, sand between the toes time.....and the female contribution to the airwaves debate again.
Why the worry, women are equally qualified, competant and professional in their work so why are we still debating this topic ?
Sequin...welcome back any time.