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Eddie Mair | 14:27 UK time, Tuesday, 17 October 2006

bigger versions of the postcards below, but try as I might I can't get them to work. I am now going to utter a sentence never used before in the entire history of the English language.

It would really help if Lissa was in the office today.

Thank you.


  1. At 02:31 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    You mean to say she's on another Awayday? Does she ever do any work?

    "Lissa, Lissa, where are you when Eddie needs you?"

  2. At 02:45 PM on 17 Oct 2006, John H. wrote:

    I was going to try to be really helpful then by writing out the text of the html that would be required to link the new piccie in. But do you know what? I just can't be bothered.

    Actually, it might also have something to do with the fact that when I checked what was used previously, there was size information for the image. Whilst it is relatively straightforward to put that in by hand, it suggests to me that some sort of tool is being used to insert the picture files - so I'll let Lissa sort it out. Hey ho.

  3. At 02:53 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Rachel wrote:

    Careful, John H. Eddie'll be offering you Lissa's job before long, and then it will be YOU we'll hold responsible for everything.

  4. At 03:08 PM on 17 Oct 2006, wrote:

    She's probably getting a surprise for App's party.

  5. At 03:15 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Fifi wrote:

    Putting on my Miserable Cow hat for a moment....

    Bigger postcards means less room for words.

    We're already losing not-very-old threads because the postcards are pushing them off the front page.

    I mean, they ARE meant to be pointless, aren't they?

    Miserable Cow signing off. Fluffy Fifi will be resumed shortly!

  6. At 03:44 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Mark Intime wrote:

    I feel I'm gatecrashing a rather exclusive party.

    Fifi, you have a point but at least they add a bit of colour to the screen.

  7. At 04:05 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Just a quickie - have to go out again soon but have been reading up to date.

    Thank you for all the birthday wishes. There was marzipan-and-cream cake and chocolate fudge earlier but I see it's all gone, so there's a pavlova in the kitchen to keep you all going.

    I do want to add to several of the threads - especially on the EU stuff (I have a serious point or two on my birthday!), but given time to do only one quick post I thought I ought to be polite and do "thanks" first.

    See you all tonight for the party - of course there will be wine - champers too I think (Champagne Socialist and proud of it - I would explain how that's possible had I time).

    Are you coming to this party then Eric? Bring Lissa et al :) I promise to keep my hands to myself - I've got a fantastic photo of Johnny Depp to gaze at so you're safe...

  8. At 04:07 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Sara wrote:

    You're certainly not gatecrashing, Mark (6) - especially if you look anything like Lee (see previous post)!

    Seriously - welcome!

    The frog's (forum-style blog) a bit thin today because lots of regulars are away and those of us who are left are all celebrating Aperitif's birthday. Any excuse!

  9. At 04:16 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Stephen, Leader of STROP wrote:

    Mark Intime

    There is nothing exclusive about this party. If you look around, you will see that everyone is welcome.

    If there is any left, help yourself to some of Aperitif's cake (I assume that's ok with you Appy?) pull up a cocktail and join in.

    I'm afraid the sweets will be in short supply for a while, as FF is the only one who knows where the sweetshop is.

    Oh Damn. The boss is dragging back to reality:(

  10. At 04:50 PM on 17 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Birthday Gal,
    I guess I'll have to bring some beer, then. Damned winos seem to reckon it's the posh drink, but I've long been strictly a Barleyman. Never mind, I'll bring my own.

    Meanwhile amusing myself reading the

  11. At 05:12 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Mark Intime wrote:

    Nice to feel welcome. Sorry Sara; if I looked like Lee I wouldn't be sitting here blogging! Still, the pavlova sounds great. 'appy birthday Appy.

  12. At 05:30 PM on 17 Oct 2006, David Ackrill wrote:

    Re Swimming Pools.

    In Chesterfield and Bolsover areas there are no swimming pools at all.

    There was a proposal for one in Bolsover, but it fell into a catch-22 situation. Money would only be pledged if it had lottery funding, but the lottery would only fund if other money was pledged.

    And I live in an area with a Labour MP...

  13. At 06:18 PM on 17 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I thought I'd left directions to the sweet shop on the counter in the kitchen??? Sorry 'bout that. Will try to remedy that when I get back....

    So, how was the show tonight? Did our birthday girl get a mention? Did Eddie eat all the cake???

  14. At 06:59 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Frances O wrote:

    David - that sounds more like a Bolsup than a Bolsover.

  15. At 09:54 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Probably my lat posting for today, so - hope you've had/are still having a lovely day, Appy!

    btw, anyone take part in the 'other' blog, that Natioanl Trust one for today only? It's had a few mentions on R4 today. Did think about it, but too busy either living or frogging. Ho and hum

  16. At 10:52 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    Appy birthday to Appy, appy burfday to yooooooooooo. Champers will do nicely.

    Have fallen off wagon tonight - quote from small daughter (14): 'Mum is that WINE you're drinking?' Am now feeling guilty owing to fact that told doctor yesterday that had not had anything alcoholic since mid August. Which was true at the time.

    He said 'Did you do that all by yourself? Didn't go to AA? Wow.'

    Me (smirking self-righteously) 'Yes I did. No I didn't.'

    (Sub-text: I am a truly remarkable human being and Above All That.)

    I wish.

    Will someone pls tell me that a single lapse doesn't mean that I'm condemned forever into a pit of self-loathing? That tomorrow is another day etc?

    Frances O (15): no, I didn't. I thought one had to be invited. Could I just have gone and blurted and added to the General Richness Of Things?

    And what are we going to do on here now that Valery and Fearless have gone on hols?

    Am in need of hugs. But am aware at same time that function of blog is to be witty and amusing even in face of rats, shed roofs, lack of chocolate, anonymous postcards and general State of World (and mysterious messages from chatboxers) so am not quite sure where I fit in here.

    Maybe I'll be moderated om account of irrelevance.

    In which case, please eat abive message.


    I promise my next post will make more sense.

  17. At 10:57 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    Ooops. Now am wishing I'd never said that. Sorry guys.

  18. At 11:05 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    And am horrified that spelling mistakes got past in-house proofreader (me).

  19. At 11:07 PM on 17 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Lady P,

    I feel your pain. I did that twice. Need to try again. Hug.

    No, I did not add to Nat Trust blog, they can look at mine (or my earlier frogs here) if they want my view of today. Basically a rant.

  20. At 11:12 PM on 17 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Lady P (16&17) I think the point of thr frog is to be what we make it,, and if that happens to be a place for friends to help friends, then all the better for it:) You have no reason to feel sorry for having a drink. Lapses happen. Just relax, and say tomorrow "stuff happens", and start anew:o)

    As for me, it's not hols, I'm afraid:( I'm in Belgium & Netherlands visiting customers Two very loooonngggg days...

  21. At 11:12 PM on 17 Oct 2006, whisht wrote:

    Hi Frances O - thanks for the reminder. Just sent a rather dull blog to them. Couldn't get the energy up! even for posterity...


    sometimes I think I've lost my mojo.

  22. At 11:23 PM on 17 Oct 2006, whisht wrote:

    hey - Lady P!

    don't worry. Although some of the adults are away, I'm sure we can all still have fun.

    don't worry. Although some of the kids are away, I'm sure we can all still have fun.

    hmm..... still can't quite decide which of those two sentences to keep.

    As for Mr. Booze, my advice is the same as for any choice or problem. Guilt ain't a good tactic for anything, and practically any other tactic is preferable.

    although maybe not heroin. That's a really poor tactic.

    as is 4-1-3-1-1 unless your players are very very good.


  23. At 11:43 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    Happy champagning Aps!

    Had a long ole day - work in daylight hours, nasty couse work this evening. Never mind, the cake was luvverly, and now I'll pig on some pavlova. How scrummy frogging is!?!

    Hope your customers aren't too onerous FFred - you'll be back home to us safe and sound really soon, then we can have cake for you too. How about a bit of Battenburg for a change? Have you sent us a pointless postcard, or have you not had time for such frivolities?

    Off to check the other threads before I wend my weary way - hubby away Up North, so at least I don't have to wear earplugs as even HIS snoring-noises can't reach me form Up North!

    Nite nite all, happy hangover for tomorrow Ap!

  24. At 11:44 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    I have barely whined all day - or at least no more, or less, than usual. Is that what we鈥檙e discussing? Oh, my brain made a typographical misdake?! Um

    Looking at historymatters, they say:
    鈥淧lease enter some keywords describing your day ... words describing what you id鈥. I on鈥檛 remember if I id o anything. Can you recall what I id? o tell...

  25. At 11:44 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    O thank you JohnW, Famous and Whisht. Higs (higs? Hugs) back.

    Had a wonderful day, and a drink to celebrate. It turned into a bottle.

    Memo to self: I don't need a drink to celebrate, even if I used to.

    Golly. these habits are hard to break, aren't they?

  26. At 11:56 PM on 17 Oct 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    A note to Aperitif:

    Just to say that I am considering the fact that you may not deserve being celebrated quite so much in a few minutes. Oh, who am I kidding...

    Doctor H, etc

  27. At 12:19 AM on 18 Oct 2006, Lady Penelope wrote:

    Dr H - goo to see you. o you think it woul be a goo iea if all tomorrow's frogs were to be d-less? With penalties to be incurre shoul the banne letter be inclue?

    I'm going to be now. What a lovely bunch you all are.


  28. At 12:20 AM on 18 Oct 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Like I said somewhere else Doc, the party isn't over until we all go to bed. I mean to get you very drunk so that you will open up and say things that you will regret in the morning. Is that mean? I don't think so - I'm sure you'll enjoy being investigated...

    Lady P, hugs from me too.

    Whisht, if someone said "Name someone whose Mojo is in tact" to me, I'd probably reply "Whisht". To be fair, I'd clarify it in case the questionner thought I was attempting to silence him/her. And I can't imagine the circumstances in which someone would ask me that* without my first response being "Eh?" But anyway - I see you as one with mucho Mojo.

    *John H has already accused me of "imagination failure" today, but he's mean.

    Fearless, found the 'knowhole' in your hotel room yet? There's a little dark chocolate in there for you when you do!

    Eat up folks - I don't want to have to clear up cake in the morning!

    A, x.

  29. At 01:06 AM on 18 Oct 2006, Rhys Kay wrote:

    David Ackrill at 12

    I have sympathy for your swimming pool deficiency and I admire your bravado in the admission:
    And I live in an area with a Labour MP...
    I feel your choice of domestic partner does you little credit, if any.
    Nevertheless, I don't bear a grudge and welcome your further revelations.

  30. At 06:48 AM on 18 Oct 2006, Rosalind wrote:

    Dear Lady P.

    It IS another day, get through it and DON'T FEEL guilty. AND especially don't feel guilty that you blogged here.

    We are all with you.

    And we all have done some really stupid things. So DON"T worry.

    No laughs from me, too early in the day and already spent exhausting time playing with puppy.

    Hugs to you as well.

  31. At 06:54 AM on 18 Oct 2006, Nemesis wrote:

    RE:It would really help if Lissa was in the office today.

    Even more, perhaps, if Lissa were in the office today?

  32. At 07:13 AM on 18 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Appy (28) A knowhole here?? wait a second... Oh no! Why did you put it there???? That mean that when I was getting ready to go to bed... Oh, the shame, the shame!!

  33. At 08:49 AM on 18 Oct 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Lady P, good morning - I went to bed too early to give you a hug - here's a *big* *BIG* one. It's a new day, a fresh start.

    Don't, don't hate yourself. Millions of people have had slip-ups. It's called being human. Then you just start again. Really. And frog about it any time you like.

  34. At 09:17 AM on 18 Oct 2006, Whisht wrote:

    Thanks Aperitif - I think I left me spare mojo in a sock at the back of a drawer so I should be fine.

    people here are nice aren't they?


  35. At 06:04 PM on 18 Oct 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    oc (35),

    I on't think I can keep this up for long, but wante to respon in kin.

    Are you sure you weren't just a little bit tipsy? I saw you ancing in your unerwear in the wee hours...

  36. At 07:03 PM on 18 Oct 2006, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    Ok oc, just a little go before I go to o what I have to o... This is quite har to o isn't it? You have to think constantly about what you're typing which usually I on't, clearly.

    That's all til later, an even then I might not be back tonight...Try not to miss me too much everyone, ok?

    Toole Pip

  37. At 09:10 PM on 18 Oct 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    (36) I really on鈥檛 think that was me - and not for the reasons you might assume.

  38. At 10:03 PM on 18 Oct 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    You're being cryptic Doc (38). Let's start with what it is that you think that I might assume...

  39. At 11:53 PM on 18 Oct 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    I probably shouldn鈥檛 have started this one. Essentially, because I think that perhaps I come across as with more energy than is really the case. I suppose that might be an assumption, and yet I feel it was the reference to alcohol that I was in fact responding to. Is that sufficiently vague?

  40. At 08:56 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    You're telling me you don't do alcohol? Fair enough - I'm not saying you were drunk, just that the fact (!) that you were grooivng (albeit gently) in a state of semi-undress made me think that you were. Perhaps you do that sober?

    Or maybe you don't/believe you can't dance. Ah but there are many forms of dancing - from marching on the spot looking as if one is about to thump someone (seen this several times in days gone by) to sitting and swaying gently, so you don't get away with that one.

    What else?

  41. At 11:17 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Yes. And what else? I suppose it鈥檚 that, although I like being involved in the light hearted discourse here, I鈥檓 not 100% on the wavelength to always slot into the virtual partying community that has evolved here. I would go into this further, and in some detail, but this probably isn鈥檛 the place.

  42. At 11:19 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    If you can find a place...

  43. At 01:50 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Oh I think that's the joy of this place - we are all on our own random wavelengths but these regularly collide.

    Sorry, not trying to wind you up - just trying to penetrate your shell (oh dear!).

    I'm going to pop over to the EMBRACE place I found some of you in - I do every now and then - to see what more I can find out...

  44. At 02:21 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Appy, what's this EMBRACE place you speak of?

  45. At 02:47 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Some of them have secret society - you get there by trying to get to know the PM studio people better. I haven't frogged there but I do pop over for a look. Don't tell everyone though: The EMBRACE society will get cross - they see themselevs as a select few. Valery did say I could join them and I just know you're in if you want to be. ;)

  46. At 04:42 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Thanks, Ap. I can be a bit sensitive, at times, but don鈥檛 give up. Oh, and you two are indeed welcome. Whereabouts will I see you there?

  47. At 11:04 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Didn't get a chance after all this afternoon Doc, but I shall check it out before the evening's done.

    A, x.

  48. At 12:46 AM on 21 Oct 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    I can鈥檛 find you there as yet - you might need to leave a hint.

  49. At 01:32 AM on 21 Oct 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Been now - commented on several of the PM picture threads: Mainly those that already had some comments.

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