So there was a Tory, a Whig and a Liberal...
My first we have to thank for the fiver in your pocket and for income tax - all meant to pay off our national debt.
My second fell in love with a Duchess and shared her passion for political reform. Yet he's only remembered for the nation's favourite smelly tea.
My third toured Soho in search of prostitutes and is now the inspiration for the politics of the coalition.
In a new series of The Prime Ministers I'll be taking a modern look at eight of the men who led this country.
The first programme can be heard online or 91Èȱ¬ Radio 4 on Tuesday morning at 09:30 BST. Incidentally, the first series of The Prime Ministers can still be heard online.
PS I'll be back blogging and on news after a week's break
Comment number 1.
At 8th Apr 2011, Steve_M-H wrote:So this isnt a repeat of the last one then? Heard the trailer for it on Radio 4 yesterday...
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Comment number 2.
At 8th Apr 2011, James Hartshorn wrote:Pitt, Earl Grey, Gladstone - do I win the prize!?!
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Comment number 3.
At 8th Apr 2011, RYGnotB wrote:Is the third Thatcher?
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Comment number 4.
At 8th Apr 2011, AndyC555 wrote:"My second fell in love with a Duchess and shared her passion for political reform. Yet he's only remembered for the nation's favourite smelly tea."
Talking of tea, I hear that Lefty11 has vowed to only drink herbal tea from now on as when he was at the recent march in London in support of the denial of the deficit (or whatever it was) he overheard someone saying that all proper tea was theft.
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Comment number 5.
At 8th Apr 2011, TheBlameGame wrote:Looking forward to them Nick.
Presume they'll be given a contemporary Westminster media makeover?
Just so long as it doesn't clash with 'Cash In The Attic'.
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Comment number 6.
At 8th Apr 2011, TheBlameGame wrote:RYGB @3
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Comment number 7.
At 8th Apr 2011, telecasterdave wrote:Nick - When are you going to post a serious blog. What about labours cuts? Why does the 91Èȱ¬ never delve into Miliband and Balls over this isssue?
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Comment number 8.
At 8th Apr 2011, Skol303 wrote:Great thanks Nick. So nothing of any real interest to report in the news then... phew, that's good to know.
PS: RedandYellow (#3) and Andy (#4); cheers folks, you gave me a "LOL"!
Dave (#7): you made me LOL too!
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Comment number 9.
At 8th Apr 2011, Mr N wrote:2 James
Only get a prize if you can guess the next!
Clues given so far are Leather shorts and yodelling.
I've narrowed it down to either VC - or if our saviour is a 'she' and not a 'he', AW.
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Comment number 10.
At 8th Apr 2011, lefty11 wrote:4. Andrew
Very good andy, alas I couldn’t even manage the faintest of grins. Just to let you know you may have to refer to me as cllrlefty11 after 5th may. Although because of the political demographic and past results ive been told the chances are -10%. Nevertheless, i just wanted you and fubar to know, not to worry about the nomination papers I sent you as up2stuff, susan croft and rockrobin managed to get the full 10 nomination signatures for me ;-)
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Comment number 11.
At 8th Apr 2011, Steve_M-H wrote:8#
He could have reported on this, Skol... cant imagine why he didnt....
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Comment number 12.
At 8th Apr 2011, Steve_M-H wrote:10#
Ah, standing in Kensington & Chelsea, eh? Norland or Notting Barnes? The only smell of champagne you get there is the waft of it from the back seats of Rolls Royce Phantoms transitting the area as fast as possible.
Not like Saga's place where they wash their windows with it and bathe in asses milk.
You'll feel right at home there mate, trust me, all the possible dogs you could ever want to whistle at, they'll love you.... but watch out if you're campaigning near Latimer Road... some of the Street NEETs'll have your mobile off you in a flash if you're not careful. I got mugged there in 93 for mine...
Lovely constituents...
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Comment number 13.
At 8th Apr 2011, Mr N wrote:10 lefty
Well done for squeezing yourself onto an all womens short list. 10% eh? Well I don't think NC got much more at the last election and look where he is! - Good Luck and happy canvassing.
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Comment number 14.
At 8th Apr 2011, meninwhitecoats wrote:Mr N
Now we could be confusing our AW's again - but the thought of one AW in lederhosen is making me feel distinctly queasy.
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Comment number 15.
At 8th Apr 2011, Idont Believeit wrote:Super idea for a blog Nick. I just don't know where you get them from. Choice of PMs could be seen as a little biased by some I suppose but I don't go in for that sort of thing.
All the best Lefty. Will you have to stop posting here if you're really involved in politics? I see Andy fancies himself as a stand up comedian. Must have taken me seriously when I said some of his calculator examples made me laugh.
Any chance Nick, that the blog can be left open over the holidays like AN's was last summer? Andrew Marr's basement legions might be glad of something to do.
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Comment number 16.
At 8th Apr 2011, Skol303 wrote:@ Fubar (#8):
Cheers for the link, I'm guilty of being unaware of this story till now...
Looks like a potential ****storm in the making! I wonder if the weekend press will pick up on it.
Seems like something Andy might know more about - Andy??
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Comment number 17.
At 8th Apr 2011, pdavies65 wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 18.
At 8th Apr 2011, TheBlameGame wrote:10. lefty11
Good luck lefty, hats off to anyone who tries to make a difference. Don't forget to push the green issues front and centre.
(Hope you're not just doing it for the expenses!) :)
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Comment number 19.
At 8th Apr 2011, Steve_M-H wrote:16#
They do seem to have this innate ability to shoot themselves in the foot, dont they? I have no doubt that it is cross party as well... I hope someone runs with it, but the way the lobby works... as soon as you start chucking stuff like this around, all those unattributable breifings that make you think you've got the scoop on the rest of the pack will start to dry up...
Now this is where the likes of the Chapter 38 lot, the TPA and maybe even UKUncut can and should be making some noise. Whether they will or not I guess remains to be seen...
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Comment number 20.
At 8th Apr 2011, Mr N wrote:12. At 13:45pm 8th Apr 2011, Fubar_Saunders wrote:
"I got mugged there in 93 for mine... "
Ah the days before - "Tough on crime -Tough on the causes of crime". I think your find many changes since 93 Fubar. 13 years of Labour government has worked wonders for Latimer Road. In fact Latimer Road totally been rebuilt since 93 under a PFI at a fair old cost but you would agree, all worth it, you know, to stop you being mugged of your Blackberry.
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Comment number 21.
At 8th Apr 2011, Bass_God wrote:Judging by the standard of his recent posts one could argue that Nick has been away for the last week as well!
#9 - Mr N
Bearing in mind, Mr N, that you have been accused on other blogs of being an alias of that rascal Sagamix, do you think it is wise to select the leathered ravings of his recent outburst concerning shorts? I fear that the Charge of the Strictly-Pickled Brigade will begin.
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Comment number 22.
At 8th Apr 2011, John_Bull wrote:15. At 13:52pm 8th Apr 2011, Idont Believeit wrote:
Any chance Nick, that the blog can be left open over the holidays like AN's was last summer?
Yes, any chance of that Nick?
And, how about keeping blogs open until the next one starts, as a general rule?
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Comment number 23.
At 8th Apr 2011, Up2snuff wrote:re #4
How long have you been waiting to work that into a post?
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Comment number 24.
At 8th Apr 2011, AndyC555 wrote:11 - Quite bizzare. The legislation is primarily aimed at EBT arrangements as beloved by (amongst others) footballers whereby effectively loans are taken instead of remuneration. Quite why MPs would think they need an exemption, I can't immediately think. It's not the first time MPs have written legislation just for themselves. s101 ITEPA 2003 (and its predessesors) specifically by name exempt Chevening House from the employees living accommodation benefits - Chevening house being the offical residence of the Foreign Secretary.
The new legislation is very widely and clumsily drawn and there are a myriad of specific exemptions to it because of that. Without the exemptions, all sorts of things they DON'T want caught would be. It's a bit like Saga passing his 65% tax rate and then individually naming all of his chums who are to be exempted. If you're NOT specifically exempted, you're caught.
10 - Lefty, didn't expect you to grin. Don't you have to write off to Harriet Harman to get her to clear a joke before you're allowed to laugh at it?
I'm sure you'd make a very good Labour councillor, you trot out the party line religiously and unthinkingly, excuse all wrong doings by the party leaders and have immovable cliched views of every other political persuasion. I'm sure Ed would like a whole army just like you.
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Comment number 25.
At 8th Apr 2011, Steve_M-H wrote:20#
I wouldnt know, I've kept a very safe distance from it ever since! Think if I was going to go there again, I'd be doing a Harriet and wearing a stab proof vest and have about 20 coppers around me just in case I drove into a parked car whilst on the blackberry....
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Comment number 26.
At 8th Apr 2011, Up2snuff wrote:re #10
Appropriate that your post was no.10, Lefty. Could be the start of something big. Except we will be scrutinising your expenses carefully from 2012 onwards ...
You do not have to reveal too much personal info, but broadly speaking, which geographical area are you standing for?
Now the crunch question: do you have a policy?
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Comment number 27.
At 8th Apr 2011, Up2snuff wrote:24. At 14:23pm 8th Apr 2011, AndyC555 wrote:
The new legislation is very widely and clumsily drawn and there are a myriad of specific exemptions to it because of that.
The previous Government legislated so much that the Bill drafters - a small, select, very skilled group of Parliamentarians - were almost unable to keep up.
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Comment number 28.
At 8th Apr 2011, ghostofsichuan wrote:Is this about how the government became so corrupt?
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Comment number 29.
At 8th Apr 2011, Susan-Croft wrote:Fubar 11
If you are a high earner at the moment, dealing with the tax office after submitting you tax return is like dealing with the SS. Companies of high earners have come under scutiny as well.
So I see no reason why MPs should be exempt from the same sort of investigation. I think people would be pretty angry if they knew.
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Comment number 30.
At 8th Apr 2011, lefty11 wrote:Mr N.
Thanks (the moobs came in handy after all!)
Idont Believeit
Im not sure. I know some councillors do blog, but its all anonymous anyway. Strange thing though, since ive been involved locally with the party, any desire to get angry on here and frustration regarding right wing views on here are dissipating. Not sure why, think its because when you can see progress through your political actions locally, even just doorstepping, getting someone to join up or doing a press release, you can see the fruits of your labour (a release), whereas on here its not calculative. I would certainly recommend anyone who is interested in politics to join their local party as I have found it very rewarding personally (but also challenging, tiring and thankless in its own way too). Its also fascinating to see internal struggles, all wanting the same goal but having to compromise, adapting to working with strong personalities who have different ideas on how to move forward. Learning some good lessons.
North of brighton, south of berwick- upon -tweed.
And yes good policies.
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Comment number 31.
At 8th Apr 2011, Mr N wrote:21 Bass God
Yes - Would like to have the ability of posting the original.
I do have doubts whether the coalition will last. Certainly May 5th will be a big test and if as expected the Lib/Dems crumble then questions will be raised. Those on the Right of the Tories are still blaming DC for not winning the election outright and I wouldn't be at all surprised to see another election being called before the year end and the Tories fighting the election under a new leader. Our old friend Lefty could have a busy year ahead of him (Is Lefty a 'him'?). Is he/her appearing on Newsnight later this pm? Best to tune in - just in case, wouldn't like to miss it.
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Comment number 32.
At 8th Apr 2011, Susan-Croft wrote:Blame 18
Green issues, more like money making schemes. The World will run out of food before any of that tosh would be of any importance. Cut the population, that is working its way through all our World resources first.
Green nuts are worse than deficit deniers.
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Comment number 33.
At 8th Apr 2011, JohnConstable wrote:So there was an English Democrat, a Green and an Independent ...
... well, one day, when there is an English Parliament again.
Then there will be a Prime Minster ... of England.
Meanwhile, through the past darkly ...
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Comment number 34.
At 8th Apr 2011, meninwhitecoats wrote:Susan@32
Really? Pistachios are my favourites.
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Comment number 35.
At 8th Apr 2011, Susan-Croft wrote:JohnConstable 33
... well, one day, when there is an English Parliament again.
Amen to that.
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Comment number 36.
At 8th Apr 2011, pdavies65 wrote:Susan @ 32 wrote:
Green nuts are worse than deficit deniers.
So you do work for an oil company. We thought as much.
Have a good weekend, everyone.
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Comment number 37.
At 8th Apr 2011, Up2snuff wrote:re #30
Dear Lefty,
That must make you unique amongst Labour politicians at present. And more than one policy, too ... , now there's a thing!
All the joking apart, if you really are standing for election, I applaud you for being willing to stand up and serve your community. I don't agree with your politics and their presentation but approve of your commitment.
With best wishes,
[PS: A tip to a would be politician: always get your constituents names right ... ;-) ]
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Comment number 38.
At 8th Apr 2011, TheGingerF wrote:Hey SusanC@35 etc (reference back to your kind post yesterday @187)
This blog seems like quite an opportunity for political free-form, as opposed to a debate on the merits of policy where £100bn of UK spending is being discussed - is it OK if I contribute or do you reckon the West Lothian question rules me out (along with anyone else who isn't domiciled in the correct place)? ;-)
Oops - I see JohnC has brought up English Parliament above - I'll try really hard not to stick my annoying ginger Scottish oar in there....
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Comment number 39.
At 8th Apr 2011, Idont Believeit wrote:At 15:08pm 8th Apr 2011, Susan-Croft wrote:
Blame 18
Green issues, more like money making schemes. The World will run out of food before any of that tosh would be of any importance. Cut the population, that is working its way through all our World resources first.
Green nuts are worse than deficit deniers.
Right again Susan. Once those greedy, profit hungry, entrepreneurial types see a way to exploit the genuine concerns of others there's no holding them back, is there? Important not to run out of food too and a lower population should help here. Any practical ideas on achieving this?
Blue nuts could prove worse than green ones but both are preferable to deficit doomsayers.
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Comment number 40.
At 8th Apr 2011, Strictly Pickled wrote:21 Bass_God
No sign of sagamix on here today so far ...... anyway, I'd like to wish Team Saga - Mr N, meninwhitecoats, Bass_God, IDont BeliveIt, TheGingerF etc - a nice weekend, and your spiritual leader of course sagamix himself.
The weather is lovely out there, it's too nice for you all to be indoors on a PC posting sycophantic messages to each other ... and you could all do with getting out more.
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Comment number 41.
At 8th Apr 2011, TheBlameGame wrote:32. Susan-Croft
"Green issues, more like money making schemes. The World will run out of food before any of that tosh would be of any importance. Cut the population, that is working its way through all our World resources first."
"Green nuts are worse than deficit deniers."
Yes, a human cull... where to start Susan? What about those nasty third world spongers?
All these issues are linked, all have to be tackled at some point. And if you truly believe all sustainable energy projects are "money-making schemes" then you are beyond help. The biggest money-making schemes have been destroying and degrading both the environment and human life for decades, centuries.
Why not have a few that are actually non-detrimental to our health and well-being for a change?
On the matter of political stereotypes living up to their monikers, head-in-the-sand right wing reactionaries outperform green nuts and deficit deniers every time.
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Comment number 42.
At 8th Apr 2011, Mr N wrote:29 Susan
"If you are a high earner at the moment, dealing with the tax office after submitting you tax return is like dealing with the SS. Companies of high earners have come under scutiny as well."
Yes, Susan, have to agree with you there. It's certainly not nice to have the likes of Andy all over your back (so to speak) - not nice at all but I guess these parasites have to earn their money somehow.
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Comment number 43.
At 8th Apr 2011, Bass_God wrote:#32 Susan
I had a sneaky feeling that you are a Malthusian, Susan. A case of green nuts or severed ones? (faint echoes of a Sid James cackle...)
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Comment number 44.
At 8th Apr 2011, JohnConstable wrote:TheGingerF @ 38
You do not have to stick your annoying ginger Scottish oar in there ... Harriet Harman has already answered ... something about rodents I believe.
Thus Ms. Harperson neatly aligns herself with Col. Gaddafi, who also has a thing about some rodents bothering him.
Of course, I jest, this is the sort of behaviour which one would normally leave behind in the playground ... until we enter the House of Commons of course, then it all comes flooding back.
I suspect that Holyrood is somewhat more civilised, well, most of the time.
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Comment number 45.
At 8th Apr 2011, Mr N wrote:30 Lefty
Well I guess that clears that little/big matter up. - as I said Good Luck and keep us (me) posted with your progress.
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Comment number 46.
At 8th Apr 2011, Up2snuff wrote:re #31
Make it year end 2012 and you could be right.
What do you think the breaker will be?
I think inflation may do it.
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Comment number 47.
At 8th Apr 2011, DistantTraveller wrote:# 32 Susan-Croft
Cut the population
There is no doubt that the world's energy problems, pollution, climate change etc are being made worse by a fast growing population. But I am not sure how we 'cut the population' as you suggest. Perhaps we need to encourage people to have fewer children instead of rewarding them for having more.
I am fed up with the fact that it now impossible to buy a proper 100 w light bulb because this is deemed to be bad for the environment. Many of these useless 'energy saving' bulbs are made in China - and working environments there are anything but 'green'.
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Comment number 48.
At 8th Apr 2011, JohnConstable wrote:BTW, Al-Jazeera is streets ahead of any other news organisation just now.
For example:
PS. As for the wildly dysfunctional MoD, where is our squadron of A10 Warthogs when you need them? Too late, should have been mandated at least two decades ago.
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Comment number 49.
At 8th Apr 2011, sagamix wrote:"It's a bit like Saga passing his 65% tax rate and then individually naming all of his chums who are to be exempted" - andy @ 24
Which I wouldn't do since integrity is important to me.
Find myself missing the hurly burly of the workplace today for some reason, the nine to five. Perhaps because it's Friday. Friday's are special when you're working, aren't they? Bet even in a firm of tax accountants they are. Open necked shirt, pair of 'Gap' chinos, loafers over brogues, everyone sitting around being very relaxed and non-hierarchical, plans for Saturday and all that ... just generally winding down after a hard week's monkey business. Nice.
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Comment number 50.
At 8th Apr 2011, Mr N wrote:SP
You missed out on Blame and Ginger F.
Have a good weekend and see you next week (mods willing). And Mr. P. be nice to our friend Lefty when comes knocking at the door. Nice smile, cup of tea (two sugars) and a chocky biscuit - set him up nicely for the day, that would.
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Comment number 51.
At 8th Apr 2011, Susan-Croft wrote:strictly 40
Spot on. Have a nice weekend yourself.
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Comment number 52.
At 8th Apr 2011, TheGingerF wrote:JohnC@44
The idea of an English Parliament clearly has merit given the difficulties of running an incomplete UK devolved structure at present. You are one of the most reasoned bloggers when posting on this topic.
I wonder though if it would risk emphasising very real political schisms in England (not only the obvious North and South, although its in a lazy way the most obvious), arguably more so than when Scotland and Wales were represented solely by Westminster. Or might it tempt people out of there Tory/Labour tribal boxes?
Wales and Scotland are (for now) firmly left of centre as a whole, what's England?
PS - I agree with Harriet Harman, and I was in no way offended by her remarks! (I am more auburn in any case)
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Comment number 53.
At 8th Apr 2011, Mr N wrote:46 Up2
Something small - it's always nearly something small that turns into a crisis. Some may even call it a 'Black Swan'.
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Comment number 54.
At 8th Apr 2011, excellentcatblogger wrote:32 Susan
Over the last 1500 years or so there have been many wars which were nothing short of a slaughterfest. Only from the latter part of the 20th Century we have had wars where casualties were mostly inflicted on the military. From the Crusades onwards the civilian casualties were quite horrendous, and during the Inquistion whole towns numbering thousands were wiped out at a time.
Consequently with the world largely peaceful populations have grown sharply. Malthus' principle relating food resources versus large populations will eventually happen, but also as the distribution of wealth and capital is very uneven. Most of our food production will need capital injections but the return on investment is poor as the majority cannot afford the higher prices that a good ROI would engender.
Additionally the sea which provides a huge source of food is increasingly being polluted killing off many fishing grounds especially around the coast of Africa. But as long as the Gulf of Mexico and the seas around the Uk are unpolluted why should the west care?
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Comment number 55.
At 8th Apr 2011, meninwhitecoats wrote:Why Mr Pickles
Sycophancy is very underrated , team Croftie would be lost without it - that and the white wine and pistachios of course.
Just finishing work and about to head to the great outdoors - have a good weekend yourself.
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Comment number 56.
At 8th Apr 2011, Strictly Pickled wrote:51 Susan-Croft
I'm thinking of joining myself to see what it's like ...... possible usernames could be sagapickled, strictlysaga or PickAndMix.
Have a good weekend yourself.
And you as well saga, glad to see your late appearance @ 49.... right on cue .... it's not been the same on here without you. Keep up the good work.
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