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Hutton to leave cabinet

Nick Robinson | 10:24 UK time, Friday, 5 June 2009

john huttonJohn Hutton is standing down as Defence Secretary and is leaving the cabinet, but is making it clear that he is backing Gordon Brown's continued leadership.

Friends say that he has been genuinely considering this for many weeks, and that he told Gordon Brown that he wanted to step down some weeks ago.


  • Comment number 1.

    Who would blame him? Get out and get his head down below the firing line. His support for GB when leaving is just his assessment of what looks best for him.

  • Comment number 2.

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  • Comment number 3.

    He may have been considering it for some time - but why now? It all dovetails doesn't it?

    I would think when they get the disastrous election results there will be more stepping down.

  • Comment number 4.

    labour a disgrace now with prescot attacking harriet.....

    GB can claim high ground as most people leaving cabinet have very poor expenses records ......

    dont see GB toppling with new cabinet under way.... nick getting too excited on this

    Its damning that labour will attack thier leader and not resign weeks ago (blears) politely


    ho hum

    new speaker

    speaker seat by-election

    then glumb labour conference in october with blears mauled by her party for disunity

    she avoids CGT and attacks leadership, she did not stab him in the face, she cant reach that high

    we told she will be replaced shortly, howe much shorter can you get

  • Comment number 5.

    This pre-emptive resignation ahead of disastrous local and Euro election results for Labour are merely an attempt at distracting the public from a crumbling Government. The whole Cabinet ought to step down en masse but they are clinging on desperately and who can blame them - the Conservatives and Lib Dems are no better than who we already have.

    This generation of MPs is sadly lacking in real leadership.

  • Comment number 6.

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  • Comment number 7.

    Shuffle shuffle, take your partners for a do si do?

    A long (fully paid) parliamentary recess to come whilst we labour under this group of rubbish government.

  • Comment number 8.

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  • Comment number 9.


  • Comment number 10.

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  • Comment number 11.

    With now a Daily diet of Resignations and infighting the Labour Party is not just looking but Acting like a Dictator-Ship, for however much outside of the Inner Cabinet of those around Brown whom himself doe's not have the Guts, or sense to call for a dissolvement of Parliament and a calling of a General Election, the further digging - in of the heels to remain and stay in Power by Brown and Co goe's on, will now mean that once a General Election is finally called we will see the Final End of the Labour Party with a real strong possiblity of it never turning into anything ever again other then a spent force.

  • Comment number 12.

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  • Comment number 13.

    Many have discussed the introduction of a recall system for individual MPs but what about the same for an unelected PM who has lost all moral authority to lead this country. Hutton departing, not surprising, what is surprising is that there has not been more departures. MPs may well be untrustworthy but they're not stupid (well not all of them!).

  • Comment number 14.

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  • Comment number 15.

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  • Comment number 16.

    I wonder if Hutton standing down might have anything to do with the fact that his seat in Barrow is very vulnerable to the Tories??

  • Comment number 17.

    I don't believe it. The vile Sir Alan Sugar is to b promoted to The Lords!

  • Comment number 18.

    I thought the protocol in a reshuffle was that the leader decided who should head up which department etc - not as is happening everyone saying where they want to go / stay!! Brown no longer has any authority - its a shambles!

    Election now!

  • Comment number 19.

    What a ringing endorsement from some one(Hutton) who said that Brown would be a disaster as Prime Minister. Time to look for a publisner for your diaries P.M. Remember, it was none of it your fault. Look at the back benches and the Lords there are plenty to blame. What an example you were in the way you stabbed, sorry, backed Blair.

  • Comment number 20.

    What a day!

    Pound down - surely it's imperative that the ongoing reshuffle is completed as soon as possible so that the business of government can be addressed.

    Have a feeling that Gordon Brown missed an opportunity here. If Jack Straw had been moved, it might have gone some way to easing the grief and anger expressed by the parents of the French students found murdered.

  • Comment number 21.

    Totally agree that Johnson, Milliband et al are biding their time. They know a change of leader now means an immediate election and they know that means they'll be kicked out. They're playing the waiting game and when (i) the expenses furore has died down and (ii) green shoots start to appear (they hope), they will strike. But then Purnell will look good for having the courage when others didn't. I don't have a problem with any of that. Brown may be a nice guy and a hard worker(thanks for pointing that out on QT Fiona Phillips) but he's not a leader and he can't communicate. A fatal flaw I'm afraid.

  • Comment number 22.

    I am wondering what honourable motives could prompt a Defence Secretary to blithely "step down" when British troops are committed to fighting for the foreseeable future and sending body bags home weekly. What a message to send to our armed forces - "sorry lads and lasses, I've decided to quit and spend more time with my family. Things are in a bit of a mess back home and it's time for me to get out from under..not that I'm criticising our leader of course. Keep up the good work, I'm sure they will find someone to look your interests but I can't think who, right now...take care, bye"


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