Your questions for Brian Paddick
- 4 Apr 08, 07:23 PM
Newsnight is hosting a debate on Tuesday between the main candidates in the race for London mayor.
What questions would you like Jeremy Paxman to ask Brian Paddick?
Big Fat Politics Blog
Newsnight is hosting a debate on Tuesday between the main candidates in the race for London mayor.
What questions would you like Jeremy Paxman to ask Brian Paddick?
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Do you think that the smoking ban has been destructive of the hospitality industry and divisive of society?
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How much would you consider the government's ID card scheme and the National Identity Register it encompasses to be an intrusion of our privacy and affront to our liberty?
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What attitude do you hold towards the increasing immigration from Eastern Europe?
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If you've got political ambitions, what are you doing in the Lib Dems?
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So you know about policing. What would be a realistic target for the level of crime in London at the end of 2011?
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I had a planning dispute with my neighbour recently and I had the support of all the surrounding neighbours and most of those further out. The Lib Dems say that they want local democracy yet my local LD councillor was coaching my neighbour to get his application through. When I wrote to the LD leadership about this contradiction, they said they left such decisions to the local party members.
So why should I think you or other LDs will take any notice of what the locals think?
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Can you please tell us who you will call your voters to second preference? Are you not concerned with the prospect of Boris Johnson becoming Mayor of London, with his backward views on many issues in direct contrast with the views of the vast majority of Liberal Democrat voters, and his policies that run against the interests of Londoners such as the ones on climate change, gay rights and other equality issues?
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Local people feel cut out of decisions affecting their lives, and it has been argued that the current Mayor of London has only made this worse. What would you do differently, to ensure that people feel involve in decisions, whether it's a tall building being built in their neighbourhood, or a decision to run double-decker buses down a narrow road that they live on?
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will you support Chelsea-Hackney line (Crossrail 2)?
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Mr. Paddick you have complained that you feel ignored by the media. Why do you think this is?
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Why should I vote for you, when I won't for your leader? What's the difference?
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Mr Paddick
What will you do to protect Londoners from invasions of personal privacy, such as the allegedly illegal interception of web pages by BT during trials in 2006 and 2007?
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What policies of his competitors does Brian think is worth trying and why?
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Liberal Democrat peer Brian Cotter is proposing a new Bill to protect the future of small, independent, local shops and to stem the flow of large retail outlets such as chain stores and supermarkets.
As Mayor, how would you use the might of the GLA in ensuring that London doesn't descend into a vast clone city?
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Assuming your first vote will be for yourself, who will get your second vote?
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Given the collapse of Metronet, why are you proposing to privatise the tube ?
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What will you do to encourage more cycling in London? Can we expect more proper, safe cycle lanes and secure bike parking under a LD mayor?
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transport is an essential issue in are you going to deal with the wider adoption of oyster cards by the national rail companies which at the moment deny customers the use of pay as you go?
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would you be prepared to accept an official position appointed by either of your current opponents?
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Why have you left it until just 3 weeks before the election to launch your campaign? Londoners were hoping for a serious 3rd contender but the polls show that it is too little too late. Other than reducing crime, we have not heard any real detail concerning how you would tackle the other big issues, such as public transport and housing. Do you really think you can make enough difference now to change voters' minds and vote for you? What a great opportunity you have lost
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What is Mr Paddick's view of requiring contractors to the GLA to guarantee they pay their staff at least the London Living Wage, and how would he (and the other candidates) develop this policy?
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If elected, are you planning on privatising the Tube as Ken Livingstone and the Green Party are suggesting you would?
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You say you are going to 'cut' crime.Exactely how do you propose to do this? Are you going to propose 'increased stop and search'?
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Are you prepared to champion green alternative transport tools (such as the Segway or similar electric devices) or will you continue, like Ken Livingston, to ignore these innovations in the interest of collecting congestion taxes?
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Dear Brian,
I am in love with London, but under Ken I am not enjoying it. TFL's Authoritarian approach to traffic management, pernicious penalty charges and zero tolerance of everything except Ken's Vision has made London the Orewellian 1984 Capital of the world.
How would you change this?
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How much simpler do you think police work would be, were London to become a totally cash free city ?
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How much simpler do you think police work would be, were London to become a totally cash free city ?
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How much simpler do you think police work would be, were London to become a totally cash free city ?
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Do you agree with the notion that mass immigration, ( by the hundreds of thousands),can cause a depreciation in the quality of life for existing citizens of London / UK - when,as has occured in the last decade,there is virtually no control or limit of any kind ? And this causes problems with housing , schooling and having enough jobs to go round.
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The GLA and/or TFL Complaints Procedure is a sanctimonious farce. In order to allow it to generate improvements, will you, if elected, take this Procedure out of the hands of the GLA and/or TFL and put it in the hands of a properly independent body?
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The GLA and/or TFL Complaints Procedure is a sanctimonious farce. In order to allow it to generate improvements, will you, if elected, take this Procedure out of the hands of the GLA and/or TFL and put it in the hands of a properly independent body?
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How much simpler do you think police work would be, were London to become a totally cash free city ?
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Would Mr Paddick consider introducing some form of Direct Democracy to allow the citizens to reclaim control of their City from the politicians?
This has worked very successfully in other countries - notably in Switzerland.
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Your party decided to put it's own self importance over the rest of Britain when it effectively voted against the EU referendum, thereby denying Britain of the democratic process
How do we know you won't do this with London as well?
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As a former police officer how would brian comment on the very open and serious drugs and sex issues which occur in all the clubs in vauxhall and of which clubs brian has attended..having been a clubber there myself and having seen brian in the clubs bars and other venues in vauxhall. As brian would know the venues in vauxhall, how can he say he hasnt broken the law and has like most clubbers in vauxhall seen the serious drugs and open sex which goes on in these clubs/bars/venues..but has decided not to a gay man i am annoyed with a senior former po who is gay who says he has not let any law breaking go on where he has been
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