

Talk about Newsnight

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Prospects for Friday, 4 April

  • Newsnight
  • 4 Apr 08, 11:17 AM

Robert Morgan is today's programme producer - here's his early email.

Good morning everyone,

There's quite a bit around today including Zimbabwe, MPs expenses, the backbench tax revolt and watch out for the Diana inquest verdict. Do come to the meeting with treatment ideas and thoughts for guests on these and other stories.

David Grossman is filming George Osborne meeting the Masters of the Universe on Wall Street today. It'll be a short VT. I'll tell you more in the morning meeting.

See you in a minute,


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Tony Blair, who no words can now adequately describe, has delivered unto us his pronouncement that extremism and irrelevance are the enemies of religion. From my sin-filled pit of life-apology, I can only squeek that I see HYPOCRISY as religion鈥檚 greatest foe; hypocrisy among the most-high of its adherants. This poor, deluded fellow combines Mammon, Machiavelli and Mass in a diabolical fusion, the like of which has not been seen since Screwtape annexed C S Lewis to do his bidding.

  • 2.
  • At 02:53 PM on 04 Apr 2008,
  • David Adams wrote:

I know this is not relevant to today but i wanted it to be read. I was disappointed by Paxman on Wednesday, grilling the founder of brain gym. Now before you all scoff and think I am a believer of brain gym I am not. However I don't beleive anyone trying to encourage children to stay away from processed foods and advising that they are bad for you should be spoken to in such a sharp and impatient manner. I am aware that the facts of the manual were incorrect but I thought that the way this point was honed in on seemed almost as if Paxman was coming to the defence of the processed food industry; not quite the slant I am used to on newsnight. I think the lobbyists for processed foods had a grin on their faces when Paxman so valiantly defended their malnutritious cause.
Paxman is a valuable weapon please only use the power on worthy targets.

  • 3.
  • At 11:51 PM on 04 Apr 2008,
  • lesley wrote:

why do mps qualify for such exhorbitant benefits? as an elected borough councillor i get nominal.parish councillors none. yet we make 'life and death'decisions for the man on the steet everyday. they do a job which they choose to do. they should get a decent wage and NO more....

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