Tuesday, 22 May, 2007
- 22 May 07, 06:02 PM
presents Tuesday's programme - read all about it, then leave your comments below...
Andrei Lugovoi should be charged and stand trial in Britain for the murder of Alexander Litvinenko by poisoning, according to the Director of Public Prosecutions.
The Foreign Secretary, Margaret Beckett, has told the Russian Ambassador that she expects Russia's "full co-operation". This seems unlikely. Russia says it cannot agree to the extradition.
So what will this do to the already strained diplomatic relations between the UK and Russia?
Susan Watts, one of the first reporters to link the Polonium trail to Andrei Lugovoi, has been looking at the evidence.
And Mark Urban will be exploring the diplomatic implications.
The head of the judiciary, Lord Phillips, has struck out against the newly created Ministry of Justice, calling it a "serious constitutional problem".
Lord Phillips told the Constitutional Affairs Select Committee that negotiations between the judges and the government to put in constitutional safeguards had not resulted in agreement.
Are the judges now set on an unavoidable collision course with the government? Michael Crick is on the case.
With less than two weeks to go until they were due to be made compulsory for anyone selling a home, the government has announced that 91热爆 Information Packs will be delayed until August, and then only phased in.
Why has the government been so slow to react to the problems?
In a temporary reincarnation, Newsnight's one-time Ethical Man, Justin Rowlatt, travels (somewhat unethically by plane) to India - the fourth biggest producer of greenhouse gases on earth.
Can he persuade middle class families enjoying new found wealth there to consider giving up their recently acquired cars and reduce their CO2 emissions?
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When Russia has requested extradition from Britain of Russians, how many requests have been granted?
All should remember, What goes around comes around.
As for what is happening with our Justice system look no further than,
The exemption of MP's from public scrutiny, the added job of snitching on the public by the public employees, the equivalent of the Stazi, it couldn't happen here could it - too late the process is already well underway - all for our own good and safety of course, lose your freedom get safety - yeah right but maybe a certain section of the population won't agree with that.
You want to know where we are going, read here:-
Not far off the mark is it?
But we will all plod along with most of our collective heads in the sand, walking around blinkered - just as this Government likes. The world and lifestyle (monitored of course) of the peasant is all that's on offer for Joe Public.
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Why are you ignoring Wales? In Wales the nationalists are on the verge of Power in a Rainbow coaltiion, which will NOT include Labour. THIS IS JUST AS BIG AS THE NATIONALISTS TAKING OVER IN SCOTLAND!!! This will have a major effect on Brown's Primiership.
Why is Newsnight ignoring it? Is it being anti-Welsh?
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There's no chance of russia extraditing lugovoi as parts of the government were probably behind the plot, some of the present government are ex kgb members,it may not be a communist state in name anymore but putin in some respects acts like a communist leader.
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Well its absolutely incredible that people are told if they carry a gun on a plane or a knife,there would be a heffty prison sentance attatched, all detectable at any air line, so how an earth can any security at an airport not detect one of mans worst weapons Polonium.Not only should the Russians be accountable but so should some one over here.Does this meen that any nut case help themselves over hear.
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I know this hasn't been implied by Justin, but it is a little unfair to ask 3rd world countries to be environmentally firendly when we have built our curret wealth over years of heavy pollution-making industry (as well as milking the world of natural resources and slave labour).
PS- it is a scandal how our schools don't teach about British Empire (is it due to shame because of the harsh realities of our past given that we currently portray ourselves as a morally sound nation, even international policemen).
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The HIPs story is huge, and of more relevance than the Litvinenko story today, I think.
I sympathise with Geraint who notes your lack of attention to the Welsh Assembly, but my view on this is that there will be many many more twists and turns in this story, so it may be worth waiting a day or two before getting too excited about it.
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Cars are not the problem in India as far as pollution is concerned. The poor burn tyres at night to keep warm.
Imagine the carbon output from that!
The West doesn't know what it is talking about when it comes to criticising the East.
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I agree, Wales is never on newsnight! Our politics is as interesting as Scotland's! More coverage would be nice, please do.
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I'm sad your interview didn't materialise, but the scene was soo funny: "You lucky chap, you're listening to Glasgow!" - Otherwise, I liked the Ethical Man item very much. Keep up the good work!
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The public should want investigation not justice... justice has failed and justice mongers have increasingly valued criminality with sympathy as a way of life!
Justice maddens any social intelligence into bizarre blame and complain lives of syllogistic wishful enforcements extremism...
No one can compete with it...
The nation needs an Investigations Minister ...not a Minister of Justice... top quality investigation should be the aim... the public have paid their council tax and deserve at least a days work for their 拢145 a year ....
Criminal justice vying with lawful justice leads to wars of ethnic believers...
Only conscientious who dunnit and practical investigation should be allowed...
All moral socialist motives must be repositioned into a framework of rectified understandings and headmastered experience...
The pursuit of investigation is Thorough Objectivity and Rectification..putting people right through correction of failure and misunderstanding within the confines of protective custody....
The pursuit of justice requires the retribution of others into defeat!
But the pursuit of investigation supports restoration of companionability ...tolerance of workable ways forward...the right ways to be popular...restoration of reputations...offers and acceptable possbilities of negotiated business conclusions... for a sporting chance society...of opportunities for and yet against us...as is known and understood...
We all recollect the popularised words of great leaders and a workable world of the many pasts we look to for inspiration...the world was already won...who allowed the deterioration!!!???
Benedict Davey ~ Political Corrector... TLC "making it our business and relieving us of the burden of yours!"
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What is happening to Newsnight ? A really interesting discussion just beginning tnight with Alan Beith (for some reason in Glasgow) in relation to the concerning judicial issues emerging today completely scuppered by another 'technical fault'. There was a time when JP would have been facilitating a debate on such an important issue with several particpants - and the loss of one would not have been so crucial. The result was that we were subjected to nearly 30 mins of Justin Rowlett's observations on carbon emissions in India. All very worthy but too late and could have been run as a documentary anyway. Newsnight used to be a stimulating and interesting discussion programme - increasingly it would seem there is less time for live discussion and debate and more taped interviews- which do not need suchskilled presenters such as Jeremy Paxman. A waste and a shame.
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To save all the furore surronding this case and bearing in mind the frosty relations between Russia and the West at present would it not be better for the UK to prosecute the case in a Russian court.
This may not be ideal, but having refused to extradite Russian disidents
how can we expect Russia to grant our wishes and lets all give priority to building bridges in this ever increasing hostile world.
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Not only did Britain refuse to extradict Russians back to Russia for trial, Jack Straw stood in the way of the extradition of Augusto Pinochet, the Chilean dictator who had been responsible for thousands of murders not just to Chile, but even to Spain, an EU member. Briatin has a good case. One Russian ex spy killed another Russian ex spy on British territory and suddenly the world is supposed to bow down to the Crown. Hah! Fat chance.
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'Newsnight's one-time Ethical Man, Justin Rowlatt, travels (somewhat unethically by plane) to India - ETHICAL MAN GOES GLOBAL'
I don't know how he fared with families there, but he didn't do too well here. As to whether it was 'somewhat' something ending in 'ical', ethics were not the first thing that sprang to mind.
Glibly admitting the blatant nature of a 'don't do as I do; do as I say' reason, if not excuse, really doesn't (green)wash any more, even with the sad attempted justification of 'raising awareness'. But it is still being trotted out as if it justifies anything, no matter how superfici-al (another one) done in the name of eco.
As Saint Bob Geldof recently opined about the forthcoming Live Earth concerts: 'We are all pretty [gosh darn] aware enough already, and really don't need a bunch more celebs flying all over the place to tell us'. Such as Mr. 'Well, you know, not flying isn't really practical...for folks like ME' Blair, 'You can call me - in my Lear - Al' Gore, Leonardo 'I try to fly commercial' diCaprio, Richard 'So it's a few rich guys atop a column of greenhouse gasses to have a Kodak Moment in the stars - but I've sponsored a prize' Branson' and every eco-writer whose doom and gloom book has been preceded by a global promo tour.
All followed, or mirrored by just as '-al' journalists who seem big on justification and low on irony. I imagine it will not be long before Justin has to fly up to the icy wastes to join half the 91热爆 already there 'studying' what Global Warming is doing to the icy wastes, thanks in part to all the folk flying up there to 'study' it.
Sure it may be your job. But that's the point. We all have jobs, and a lot of them involve some form of flying. If you won't... can't... shouldn't have to forgo this in the name of earning a living, why the heck should anyone else? THAT is the only message all this fake concern for the environment conveys. The 91热爆 trumpets the world's largest network of correspondents, so why do we need one to fly, presumably with crew, to India to report on it there? If it's for a quick entertainment ratings fix then admit it, but don't try and pretend it is 'somewhat unethical' or has one whit to do with concern for our planet or kids' futures upon it.
I just look forward (with dread) to when a few thousand Indian journalists come over here to see how our water levels are doing, followed by a newly affluent middle class from Asia who as a consequence don't think any restrictions need to apply to them either. No wonder, with such a message from the media: 'whoever it is, it isn't me'.
THIS was his first return at living ethically having ended his year and dropped the 'attempt' like last night's leftovers in the waste bin???! He can, apparently, because he's 'no longer ethical'. Well, golly, that's all right then.
No wonder George isn't giving up his car. Good to see he can get his aircon fix at M&S though. I guess paying for plastic bags here soon will make up for it.
Nice one, 91热爆... nice one.
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Superb Jeremy tonight (20/10) particularly with Mark & Michael and Yuri Felshtinsky. Pity about the Alan Beith interview. Justin's report was hillarious, and we've now had the privilege of seeing him with a sweaty back and his underpants too.Ha ha ha! :-)
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Agree for the most part with No11...& it's getting worse.
The HIPS scandalous waste of time , energy(Global Warming)I thought this pack was to help buyers in all aspects of house purchase , but seemingly has become a way of employing another 9,000(now very anti Labour discontents) & thermal insulation!
Mesdames Kelly & Cooper are seen to have told a few fibs along the way, most of the melodramatic speech by Cooper last week was full of them.
Methinks Kelly has been well & truly wrong footed by her ever -so helpful Minister...Cooper will go on to bigger & better.. & RK kicked out! A grubby business is our Gordaqs Politics.
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Superb Jeremy tonight (20/10) particularly with Mark & Michael and Yuri Felshtinsky. Pity about the Alan Beith interview. Justin's report was brilliant. Look forward to more from him!
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Justin went to India to try and convince an Indian family to reduce their co2 emissions with the usual changing of habits; such as using public transport, switching to low energy light bulbs, blah blah. I really enjoyed this report but,
The climate change industry sells the idea to the masses, via the hysterical news outlets, that man and his burning of fossil fuels and emitting CO2 gases into the atmosphere is responsible for the rise in temperature on our planet, i think you will find this a bogus and flawed theory, i must admit, i believed this theory for quite some time, but having the habit of always checking out the opposing view on anything, i checked the data, did the research; now i am no scientist, but if anyone with an interest in global warming and mans possible contribution to it, gives his time to researching studies in this field ; well you may find yourself going against the grain of popular thought, mans contribution to global warming is er... nil, nowt, absolutly zero... yes i admit its a bold statement, a bit like that 19 century doctor, who suggested that washing your hands could reduce infections, how everyone laughed at his 'crazy' theories and ridiculed him to death. So please newsnight, stop selling this pup to the viewers anymore or at least try and introduce the well researched data that throws the generally excepted global warming in the bin... justin's year was not fully wasted though, as any methods to reduce the use of a finite resource or the use of alternatives is still a good thing... earth's climate history is a good place to start for anyone who wishes to be enlightened on this subject, and having a good understanding of what exactly is CO2, and its relationship to the planet we inhabit, plus how the earth is affected by its neighbours in our solar system, its cyclical nature with other planetory orbs that spin around the sun, not to mention the position within the galaxy, man is just a piece of snot under the universel canteen table , unpleasent close up for sure, but mostly benign in the bigger galatic scheme of things..
for a quick introduction, to save you the time in delving in deep on global warming; here is a good introduction on google video to help you along.
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Peter #14 - Excellent.
Our current intelligentsia in the media and elsewhere seem to have a lot to answer for, the question is, are they up to it?:
And why the likes of Jeffrey (I_did a_'Boris_on_Boris') shock therapist Sachs is telling the West about the problem of 'bursting at the seems' when in fact it's so dangerously below replcement level and headed for extinction that it has to import labour from the Third World is chutzpah in the extreme!
If he was doing his tour in Africa, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh it might have made a little sense, as it is, he's just another anarchist spreading poison and destruction dressed dressed up with ribbons and bows in my book.
When will people wake up to this nonsense?
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'Newsnight's one-time Ethical Man,
It is clear the move to Cities/Big Towns in India is the major problem. But they are told industory will solve all their problems!
If Indians, indeed, all of us had followed the sustainble living, the cottage industory, as proposed by Gandhi,we would not in be such a mess.
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Did anyone see that man doing that funny head-waggling boogie dance at the end of Justin Rowlatt's Ethical Man goes global report?
We almost died laughing! I want to learn that dance...
...I hope they show it again and include it in their end-credits - it was mintness on aceness!
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Don't think I have ever laughed so much during a newsnight programme- it all seemed a bit surreal. The problems in the studio then Jeremy messing up with Michael Crick then that very good but hilarious Justin Rowlatt tape- I started laughing right at the beginining actually when jeremy said good evening with a very strange and uncharacteristic grin on his face!!! Still the best news show around though
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A pity that Newsnight Scotland was not on this evening - I find it much more interesting and relevant than the main Newsnight programme and usually tune in at 11pm to catch it.
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Dear No 2.
Welsh Assembly/Plaid.
Joke. Hung Assembly. About right. Rainbow coalition could never be practical politically. Tories being ultimately pragmatic. WE (over 40) seem to have incredibly short memories. Get on with it people of Wales. Of course, the Scottish version might well be a coalition of letting the nationalists destroy themselves. Cymru? Hwyl.
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