Your Letters
"We have only heard good things about her" - up until the part about crashing the train into the house, I'm guessing.
Jack, Manchester
Did no-one smell a rat (or anything else for that matter) when someone was importing the garlic claiming it to be apples?
Basil Long, Nottingham
Dec (Monday Letters), I'll see your puppy throwing and raise you a train theft and domicile impact. (Roll on the rest of the weeks news!)
Ray Lashley, Colchester, UK
I'm afraid your Scrabble score calculator is wrong. I input QUIZZES and was blithely informed that it was worth 34 under the old rules and 27 under the new rules, as Z has been demoted from 10 points to 6 and the U upgraded from 1 point to 2. However, the only way to make QUIZZES in Scrabble is to use a blank (there is only one Z), and as any fule kno a blank tile in Scrabble is worth no points at all. Thus the correct score is 24 under the old system and 17 under the new. I'll get me coat (6 points).
Angus Gafraidh, London UK