Your Letters
Ok, I know it's an American "sport" but the caption to the photo for smart glasses saying they could display stats about football players, whilst showing a picture of a baseball game.? I know it's a Friday and all...
Malcolm Rees, Aldershot
It doesn't always help to pronounce names of foreign foods correctly (Paper Monitor, Friday). I've often had to ask for djallapeenoes after requests for jalapenos have been met with blank stares. And don't get me started on the subject of coritzo, please.
David, Romford, UK
Only three winners of this week's Caption Competition? Is the price of raw kudos going up? Or is Scrooge taking over this Christmas?
Rob Falconer, Llandough, Wales
Something being visible from space used to be an impressive testament to giant size. But we've all used Google Maps. My garden shed is visible from space.
MJ Simpson, Leicester, UK
Perhaps the main problem for "WWII pigeon message stumps GCHQ decoders" is that the message is in pidgin English? I'll get my coat.
Lewis Graham, Hitchin
Did anyone else find themselves saying "exotic dishes and delicacies" to themselves and wondering what the fuss was about?
Joseph, London
The most common food mispronunciation these days has to be "bruschetta". It's not pronounced "brooshetta", it's "broo-sketta". I also avoid ordering panini in coffee shops because I can't bear to ask for "a panini" ("panino" is singular, "panini" plural).
Sharon Cutworth, King's Lynn
The "g" in gnocchi is not silent at all. The "g" alters the sound of the "n". Try saying nocchi and notice how your tongue just drops from the top of your mouth. Now try saying the same word but in doing so slide down to the back of your teeth. It's a subtle difference, but it is certainly noticeable to Italian speakers.
Martin, Luxembourg
Re myth-busting the Christmas Ads. So - Tom Herbert doesn't "know any guy that can sit on his bottom and watch the telly while their other half does all the cooking" does he? Well he's welcome to come to our house Christmas Day. Prepare to be amazed Mr Herbert. Aqua Suliser, Bath