Your Letters
I've always wondered what would happened if everyone on a flight chose the speedy boarding option... not so speedy now.
Ross McLaughlin, Belfast
Re this story: "...and other distractions like Catherine Zeta-Jones walking up and down the drive". That is the sort of "distraction" up with which I would be very happy to put.
John Bratby, Southampton
Just catching up on the last month of your letters (it's busy over here), and couldn't help noticing where Carl Evans lives (letters 12 September). Would he have a word with his mayor to see if his town wants to twin with Crawley? Oh, go on.
Phil Warne, Nelson, NZ
Give us commas! Am I the only one to despair the use of a spaced hyphen instead of a comma? As in "the researchers looked at venom from 50 species before they found the black mamba's pain-killing proteins - called mambalgins" and "take it to the grill to be cooked - repeating the process 'as many times as you wish'". Help me out, pedants, (or - ) what's the rule?
Diane, London
Thoughts not to have: if you can patent a rectangle with rounded corners, can you patent anything at all? Fire, for example? And if so, what happened to the Patent Office where the original copy was stored?
Nigel Macarthur, London, England