Your Letters
Re: this story - could this be my Dragons Den moment at last? Anyone ever thought of putting bars on the windows?
Fi, Gloucestershire, UK
"Google to sell tablet and glasses" - I thought this story would include paracetamol and a drink of water. I'll get my pills.
Buzz, London
Peter (or Peters?, Wednesday's letters), Hoxton is a London Overground station, not an Underground. And as for Ipswich Town, there's a slight matter of a "c".
Andrew, London
HB (Wednesday's Letters) - Merluccid Hake is another fish which contains all the letters of the word Mackerel. It's not as nice smoked, though.
Richard Martin, Doncaster, UK
How amusing! I clicked play on item four of this story to see Meg Ryan's fake orgasm only to be told that the content wasn't working and I should try again later.
John Thompson, Kirkby Lonsdale