Your Letters
Could smoking outdoors soon be banned? Yes, I'm sick of having to shut my windows every time my neighbours go out for a fag. What we need is an enclosed place where consenting adults can go and smoke all they want. They could buy snacks and beverages while they're there. Ex-smoker BTW, we're the worst. And I think tobacco revenues still outweigh treatment costs by about £10b to £5b.
Catherine Osborn
Am I the only who giggled at the diagram of the predicted shape of the ash cloud? No? Thought not.
Phil, Oxford
Well, at least its name is much easier to say compared to last year's.
K Morrison, Lowestoft
Re: Paper Monitor. So as I don't keep up with the trends and normally only really buy clothes when things need replacing, does that mean I'm a wannabe skinny person?
Sharon Barrett
OK, so Camping got his prediction about the apocalypse wrong. But never mind, it's not the end of the world.
Adam, London, UK
I have survived the Millenium Bug and now avoided the Rapture - am I immortal
Rich, Cornwall, UK
God's favourite film? Carry On Camping.
Kipson, Norwich, UK
Dear all, whilst it might not have been the end of the world for me, my kid's guinea pig passed away on Saturday night.
Andrew, Malvern, UK