Your Letters
May I be the first to point out that Drunk Girl, has a out?
Mich, Balham
Jon, London (Monday's letters) - we are only on GMT for five months of the year as it is. Since Magazine Monitor is populated by pedants such as myself, during those five months only a very small part of the country (ie within 0.25 degrees of the meridian) is on the right time to the nearest minute.
John Airey, Peterborough, UK
Jon of London - we'll never be on GMT? We haven't set our watches to GMT since the early 1970s, when we changed to UTC (atomic time). That's why we have leap seconds.
Bob Peters, Leeds, UK
Dave from Cornwall (Monday's letters) - there's a pre-school near us called Dropmore Infants. I hope they have padded floors.
Ian, Burnham, UK
"Wind is an abundant, clean, home-grown alternative to fossil fuels. It can't be blown off course..." in this story. Chris Huhne - minister or comedian?
Mark, Cornwall
Re: Study shows Welsh sheep 'more clever than thought'. A case of damning with faint praise? I mean, they're not known for their witty banter.
Sarah, Basel, Switzerland