Your Letters
Could glasses soon be history? No.....spectacles make us look so intelligent & cute.
Wendy Crossley
To Kevin Friery (Monday's letters). In the instance you cite, the woman's religion was relevant to the story. She herself explained that the motivation for her newsworthy actions sprang from her Christian convictions. If she had been an atheist, acting on atheistic principles, then I'm sure the reporter would have mentioned that fact.
James, Stockport
Are this and this connected?
MCK, Stevenage
Re Monday's quote of the day - What about Cheeta from the Tarzan franchise? His name was in all the films and the TV series (but not in the books), trumping the Johnny-come-Lately that is Bubbles.
PollySaxon, Lichfield
Re: Gaga puns. Perhaps Meat the Frockers?
Candace, New Jersey, US
Re the video at the top of Building a bomber plane in just a day, the commercial for us overseas readers is for Mercedes Benz.
William Crawley, Winnipeg Canada