10 things we didn't know last week
1. Apples originated in Kazakhstan.
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2. Ray Winstone turned down the part of McNulty in The Wire.
3. It is illegal to dry clothes in various parks in Whitstable, Kent.
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4. The UK's newest submarine will last 25 years without needing to be refuelled.
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5. The Queen washes up.
6. Tony Blair was nervous meeting Des O'Connor.
7. Usain Bolt was called VJ as a child, because his mother thought he needed a nickname. It doesn't stand for anything.
8. Guinness can be deep-fried.
9. The biggest crisp factory in the world is in Leicester.
10. Britons drink less alcohol than the European average.
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Seen 10 things? . Thanks to Vic Barton-Walderstadt for this week's picture of 10 acorns.