Your Letters
Is it just me or does make him look uncannily like Alan Rickman?
Mike Harper, Devon, UK
Meg, Geneva, (Friday's letters) was right! Caption Competition gone, letters gone, and no, it's not my computer either. Can we get it fixed?
Allan J, Calgary, Canada
Monitor: You'll need to explain more - things seem fine from this end.
Dan (Monday's letters), your maths is all right but your assumptions aren't. To make the calculation you need to also know the average cost of a regulated and unregulated fare (you have assumed they are the same). It also isn't clear whether the stats means 40% of tickets bought are regulated or 40% of defined journey/ticket type combinations. I think it is probably the latter, in which case the number of people buying each ticket type is also required.
Ian, Winchester, UK
And I suppose it's not to late to hope John Cleese will go in for ?
Fred, Rotherham
Your story today about train station got me thinking... about the plural of 'roof'. In your article you used 'rooves' which I had not seen before. An online search found a split in opinion between 'roofs' and 'rooves'. Could any reader shed more light on the matter and put my mind at rest?
Marie, Orpington
Your article on twice uses the phrase "total journey experience". Is that what we used to call a "train journey"?
Adam, London, UK
For sheer minimalism, try Dovey Junction. Essentially a triangular platform in the middle of nowhere, provided to assist those who forgot to change carriages at Machynlleth.
Ben Norwood,