Your Letters
Maisy (Letters, Friday), cats most certainly do break wind - very quietly! I have a small black cat named Shirley who makes the most vile smells - just when she has sat on my lap!!
Julie, Leek
I note from this week's 10 Things that bears do not in fact like honey. But has research been done into their liking for porridge? Or indeed pickernic baskets? May childhood beliefs are at stake here...
Charlotte, Crystal Palace, London
"Bears don't like honey" refers to black bears - this is what the TV programme was about. So why have you used a picture of a *brown* bear to illustrate the headline 10 Things - Bears don't like honey and nine other snippets"?
Paul Levy, Lancaster
Pre-promotion nominative determinism visible
Bas, London
I was going to write a witty comment about suggesting that we can still be considered a child at 25. I then realised I'd read it incorrectly, which was disappointing as I thought it meant I'd got a few more years left of taking my laundry home.
Amy-Jo, London
Re : Poppies are NOT sold. They are distributed and donations welcomed and accepted. I assume this is the case in UK as well as Canada.
Ernest Middleton, Dartmouth Nova Scotia Canada
Why have strawberry and rasberry prices risen by 250% in the past week?
Jan Maguire, High Easter, UK
So, which is which?
bx19, Warrington, Euroland