Your Letters
To answer Paper Monitor's question, the difference between "moccasins" and "loafers" are the sole. Moccasins have less of one than loafers.
Kailyn, Kentucky, USA
The difference between moccasins and loafers? Probably none since Elvis simply sung about them as "shoes".
Candace, New Jersey, US
Apparently NO THEY DON'T NO THEY DON'T really work. I have to say NO THEY DON'T that I remain NO THEY DON'T unconvinced.
Edward Green, London, UK
What do they do if the target is between 100 and 180 miles, because none of the missiles cover this range?
Basil Long, Nottingham
Steven, Lochgilphead
Hmm, I wonder what on the third page of the Daily Star...
Kirk Northrop, Manchester, England
Just as well, as I have absolutely no intention of tickling his tummy.
Rob Falconer, Llandough, Wales