Your Letters
I saw a poster yesterday saying "Vote for change". Why? Have the MPs claimed all the banknotes?
Ed, Clacton, UK
Dave Slater, Kilmarnock, Scotland
Have gratuitous photos of David Tennant become the new gratuitous photos of David Brent? I've noticed recent examples and . Not that I'm complaining, mind you...
JJ, Oxford
"At the end of the matter what...when it comes down to it." I think say it all about The Apprentice, really. 110%.
Aaron, Reading, UK
If Sir Alan becomes , then how will future contestants have to address him?
Jim, Coventry
Can any Monitorites explain to me how I'm befuddled.
Nadja, north of Boston, USA
Re Basil Long (Thursday letters), but I'm afraid I'm going to have to pick you up on a point. They did ask Mr Armstrong, and he said he thought he had said "for a man". Can't fault the man for making the error... he was having quite a busy day.
Kevin Langley, Derby