Your Letters
Re : OK, I'll bite. Why exactly did Mr Yoosabai have the costume in his locker?
Gatz, Chelmsford, UK
Re Tuesday's Paper Monitor, my place of work is currently in uproar over the tea/coffee issue. We used to have half a dozen vending machines around dispensing free tea and coffee. These have been replaced in a perfectly legitimate money-saving exercise with teabags and coffee in the kitchens. What they didn't realise was that there are two kitchens for around 250 employees, one of which can only hold one person at a time, and the other is used for some catering which means that for nearly half the time it is out of action. It should have been a good idea had there been a little more thought put into the logistics.
Basil Long, Nottingham
Are we sure isn't a submarine?
Dan, London
Jill B, Detroit
David (Your Letters, Monday), a pledge one can make without commitment would be a "manifesto".
John, Sevenoaks
Perhaps they are committed to taxation on a certain brand of furniture polish?
Mary, Derby
Following on from Curt's suggestion (Monday's letters), could we have a "don't care" option as well?
Simon Robinson, Birmingham, UK
Has Ratan Tata (Tuesday's Quote of the Day) been taking sales tips from Swiss Tony?
Alex, Edinburgh
aren't "resting" on the deer at a country estate near Bristo, they are pulling hair out for nesting material.
Ross, Lancaster, UK
There seems to be more people complaining about Street View than ID cards - why are people complaining about their privacy when anyone who was out on the street that day could see them. If they really wanted no one to know, maybe they should have done whatever they were doing in private - not out on the street!
Kat, Oxford, UK