Your Letters
Does conform to ?
Stuart, Croydon
Monday's Quote of the Day: according to the "Mr Brown admitted he was beaten with the belt in an interview with Sir Alan Sugar". Maybe I'll put my application for the next series of The Apprentice on hold.
David, Romford
In the interest of helping Chris Clarke (Friday letters) to fulfil his/her dreams, I'd be available for a cup of tea some time. Bonus points if I get a panino too.
Susannah, Northampton
Chris Clarke - I'm game let's sort out a Monitorite meeting then.
John Airey, Peterborough, UK
Yet of someone with a surname that matches the theme of the news story.
Helen, UK
. This is the nicest story to appear in the news all year. Give the teachers responsible a medal.
Stuart Jenkinson, Bradford
in the "least surprising headline" competition. Are these now deliberate?
Chris Kenny, Southampton, England