Your Letters
Surely should have handed in their petition a year or two ago?
Angus Gafraidh, London UK
Another for Brent-watch - the gratuitous use of a David Brent photo in any office-related story.
Jane, Southampton
Anagram competition: "interrobangs". "Bring on tears"?
Scarr, Dublin
Monitor: This is not a competition.
Until I read the detail of , I was very impressed with the apes' handiwork in creating that banner.
Kat Murphy, Coventry
Am I the only person who saw the headline "" and thought of the return of Blake's 7?
Phil, Cardiff
Re "". Ooh, that headline made me wince with manly fear.
Ben Foster, Aylesbury
"" - amongst the most read stories this weekend, possibly one of the most common phrases recently as well...?
Pip, Corby