10 things we didn't know last week
Snippets from the week's news, sliced, diced and processed for your convenience.
1. The word Blighty comes from "bilayti", the Urdu for homeland.
2. Spotting a bargain releases "happy chemicals" like serotonin and adrenalin in the brain.
3. Babies make moral judgements about people.
4. Japan’s population will fall by 30% in 50 years.
5. The Queen took her corgi on honeymoon.
6. The brains of migraine sufferers are thicker in part of the cortex than those free of the severe headaches.
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7. Radiohead's Thom Yorke paid nothing to download his latest album (just like the two-thirds of his fans who also got it for free).
8. The presence of kingfishers indicate that a waterway is in a healthy ecological state.
9. Beer has fewer calories than a similar measure of wine, milk or fruit juice.
10. Each economically active person is on 700 databases on average.
Seen 10 things? . Thanks to Brenda Candlish for this week's picture of 10 keys).