Your letters
Fascinating though the are, it is nonsense to claim that "for the first time Britain was in a war where the civilian population was a target". During the First World War, bombing raids by German Zeppelins caused extensive casualties in many British cities.
MJ Simpson, Leicester, UK
Friday's Random Stat says that 39% of people surveyed thought cost was the most important consideration for having cosmetic surgery. With it being ideally suited to two-for-one deals , I would imagine value would be more important than cost.
Phil B-C, London
Random stat: 100% of the people in this office do not know what a "beta feature" means
Christina, Bath
The article on seems to argue that theft is OK as long as it's "hardly likely to be noticed". In that case, I'm off to steal a few grand from Bill Gates.
David, Epsom
Since the Monitor stubbornly refuses to bring back the Caption Comp and Punorama, I propose we start our own 'I bet you don't print this' competition. Will this do for starters?
Mike, London UK
Monitor note: No.
I don't know why you're bothering to publish this. I'll never write it.
Simon Ellis, Edinburgh
Monitor note: That's more like it.