Your Letters
To Stephen Turner (Friday's letters) and all those other who are convinced that you can burn through car windows - OH YES YOU CAN! My arms and neck will attest to the fact that fair skinned people can burn very easily through glass. I just wish I could afford those tinted windows now...
Heather, Wolverhampton
What's with Punorama & Teletubbies? Last week it was Tinky-Winky in Poland and this week it's La-La in Spain.
Gareth Jones, Isle of Anglesey
Ralph in Cumbria (Monday letters ): Glad you're coming to the Time Travellers' Convention. I'll have was going to seen you there.
Alex, Prague, Czech Republic
Ralph in Cumbria - re the time travellers' convention, shouldn't that be "I'll make sure I attended"?
Dan, Bristol
Congratulations to the website on finding the only in London completely devoid of graffiti and postcards advertising "personal services" AND which looks to be in perfect working order! For those of us without mobiles, can you tell us its location, please?
alisonwonderland, London, UK
Your says "the average European accesses the net 16.5 days in a month, and spends 24 hours viewing 2,662 web pages". I make that a page every 30 and a few seconds. Does this include the time necessary to close pop-ups, Internet polls and offers of Viagra, or do the users just read exceptionally fast?
John Murphy, Lauris, France