Your Letters
Is the voting practices of the Song Contest really the most pressing issue Richard Younger-Ross could find to table a motion about? Wish I was a politician - I want to table a motion on stopping people poking me in the eye with their umbrellas. I say give them the lash.
Aine, Fearon
Can someone please explain to me why , one of the most boring and bland cartoons to have ever existed, is able to get three movies made yet great cartoons from yesteryear - like Thundercats and Dungeons and Dragons, which are long overdue for the live-action treatment - aren't even considered? It doesn't make any sense!
Mark Ivey, Hartlepool, UK
Re: The . Hardly a new idea...postal workers have been doing it for years!
Oonagh Keating, Liverpool
Regarding Masterfoods rather bizarre decision to ADD to their chocolates, I find it bizarre. I am not a vegetarian and I do not have coeliac disease. However, I find the idea of using rennet in chocolate disgusting and will be avoiding all Masterfoods brands from now on. I don't know about you, but I don't want beef(!) in my chocolates. What do Hindus feel about this?
Kay Grannell, Fleet, UK
James B (Monday's letters), yes you're upset, now take a deep breath and calm down. Some people are vegetarian not through choice - there are people who, plain and simple, cannot digest animal fats and if they ingest them they will become very ill or even die.
Darren McCormac, London
James B (Monday's letters) - there are over three million vegetarians in the UK (say, one in 20 of the population) and coeliac disease is a 1-in-100 people condition. Vegetarians are the bigger group, with bigger spending power, so we're bigger news. As for your assertion it's a choice, well, yes it is, but one I've taken so that I don't get diseases such as CJD, salmonella, MRSA,or even heart disease and some cancers.
Nic, Sheffield
Re: James B's (Monday's letters) angry coeliac letter. Oh, yes!
Purby (coeliac), Bramford, UK
The pronunciation guide is useful, but I am Scottish, and there is no difference between the oo in book and the oo in boot when I say it. That's all.
Laura, Manchester
The reason the curtains are only opened a bit (Monday's letters) is to retain the buildup of heat in the room. I tried it myself this morning, its does work.
Colin, Oxford