Your letters
In reply to T. Nicholson - no, no, no, I was only talking about the trains. Doing the same for air fares would indeed make no sense at all. I guess you don't have Virgin Trains in Canada. You lucky people.
Chris R, Cambridge, UK
Re: T. Nicholson in Canada - Whilst it's certainly true that "cheap Brits" can make a rather upleasant mess on the beaches of Florida and the Med (among other places) I'm not sure it's entirely fair to refer to them as pollution.
Chris, Paris, France
T. Nicholson from Canada - Chris from Cambridge was referring to Virgin Trains, not Virgin planes. So Richard Branson could transport all those pesky Brits around their own country for less, but not ship them abroad. Would that make you happier?
Margaret, Christchurch, NZ
During a quiet moment at work this afternoon I "steeled" a look at Paper Monitor only to discover to my horror that I am now a 'Monitorite'. Sounds like a Trilobite-Monitor Lizard cross breed if you ask me.
Jim, Aldershot, England
The owner of wrote about his daring escape: "It's amazing really, if you wrote it as a film script no-one would believe it." I suspect if it was made into a film then nobody would go and watch it.
Thomas Steuart-Feilding, Bristol, UK
Dear Charlotte, you're right of course. Sorry to PM for spreading misinformation, could somebody sneak out at lunchtime and measure the internal and external volumes of a phone box, so that we can try and get it right.
Ian, Cosenza, Italy
Charlotte is quite right, you cannot fit 1172 phone boxes in an olympic sized swimming pool. After I crushed 1200 such phone boxes, they left a volume equivalent to about 80. I reasoned that crushed steel alone (the telephones handsets had been removed) made up about 6.5% of the total volume. and so, in my professional judgement, you could fit about 1096 red phone boxes in an olympic sized swimming pool. Unless of course you crush them first.
Phil B-C, London
Re: 'runners-up' in preference to 'losers' comment. I would be happy to get a mention, end of story.
Tim McMahon, Pennar, Wales
Pip : the Monitor regularly sends me pleading love letters, and all manner of gifts. Perhaps it's just you?