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JZ's Diary

Head of 91热爆 Radio Scotland, Jeff Zycinski, with a sneak preview of programme plans and a behind-the-scenes glimpse of his life at the helm.

Photograph of Jeff Zycinski.

A Fleeting Encounter With Alex Salmond

  • Jeff Zycinski
  • 12 Sep 07, 10:52 AM

I was sitting minding my own business in Pacific Quay this morning when I suddenly found myself being introduced to Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond. He was being given a tour of our new H.Q. in advance of the formal opening next Thursday.

"So what do you think of the place?" I asked him.
"Oh terrific...you just need to make more programmes."

He then told a story how the Admirality had operated out of spartan underground bunkers during the second world war. Then, having won the war and dismantled most of their battleships, all the top brass returned to opulent surroundings above ground.

"All those chiefs but not enough ships."

The First Minster then made a gesture to the surrounding stairways and glass balconies. Luckily my Dad was in the Polish navy so I'm quite good at nautical chit-chat.

"So you think we should expand the fleet?" I asked.
"That's it! Yes. Exactly!"

At the time I thought we were both talking about radio programmes, but on reflection I'm not so sure.

In fact, I have a strange sinking feeling about it all.

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