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Listen to Radio Scotland - 91热爆 Radio Player

JZ's Diary

Head of 91热爆 Radio Scotland, Jeff Zycinski, with a sneak preview of programme plans and a behind-the-scenes glimpse of his life at the helm.

Photograph of Jeff Zycinski.

Happy Days in Kingussie

  • Jeff Zycinski
  • 18 Jan 07, 05:59 PM

At eleven o'clock this morning, producer Deirdre Leitch threw me a crisp XXL 91热爆 Radio Scotland t-shirt and told me to get in the car. We were heading for Kingussie High School for another radio skills workshop for pupils.
It was a real winter wonderland in that area, but the snow wasn't falling, the sky was bright and the roads were clear.

Neither of us pretend to be experts in secondary education, but we have our own method of judging the quality of a school. We awards top marks to any school where we get offered a cup of tea within fifteen minutes of our arrival. Kingussie High School got extra points because the cuppa was delivered within five minutes as well as an entire packet of bourbon biscuits.

Not that we needed either. Having arrived in the town far too early, we paid a sneaky visit to the Happy Days Cafe. The board outside had made the bold promise of "Seattle's best coffee". It must be good, I thought, if people come here all the way from Seattle.

Mind you, given the name of the cafe, I was disappointed not to have encountered photographs of The Fonz or the entire Cunnningham family. I followed Deirdre over to a booth by the window and pointed to the seat.

"Sit on it,." I said,pointing both thumbs skywards, but she didn't get the joke.

I must be getting old.

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