Europe MP :"Pray for me"
Brian Binley, MP for Northampton South, selected to go to Europe
So it was with some surprise that we heard he has become a member of the Council of Europe.
Founded 61 years ago, , according to its website "seeks to develop throughout Europe common and democratic principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights". But it's not only justice issues that it deals with - the body also discusses the problems of terrorism, organised crime, human trafficking, education, the environment, health and culture.
It is separate to the . Critics say it is just another European talking shop.
All 47 member states send MPs to the parliamentary assembly, 18 come from Britain and Mr Binley is the only MP from our region.
"I still think Europe is too big for its own boots," says Mr Binley. "I thought the Council should not be seen as the preserve of europhiles, I think we need more people who take a realistic or eurosceptic view of Europe, that's why I put myself forward."
Mr Binley says he used to be a europhile, forty years ago when Britain was trying to join the common market, but he now believes the whole idea of Europe is too big and out of control.
The assembly meets four times a year and there will be two main issues in Mr Binley's sights:
"The first is the Euro. I have been horrified by the arrogance of so called experts who created a project which is now unsustainable. It was introduced for political not economic reasons and the weaknesses are now being shown up".
"I'll be telling them to wake up and smell the coffee, you thought it would be all harmony, in fact, it's created more problems"
The other issue he'll be campaigning on will be the Human Rights Act. "It was set up to stop dictators having absolute power but now it has lessened the human rights of the majority of law abiding citizens," he says. "It must be changed"
But with 630 members of the Assembly, most of them pro-european, does Mr Binley really expect to make a difference?
"I will find out if there is anything I am able to actually do over there," he says. "I hope I can, I fear I won't".
And as we say goodbye he says "If you're religious pray for me, I'm going to need it".
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