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Archives for December 2010

Mum and Dad music...

Bryan Burnett | 19:57 UK time, Wednesday, 29 December 2010

It's been a great week of music and some lovely stories have been shared during our 'life in music' week. We round it off with a night paying tribute to the 'old folk'. In our house it was the bizarre mix of Shirley Bassey and Sydney Devine that used to blast out from our parent's radiogram, but what are the tunes that remind you of mum and dad? That's the theme for Thursday which will be the last Get It On of the year. It's been a terrific 12 months of suggestions and I hope we can keep it up for another year.

Music for grown ups...

Bryan Burnett | 19:54 UK time, Tuesday, 28 December 2010

It seems there are a lot of our listeners who spent their teenage years like Mo in Inverness dressed in 鈥榖lack jeans and black Doc boots鈥 or maybe you were more like Scott in the lorry with his 鈥榣ong hair, torn jeans and leather biker jacket鈥.

It was all the extra details that you told us about that really made last night鈥檚 show so much fun. There were tales of late night drives listening to Hazel O Connor, underagers sneaking into the Reading Festival and most shocking of all, slow dancing to Je T鈥檃ime at bible class parties!

There were so many terrific teenage experiences sent in during the programme but I really enjoyed Aileen from West Kilbride鈥檚 memories of the fab four:

鈥淚 went to see the Beatles 1st concert in Glasgow in 1964, the night before my O -Level Chemistry exam. It was in the Odeon in Renfield Street. In those days the bus dropped you off and picked you up outside the door. I was a bit worried as I should have been doing last minute swotting but how could you miss out on The Beatles. Well, what an experience!!!!!! Didn't hear a note played or sung --- everyone was fainting and screaming and ambulance men were dragging people out - but I wouldn't have missed it for the world and I also got my o level chemistry.鈥

On Wednesday we grow up and move into adulthood. I鈥檒l be looking for the songs that you associated with those first flats, first jobs and first serious romances. Perhaps it鈥檚 the tracks that remind you of settling down or the tunes that will take you through middle age. Either way, don鈥檛 hesitate to get in touch鈥

Teenage Kicks...

Bryan Burnett | 19:56 UK time, Monday, 27 December 2010

I really enjoyed tonight's show of the songs you remember from your childhood. The music was superb and made me smile all the way through. I love the fact that we got asked for everything from Under The Moon of Love to Stop yer Ticklin' Jock! Earlier today, I was lying on the couch in a turkey and trifle induced stupor and finding it hard to motivate myself to get going back to work. This programme was just what I need - a good singalong and a chance for some warm reminisces. Perfect for this time of year. Tomorrow we move on to the songs you remember from your teenage years. Was it Marc Bolan or Marc Almond who changed your life? get in touch and let me know...

Junior choice...

Bryan Burnett | 14:44 UK time, Monday, 27 December 2010

Welcome to the weirdest week of the year when you are never quite sure what day of the week it actually is. You are not quite done celebrating Christmas whilst at the same time getting ready for the New year. I'm halfway between holiday and work mode, but we will be doing live shows all this week, although there is no Get It On on Hogmanay. We are planning a week long theme of music that reminds you of stages of your life. Tonight we kick off with the songs that remind you of your childhood. It could be themes from Tv shows, first records given to you or just playground anthems that you remember singing along to. I'm not quite sure what kind of music we'll get as I think it's the novelty hits that you remember as a child. For me that would be Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep and Long Haired Lover From Liverpool. You'll be glad it's not me picking the tunes tonight then...

Merry Christmas Bloggers....

Bryan Burnett | 19:57 UK time, Friday, 24 December 2010

On behalf of all the Get It On team, a very Merry Christmas to all our listeners and a special thank-you to all on the blog who in are the backbone of this show. We don't always have time for all of your suggestions but they are all read, considered and appreciated by me and the team. I hope all of you have a lovely Christmas. We've got some good themes lined up for the New Year and in the week between Christmas and New Year it's a week long celebration of the stages of life. We start with 'songs you loved as a child' and continue throughout the week. "We think the bloggers will like this theme' said a spokeswoman.

Sleigh ride...

Bryan Burnett | 19:47 UK time, Thursday, 23 December 2010

Santa's sleigh is behind our advent calendar window for Christmas Eve. The show is dedicated to everyone who will be on the move that night. Weather permitting, I imagine that loads of folk will be listening as they attempt to make it home for Christmas, so what are the songs that will speed them on their way? It could be driving anthems or maybe just some festive favourites. Get in touch and let me know. If you are planning to be on the move then let me know your plans and we'll give you a mention on the show...

Present time....

Bryan Burnett | 19:57 UK time, Wednesday, 22 December 2010

On Thursday I'll be reaching under the tree and pulling out some presents. Musical gifts is our theme. What song would you give and who would you like to gift it to? Mike in Fife got in there early with his suggestion of Careless Whisper for Vince Cable. Can't wait to see what you come up with...

The Get It On Choir...

Bryan Burnett | 18:05 UK time, Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Members of the Glasgow Chamber Choir performing live on Get It On on Tuesday 21st December.

Nothing Like A Dame...

Bryan Burnett | 08:26 UK time, Wednesday, 22 December 2010

We open another window on our advent calender tonight and there's a Christmas treat behind it. It's panto time, but what songs does your annual visit to the pantomime make you think of? There are some great suggestions on yesterday's blog post but how about things like Genie In The Bottle or Aladdin Sane? So what are the songs that could feature in Cinderella, babes In The Wood, Aladdin and the rest. Miss Babs will be producing tonight in a dual role of fairy godmother/wicked stepmother but when she appears will you shout out and let me know boys and girls?

Despite the laid back music, last night's show was manic behind the scenes. With everything that was going on behind the scenes I didn't have time to announce the answers of the Silent Night mash-up or read out the bloggers Christmas Carol. I'll do both of those tonight! Apologies...

Silent Nights....

Bryan Burnett | 17:09 UK time, Tuesday, 21 December 2010

I've just listened to tonight's musical montage which is a multiple Silent Night mash-up (truly!) which has been put together by Gavin, 91热爆 Radio's Scotland's resident Dr Disc. There are 15 different artists featured so why not tune in tonight and see how many you can spot *. I'll give out the answers later in the show, but do post on here and let me know how many you get.
The choir are sound checking right now and sounding great. It should be a really nice show. If you haven't suggested a favourite carol then now's your chance...

* The answers were as follows:

1 Aaron Neville
2 Glasvegas
3 Christina Aguilera
4 Stevie Nicks
5 Barbra Streisand
6 Ladysmith Black Mambazo
7 Dr John
8 Air Supply
9 Osmonds
10 Johnny Cash
11 Bros.
12 Annie Lennox
13 The Primitives
14 Shakin' Stevens
15 Booker T & The MGs

Oh Carol...

Bryan Burnett | 20:03 UK time, Monday, 20 December 2010

What are Scotland's best loved Christmas Carols? That's the question that we'll be asking on Tuesday's Get It On. There's a choir behind our advent calendar and we'll have our very own choir in the studio. The Glasgow Chamber Choir will be performing the songs you ask for and we'll also feature a selection on CD from some of the best known names. However, I'm also keen to get some alternative renditions in there as well so let's see what you come up with. I'm relying on the bloggers to make this a carol concert like you've never heard before.

Stamp of approval...

Bryan Burnett | 19:57 UK time, Friday, 17 December 2010

Thanks for all your suggestions this week. We'll continue our countdown to Christmas next week with some really festive themes. I'm very excited about our carol concert on Tuesday when for the first time we'll have some live performance on Get It On. We'll have a choir in the studio and they will sing on demand for you. Our posties have been doing a grand job in this weather so Monday's theme is dedicated to them. There's a rather fetching Christmas stamp behind the advent door so we will be featuring ' the postal service' as a theme. Songs about mailmen, letters, cards and anything else that could fit through your letterbox are welcome.

Party tunes....

Bryan Burnett | 19:48 UK time, Thursday, 16 December 2010

Tonight's 'repeat play' show was one of the busiest in ages and from The Womacks to The Waitresses it was packed solid with terrific tunes. I think it proves that there are some songs that you really do never tire of hearing. Don't know if I'll still feel that way about Justin Bieber in a year's time though. Perhaps as the flipside we should have done 'the songs you are utterly fed up with and never want to hear again' as a theme. However I suspect some of the same songs would have cropped up in both shows.

Friday's theme will actually be 'office party tunes' and you'll be delighted to know that there's a Black Lace CD behind the advent calendar window. Feel free to pick anything off that but if you can suggest a more credible playlist for the office party then I'd be grateful. What are the essential songs for this year's party that will have them all swinging around the water cooler?

The same old song...

Bryan Burnett | 20:03 UK time, Wednesday, 15 December 2010

You might wonder why I am repeating the same old picture on tonight's blog posting, that's because there's a wad of Christmas telly repeats behind Thursday's advent calendar window. And while you might be happy to watch The Sound of Music year after year what are the pop songs that you are happy to hear over and over again? What are the classic songs that can stand up to repeated play?

This week...

Bryan Burnett | 12:15 UK time, Sunday, 12 December 2010

I'm off for a couple of days this week so here's a quick look at what we've got lined up for the start of this week...

The Spanish greeting of 'feliz navidad' is behind Monday's advent calendar window. That means the theme will reflect all things Latin-American . OK, I know it's not the most seasonal theme of all time but think of it more like a distraction from the bleak weather we've had to endure in the past couple of weeks. Alison Craig will be looking after the show tonight so send her your suggestions for a salsa, rumba or a sultry tango.

Tuesday's theme came about after a particularly random suggestion from Miss Babs who thought a theme around 'tangerines' might work! One of our texter's suggested that something inspired by John 'Peel' would fit the bill. Let's have the songs you were introduced to by him, artists he inspired or bands he championed. From Scotland's Delgados, to The Undertones, Rod's Maggie May to Tubular Bells.

There was meant to be 3 Wise Men lurking behind the advent door on Wednesday - but it has been pointed out that in this day and age it's a bit off to assume it was only the blokes who got to be wise. Jean from Glenrothes sent a brilliant text: " Do u know what would have happened if it had been 3 wise women instead of 3 wise men? They would have asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, brought practical gifts AND There would be peace on Earth."
So who are the wisest folk in pop - is it Jarvis Cocker, or Jay-Z, Joni Mitchell or Joan Baez. Lyrics or melodies, let's have a show full of clever clogs.

Ding Dong...

Bryan Burnett | 09:36 UK time, Friday, 10 December 2010

A shocking amount of money spent on last night's show. Not by us obviously, unless you count 85p on a carton on soup. Thanks to everyone who confessed just how they had spent on pop music over the years and it showed music fans will go to any lengths to see their favourite acts. It was also good to hear from young people talking about blowing all their savings on Kings of Leon tickets. Well, I thought it was good, perhaps their parents will take a different view! Good music as well - Broken Records was a great addition to the show and one that's going on my 'to be investigated for further listening' list. Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead might well feature on tonight's show as 'bells' is our theme. That can be songs which feature them or songs written about them. I can think of many good examples of both. You can also suggest artists if you like so Archie and Maggie are both welcome.

Spend, spend, spend...

Bryan Burnett | 19:58 UK time, Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Behind Thursday's advent window is one of Heston's expensive Christmas puddings which are seemingly trading for hundreds of pounds on the internet. You might not spend that on a pudding, but would you spend it on a single? 'How much have you spent on pop music' is the theme so get in touch with tales of your most expensive singles, albums and concert tickets...

When you wish upon a song...

Bryan Burnett | 19:43 UK time, Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Tonight's top track had to be Scarlett Johanssen and Pete Yorn, but maddest song of the show was Shane and Nick tackling What A Wonderful World. I really hope folk were looking at out at beautiful snowy scenes and singing along at the tops of their voices. We got some nice messages on email and Facebook from listeners who thought it was a gem. Davy said " Nick and Shane together - sounds like my local at closing time on Saturday night - fantastic!"

Behind Wednesday's advent window is your fairy godmother who will try and grant your musical wishes. Do you wish The Beatles had made another album? Do you wish Elvis had toured the UK? Or do you long for Dave Gilmour to team up with Gong for a Kevin Ayres cover?

I will attempt to make your Christmas wishes come true so get in touch and let me know what they are...

Double the fun...

Bryan Burnett | 20:02 UK time, Monday, 6 December 2010

I suspect we had a captive audience for Monday night's show with thousands of folk stuck in cars and in temporary shelters. It was awful to hear of some many people stranded but amongst that there were some lovely stories like this one from Fiona: "Local people coming out in the cold & handing out sandwiches they made and tea and coffee to us stranded M80/A80. Aren't Scots wonderful? " There wasn't a lot we could do to make the journey smoother but hopefully the music and your clever suggestions helped. Behind our advent calender door is the great double act of Eric and Ernie, famed for the Christmas Specials.Tuesday's theme is going to be great partnerships. It could be duos like Gallagher and Lyle or maybe combinations like Rock and Roll? I'll leave it up to you.

Read all about it...

Bryan Burnett | 19:44 UK time, Friday, 3 December 2010

I'll be opening more doors on the Get It On advent calendar next week. Mind you I'm still not sure whether they are doors or windows. I have been wimping out and tend to refer to them as doors in one hour and windows in the other just to be sure. There have been plenty treats behind the doors slash windows this week and hopefully there will be more of the same next week.

We start on Monday with the legendary double issue Christmas Radio Times which hits the shops this weekend. That's led me to suggest a theme of other newspapers and magazines in song.

Will you ask for the tabloid favourite, Here Comes THE SUN, settle down with a copy of the GUARDIAN Angel or is Scott Walker's JACKIE your all time favourite publication?

Bryan's newsagent opens for business at ten past six on Monday....

Your kiss on my list...

Bryan Burnett | 19:50 UK time, Thursday, 2 December 2010

Angels have clearly been inspirational for thousands of songwriters judging by the amount of suggestions we had for our theme tonight. Some lovely music including Sarah McLachlan's superlative, Angel which as we revealed tonight proved to be a truly life-saving song for Run DMC's Darryl McDaniels. Here's to the story of why the song meant so much to him.

Elsewhere I thought Ben Harper's Waiting On An Angel was a standout suggestion and although we had some angelic voices on the show it was hard to top Aretha.

Behind the advent window for Friday is some mistletoe which means we'll do kissing as a theme. That should give us some nice fun suggestions for a Friday night. Email in your snogging suggestions or why not leave them here on the blog....

And through it all she offers me protection....

Bryan Burnett | 19:56 UK time, Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Cash doing Bonnie Prince Billy, Nick Cave, Malcolm Middleton and Morrissey. Who knew that our Scrooge theme would provide such a dark and delicious running order. Thanks to all who suggested grumpy pop stars as well. I think John Martyn proved to be the eventual winner. On Thursday we'll be opening another window on the advent calendar and behind this one there's an angel. So, I'll be looking for songs about angels of every kind. We'll also include angelic pop stars ( Cliff anyone?) and examples of angelic behaviour. Not much evidence of that in the artists listed above eh....

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