The Get It On team are well aware of the contribution our regular bloggers make to the show so this week we thought we'd feature themes that have been suggested by some of the regulars. As you might imagine we are always on the lookout for new theme ideas so don't be shy about sending yours in. Hope you enjoy this lot...
We've gone a bit biblical for tonight's theme as Scotch Git has suggested the books of the new testament: Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Mathew and son? Big Bad John? You decide...
Joe from Linlithgow is feeling arty. It's the visual arts for tonight's theme. Joe's suggestions include Painter Man, Mona Lisa or even Ruby Turner! And let's not forget those musicians who paint: Joni Mitchell, Tony Bennett Harris.
Frank in denny suggests artists who use stage names as tonight's theme. This could mean a bit of Mark Feld/Marc Bolan or perhaps Harry Webb/Cliff Richard? For something a bit more modern how about Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta?
Paolo Pablo picks the final theme of the week which is songs you rediscovered on Get It On. Is there a song that's been suggested that you haven't heard in years or have another one of listeners reminded you just how good a forgotten song was?
Here's another batch of themes for you to consider. I am looking forward to Tuesday in particular and if you have any pictures of your favourite rock memorabilia then please email them in and I'll try and put them on the blog.
It's a Burns night special tonight so I hope you can tune in while you are getting tucked into your haggis, neeps and tatties. In Burns tradition the first half of the show will be our 'toast tae the lassies' when we will be asking men only to nominate their favourite female performers and tell us why. Then after seven, it's the turn of the lassies to reply, which means the women get to toast the men.
Is it your early U2 tour t-shirt? Your Elvis alarm clock or maybe the set of drumsticks thrown from the stage of your favourite gigs. Tonight's show celebrates rock memorabilia through the decades. Tell me what are the prized items in your collection and what are the tunes to go with them...
Boasting is the theme tonight. It's been suggested by John from Tarbolton. I can Make You feel Good, I Am The One And Only and of course, We Are The Champions. This is not a night for the shy types. Get boasting and Get It On...
Thanks to the success of acts like La Roux and Lady Gaga, 2009 was the worst year ever for guitar based bands. On tonight's Get It On we're bringing back the guitar bands so let's have your suggestions for the Fender brandishing giants of rock n roll....
No theme but two hours of music for the weekend as chosen by you. Don't forget to add your celebrations to bryan's Birthday Honours List and also this Friday it's the Archaeologists fab five!
Justin Timberlake your coat is on a shoogly peg! Here's the link to the exclusive behind the scenes footage of my dance lessons for our New Year/New You season. You can also see how some of the other presenters are getting on with their challenges. Finally there are some singing tips from Jamie McDougall. So, with his singing lessons and my dance video it won't be long before you are starring in Glee! Maybe not...
Beards, bridges and beetroot are just three of the things that terrify listeners to Get It On.Thanks to everyone who owned up to their fears and phobias and the tunes that went with them. Some great song choices as well including Yellow Submarine for the lady who found them frightening. If you think that's a weird phobia we also had clowns, frying pans and other people's toes. Tonight we're after your badly dressed bands as we celebrate the acts that were musically gifted but sartorially challenged. It's a case of nice hair - shame about the song as we feature some of pop's worst offenders. Lady Gaga has taken a slagging for some of her get-ups but who will be on your list? Elton John is proof that no matter how much you spend on Versace clobber, money can't buy taste! On the hair front, Dave Hill of Slade has been nominated several times. Looking at the pic above you'll understand why...
and now the pic of Toto Coelo. Sack that stylist...

Here's that and of course some photographic evidence of the girls' look...

Here's the link to that McIntosh Ross I've just mentioned on air. I was totally blown away by it. I've always loved the original and didn't imagine that anyone could bring anything else to the song. It's stunning! I'm glad I was sitting down at the time as I felt a bit wobbly by the emotion of it all. Now what you want if you're listening to it in the office like I was.
The song was part of A Scottish Songbook which saw contemporary Scottish artist cover Scottish song from the past 100 years. As well as the McIntosh Ross cover there are some other great clips online.
Tonight's programme will be on tape. I should clarify that by saying tonight's show will be on the subject of 'tapes' as opposed to the show being on tape and me being in the pub. There have been lots of good suggestions and some great stories already suggested.
Regular blogger Norrie has emailed in with his mixtape (see above) and some good advice for anyone who is fan of old fashioned mixtapes:
"I absolutely loved mix tapes." Says Norrie. "I started off recording some of the chart hits off the radio and progressed to full themed tapes (side a West, side b East, Dusk, Dawn etc etc). We had quite a swap club going and in the days before the internet and 24hr music TV this was a great way of getting into new music and new artists.
"I still make up compilation CD's for people with the aim of them getting into the music and seeking those artists out. There are several web based groups where you can be sent a "mix tape" every month and you sent out one - can be to anywhere in the globe."

Our motivation season is going well - unlike my streetdance lessons
and on Wednesday we have another great theme to tie in with A New
Year, A New You. It may be a traumatic listen for some of you as I'll
be asking you to confess your greatest fears and phobias.
A special thank you by the way to everyone who's texted in for the new
Friday show. It's going well and we have been inundated with great
tunes. Thanks for making it a fun night and a welcome addition to the
Get It On schedule.
It was a busy week on the blog last week which was brilliant to see so
well done bloggers...
On Monday's show we'll be celebrating the audio cassette. What I'd
like you to do is go off into the cupboard, have a listen to some of
those old mix tapes and tell me what you find. Were you an avid
recorder of the Top 40 show 'aff the radio' or were you king or queen
of the compilation tape?
I'd like all our bloggers to Give A Little Love on Tuesday or maybe
Take It To The Limit. A bit of GIVE and TAKE is what's required
tonight. You Get What You Give or Take On Me? You decide...
As part of our motivation season, Shereeen Nanjiani is learning to
overcome her fear of moths ( No Wings for here then). What are your
fears and phobias and what are the tunes that go with them. Spiders
and Snakes? Bridge Over Troubled Water or something from The Darkness?
Please don't be scared to get in touch with your suggestions.
It's a case of 'nice song - shame about the hair'! Who are the artists
whose music is great but image leaves a lot to be desired. It's a
chance to revisit some of the 80's worst hairdos. Did you love Terry
Hall but hate Terry's hair and did Pete Burns' corkscrew curls put you
off Dead or Alive forever?
It's the new themeless Friday edition of Get It On. We'll have another
Fab 5 for you and if someone you know is celebrating a birthday then
have them added to Bryan's Birthday Honours List by emailing in the
usual address.
Mad, mad busy show on Friday and I was thrilled that so many of you got in touch. Apologies again if I didn't get round to your message or track. Here we go again with another week of themes - hope you enjoy getting your ideas together for them...
After one look out of the office window at the frozen River Clyde I was in no doubt about what Monday's theme should be. The atmosphere in the studio will be decidedly frosty as we feature songs about the cold. Gracie from Angus has just been on the text asking for this theme and has come up with Coldplay and Snow Patrol. What are your chilly tunes? Get in touch and let me know...
Last night was cold - so tonight the temperature is rising on Get It On. Will it be Hot stuff, Hot Legs or Martha Reeves and her unseasonal Heatwave? Let's have your playlist of winter warmers...
It's a new year and a new you - and while Vic takes time aff the bevy and Fred takes to the water I've taken to the dancefloor. As my streetdance lessons get underway I am wondering what gets you out of your chair and onto the floor. Obviously dance music doesn't all have to be 140bpm thud thud thud stuff ( how old do I sound???) so let me what your idea of a dance anthem is.....
James in Glasgow listened in when we did our 'songs you loved a teenager but can't stand now' theme and thought we should do the opposite. So, tonight it's 'songs you hated as teenager but love now'. Have you decided to re-valuate the musical output of Dylan? Have you learned to love Led Zeppelin or changed your mind about Morrissey now you're all grown up?
As always, I enjoy reading your requests on the blog, or feel free to email me at the usual address...

24 hours to go till we launch the very first Friday edition of Get It On and there's much excitement in the office. OK, I think most of that was down to the homemade 'strawberry cheesecake cupcakes' that appeared on the filing cabinet about two o' clock but I'd like to think we're all looking forward to the new show. Although when I say 'new show' it's still the same mix of music we love and importantly, all chosen by you. It's going to be themeless so feel free to ask for whatever you like, just think about the songs that will get you in the mood for the weekend. So, who's going to pick the first song of the first show then ?

The presenters of 91Èȱ¬ Radio Scotland have truly bought into our
'New Year/New You' season. And from cookbooks to the Caledonian Canal we will be putting ourselves on the line and exposing bits of ourselves never seen before. And I don't just mean Gary Robertson's legs. All of us will be aiming to inspire you to make some kind of change to your life this year. I have decided to try and overcome one of my greatest fears - getting on the dancefloor. For years now, my complete lack of rhythm and coordination has been a constant source of amusement to those closest to me. Well guess what? The 'Burnett Bop' is about to hit the dancefloors in 2010. By the end of this month I aim to be able to move in time to music. Trust me - this a major undertaking. When I said last night that I was more likely to move like Michael Aspel than Michael Jackson, I was not kidding. My quest to dance was met with some excitement by Miss Babs and her mother. I think they thought that I'd be learning the foxtrot or pasa doble and might be able to whisk them around the dance floor in the style of Brendan Cole. Sadly when they find out I'm learning a full on, trouser grabbing, streetdance routine I suspect my invite to the next residents association tea dance will be withdrawn! I'll be posting regular updates on the blog and listen out for my audio diary in the next few weeks.
It's a New Year and New You for all of us on 91Èȱ¬ Radio Scotland. Maybe I'd feel more like a fresh start if I'd bothered to clear my desk of debris after our massive Hogmanay party. It might have been a good idea to make a speedy exit after the show but coming into work today to face a desktop littered with half drunk coffee, four day old sausage rolls and assorted party poppers wasn't nice!
As part of our 'New You' season, us presenters are all being encouraged to learn a new skill our change our lives in some way for 2010. I'll be revealing mine on air tonight and we'll also be featuring your 'new' songs. Tune in or catch the show online later where you will also be able to listen to our Hogmanay show, although I understand if Auld Lang Syne is not what you want to listen to on the 4th of January!
It's an exciting start to the New Year for us as we move to five nights a week. The new Friday show will be 'themeless' so it's a chance to request those songs that don't fit into any theme. I also want the new show to have more of a weekend vibe so let us know the tunes that get you set up for the weekend. In the meantime here are the themes for this coming week.
As we launch our New Year/ New You season, there's a fresh approach to tonight's show. It's all change as we try to discover the new new thing. New Sensation or New Moon on Monday? You decide.It's songs about new beginnings, fresh starts and even altered images! A night of 'new' music like you've never heard it before
It's 2010 and for anyone who's in danger of forgetting that fact we've got just the show for you. One In Ten, Perfect 10 or will you close your eyes and think of Dusty?
As the new film about Ian Dury hits the cinema, tonight's show features the artists who have been portrayed on the big screen. That could be Whats Love Got to Do With It, Beyond The Sea or even the band in the title of Oliver Stone's hit ovie...Rock biopics is the theme and from Ray to the Coal Miner's Daughter it's going to be a night of great music from the movies...
'What would Elvis do?' is the theme tonight. On the eve of his 75th birthday we ask what songs would Elvis Presley have covered if he was still alive. Would he have got All Shook Up over Robbie Williams, or would he have empathised with Amy's troubles and tried to get his way out of Rehab. It's the ultimate Elvis album - as produced by you.
For the first time -it's Get It On Fridays. On tonight's ask for whatever songs you like. No theme - just the tunes that will set you up for the weekend. Plus find out who'll choose Friday's fab five and there'll be a chance to Get It On again with the week's best songs...Get It On five nights a week and hopefully you will be there for the very first Friday show....