We're just putting the finishing touches to tonight's Hogmanay show so if you don't have a party planned then let me invite you to join ours tonight from 10.00pm. Quite simply it's a knees up of the finest variety. We've got a nine piece soul and funk band and a brilliant ceilidh band to keep the dancin' going till one in the morning.
Let me also start this new year by wishing all our listeners a happy and healthy 2010. All of the team join me in saying how much fun it's been in the past year and how much your contributions keep us enthused every single night. Happy New Year....

Happy Holidays from the Get It On team to all our listeners. It was so
lovely to hear from so many of you on Christmas Day. We had great fun
in the studio and thanks to Miss Babs and her surplus tinsel there was
a fairly festive atmosphere. I was kind of sad to be leaving the house to go to work but I have to say I loved doing the show and it was a real thrill to be in charge of playing the music for your Christmas day celebrations.

Producer Babs surprised me on the day with many gifts including a juggling set. She said her and the team spent every night juggling texts, email, songs, downloads and my many demands that they thought it was about time I realized what their job was like!! Well, I hope all my jugglers know how much I appreciate their hard work throughout the year.
As we head towards the new decade we'll be counting down the previous decades all week on Get It On...
We kick off on Monday with your 70s selections. From Abba to Anarchy In The UK, from Teenage Kicks to T-Rex. Dig out those flares or stick or on your old Clash t shirt as we revisit disco, punk and glam.
What was acceptable in the 80s for you? Duran Duran, The Smiths, or Wham? From Simple Minds to Smalltown Boy...the fashion may have been mingin' but the music was magic.
From The Proclaimers to The Pet Shop Boys - what do you remember about the 90s? Whether the highlight of your decade was Bittersweet Symphony or Blur, why not help me put together the ultimate 90s night.
Finally, we count down to Hogmanay by looking back at the past ten years. What stood out for you and who were your discoveries? Was it the Artic Monkeys or Amy Winehouse ? And will we still be listening to Lady Gaga and The Ting Tings in ten years time? From Seven Nation Army to Shine let's have your suggestions for the best songs of the past decade...
As always, you can leave your suggestions on the blog or email us direct.

You'll notice that there are not four but five shows this week! That's because we have got an extra show on Christmas Day. I'll be live in the studio playing your festive favourites and trying to get through as many of your Christmas greetings as I can. DO get in touch with your suggestions of the prefect songs for the most wonderful day of the year. Miss Babs has talked me into taking time out from cooking the turkey to come to work so I've insisted that she produce - as long as she brings a tray of Delia's sausage rolls. I've also banned her from the sherry till after mid-day so it should all run smoothly...
Thanks to everyone who has suggested songs and even themes for Christmas. I got a lovely letter from Roger in Uddingston with his idea which celebrates the Bandaid single by featuring the original artists in the order they appear on the single. Basically the idea would be to play Do They Know It's Christmas as the first song, then the second song would be Paul Young, then a song by Boy George and so on. Everyone in the office likes the idea and we were thinking that we could turn it into a mega theme to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Liveaid? I also wonder if there's a way to incorporate it into our other festive shows? Thinking caps ( or Santa hats) on everyone...
Monday 21st
It's the winter solstice - so we'll be marking the shortest day with songs about the night. As the daylight disappears then gather round the radio and give me your suggestions. From Dancing in the Dark to Midnight in Moscow. It's two hours of Night Fever on Get It On...
Tuesday 22nd
A new survey has revealed that the most murdered songs at the karaoke are Waterloo, Bohemian Rhapsody and My Way. What did you hear murdered and by who? It's my job to investigate so get in touch with the guilty parties. Was there a not so Sweet Caroline at your office party or was your best mate killing you softly with his song? Hear the original and best versions on Tuesday...
Wed 23rd
At this time of year our thoughts turn to our families and blood is thicker than water on tonight's show. Is there No-one Quite Like Grandma, is Little Sister your top choice or does your family have a perfect cousin? Get in touch and let me know...
Christmas Eve
Here's an idea for what should be a really nice show for Christmas Eve. Is there anybody you want to thank this year and what song would you like for them? Maybe it's a supportive partner or loved one who has been there for you when times weren't so good? Someone at work who has helped you out when things got on top of you? Or maybe you just want to keep in mum and dad's good books!! Forget leaving out a mince pie and a carrot for the reindeer the only way to say thank you is by asking for a song on Christmas Eve...
Christmas Day
And finally there's a special edition of Get It On On Christmas day at midday. We're live and I want to play all of your festive favourites - from Santa Baby to Silent Night. Let me know about the tunes that you'd like to hear as you are cooking the turkey and preparing the feast. Get it on for Christmas day by emailing or why not text in during the show...
I really didn't expect this week's 'swing show' to take off in the way it did and I'm glad that so many of you seemed to enjoy the music. Maybe we should try more 'genre' based themes in future. As we start the countdown to Christmas I hope we've got some good themes lined up for you.
I'm off on holiday this week so Vic Galloway will be looking after the show. Some of the regular bloggers will know just how gutted I am to be missing Wednesday's show but not even the thought of playing two hours of Jethro Tull could entice me away from my week's holidays.
Producer Miss Babs is also off on holiday next week - do not read anything into this. She's in Skegness while I'm in Bognor Regis.
It's exactly 12 days until Christmas Day, so tonight we're looking for songs and artists that reference the traditional Twelve Of Days of Christmas song. You could have Spandau Ballet's GOLD, anything by DOVES or even Andy PARTRIDGE from XTC. Miss Bab's has also allowed Christmas songs from tonight!
Jay-Z tells us he's released the album of the decade! So tell us your album of all time, is Abbey Road the best thing ever recorded? Is Rumours the most played album in your household? Or is Take That's The Circus a masterpiece?
Tonight we celebrate Progressive Rock. Who are the giants of this genre, the artists who first dabbled in it and the new groups who are influenced by it? Everything from The Beatles to Jethro Tull to Muse are welcome tonight.
Calum McMahon suggested tonight's theme on our Facebook page, we play the music that struck a chord with the advertising men. What are your favourite songs from TV adverts past and present. Does "I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing" make you reach for a fizzy drink? Do you want to visit the launderette and wash your jeans to "I Heard It Through The Grapevine"? Or is "Heartbeats" by Jose Gonzalez your favourite soundtrack to a TV ad?
As I fight my way through tonight's 'tree' puns let me ask you to start thinking about next week's themes. The video of the full themes can be found on the get It On homepage. Once you've had a look you can leave your comments here or on our Get It On Facebook page. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts...
Now I don't know about you, but my cd shelves are full of them - the albums you bought that turned out to have only one good track on them. I was looking at Hot Space by Queen - Under Pressure is the classic track but the rest of the album failed to make an impact. Dee Lite's Groove Is In The Heart was a great single but what else do you remember off their album World Clique. You may have loved Molly's Chambers but was the rest of that first Kings of Leon record really any good? Regular bloggers, Glen Miller and Joe The Jam Man have both suggested this theme. Thanks guys.
OMG - pull your chair in for this one - I've got a great theme to tell you about!!! Gossip, rumour and tittle tattle is the theme. Little does she Know must be in with a shout or maybe some Hearsay from Alexander O Neal. What did you hear thru the grapevine? Share it with me on Tuesday night...
Wednesday is big band night on Get It On. It's classic crooners, swinging divas and the contemporary acts who have stepped up in front of the orchestra. It would be great to hear the likes of Michael Buble or Harry Connick or perhaps Rufus Wainright doing his Judy Graceland tribute.
What are you embarrassed about from your teenage years? Fear not as I'm only interested in the musical bits. It's a great theme that's been suggested by Erin Meek (10). It's the songs you liked as a teenager but now can't believe you ever listened to them
It turns out that I am not a shoplifter after all! This has obviously come as welcome news to all who know me, it's just shame I didn't learn this before I decided to reveal all on air about what is being referred to by my the team as my incident.
As last night's theme was shopping I thought I should share my shoplifting shame. Mmm, maybe my lawyer would not have agreed.
Yesterday morning I had been shopping and when I took the various items to the till, the girl coughed politely and asked if there was anything else. I was a bit mystified by the question but said no. She then said that she thought she saw something accidentally drop off the counter. "Not that I can see" said I confidently.
Anyway, it was only when I got back to work did I find a pair of gloves with wee plastic hook at the end had somehow attached themselves to my big woolly scarf. Mortified doesn't go halfway to explaining how I felt. Which is why I had to fess up to my nicking of the gloves on air.
However, it was only when I got home and checked the receipt that I realised I had paid for them after all and they had only became attached when I bent down to get something out of the boot of the car. So - the upshot is I am not a tea-leaf after all.
Never did I think I would say this, but 'Winona Ryder I know just how you feel!'
I've just been listening to some of the music we recorded at the 91Èȱ¬coming gig on Saturday night. There are some unmissable bits in there and the good news is that it's all up on our website for you to enjoy. I thought Hue and Cry doing Two Little Boys was really moving and James Grant got everyone going with a rousing version of Will The Circle Be Unbroken. On our Scotland's Music site there's the chance to see some pictures, watch some of the interviews and see our exclusive concert videos of Deacon Blue and The Skids. Richard Jobson's stages 'moves' are the stuff of legend and it looks like he was having a ball. Standing at the side of the stage watching The Skids play like eager teenagers was the highlight for me.
Photo by Alan McAteer