I do like it when the music on the show moves people in different ways, I just didn't expect it to move two members of my production team to chase each other around the building during a live show!
It was Yakety Sax that did it. Obviously when you hear the track and realise it's the Benny Hill theme then you can see why they did it.
Ian, one of our audio guys and Oliver, who answers the phones were doing the running. What I can't understand is that they are two of the youngest members of the team and probably two of the youngest people in the entire building - they weren't even born when Benny Hill was on telly! Where did they learn that from?
Are they spending their evenings watching Benny Hill clips on Youtube (Dear God I hope not!) or is it something about the 'dum dum diddle diddle' of the tune that makes you involuntary chase each other around the room?
I suspect they may be suffering from Benny Hill syndrome. If they start making inappropriate comments around women and walking around with lewd expressions on their faces then I'll let you know.
Here we go again with another week of themes. As always I look forward to reading your suggestions for the week ahead. Whether you submit a long list by email or just text in with one suggestion on the night, we do appreciate your input into the show. 
Monday 30 March
Sax appeal guaranteed tonight as Get It On celebrates the saxophone. How about David Bowie 'Young Americans', Glen Frey 'The Heat Is On' or Springsteen's 'Born To Run'...
Tuesday 31 March
It's a Battle of the Sexes tonight, as suggested by Morag Campbell in Edinburgh. Songs 'about boys and girls - how they see themselves and each other'. So it could be Cyndi Lauper with 'Girls Just Want To Have Fun', 'Boys' Don't Cry' by The Cure or Joe Jackson 'It's Different For Girls'.
Wednesday 1 April
Tonight's show could only be about fools and jokes! Will it be Stone Roses 'Fool's Gold', Steve Miller Band with 'The Joker', or 'Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy' by The Tams?
Thursday 2 April
Reeni in Bute suggested tonight's theme, which is DIY. It should be a night for Bob the Builder but I do hope not. Vic Galloway will be standing in for me tonight as I take the night off to put up some shelves or something like that!
Back In The USSR, Working In A Coal Mine and Top Of The Pops all cropped up in tonight's show. The link? A brilliant theme from Graham Rennick of 'songs that are no longer relevant or true.' I'm sure I'm not the only presenter to play two hours of irrelevant music, but at least I knew I was doing it!
Some really clever and very funny suggestions have come in and here's a few of them:
"We're on the march with Ally's army - we're gonna win the world cup!"
"Like A Virgin - Madonna"
"Wichita Linesman - no longer relevant because linesmen are now called assistant referees."
"How about 'Here Comes Summer' as we haven't had one in ages!"
"Do you think I'm Sexy - Rod Stewart....he's not!"
"Simply The Best - Rangers FC"
"Sylvia's Mother -Dr Hook - 'And the operator says forty cents more for the next three minutes.' Please!!!! "
"How about I like driving in my car by madness. Am also stuck on M8 moved about 8 feet in an hour! "
"Iggy Pop - The Passenger - no longer appropriate as he can now get car insurance"
"Skye Boat Song - there's now a bridge!"
It might be easier for me to list the hit bands from the 1980s who have decided NOT to get back together. I only mention it because I read today the somewhat that Spandau Ballet are the latest 80s legends to reform and will tour later in the year. The rumours have been circulating since an article in the press at the weekend and in the words of Tony Hadley himself, it's "so true".

The oddest bit of the article for me was the news that the band have booked the 100,000 Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona for the closing night of the tour. Surely there is more chance of me doing Jethro Tull as a theme than there is of Spandau selling out 100,000 tickets in Spain? Unless of course there is a function suite at the Camp Nou that they have maybe booked for the night.
I showed my pants to Fred MacAulay this morning. It's maybe not how he thought his Monday morning would turn out but there was a good reason for it. I was a guest on this morning's show to discuss the fact that Liam Gallagher has set up his own . I was going to argue that celebrity endorsed clothing ranges were a bit naff when I remembered that my favourite item of underwear is from the very successful pants company set up by tennis legend, Bjorn Borg.

I know that both Madonna and Lilly Allen have done well with their designs for high street stores but surely anyone with some shades, an old parka and pair of desert boots can look like Liam?
We had some really enjoyable shows last week and I did smile at some of your suggestions for the songs that sum up married life. The guy who suggested 'Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now' wisely decided to remain anonymous.Â
I suspect we'll have a few people writing in under assumed names for Monday's theme of affairs. I'm looking forward to a scandalous evening! leave your confessions on the blog or get in touch during the show.

After last week's theme of marriage, tonight we are doing affairs...cheating songs and tales of forbidden love are definitely on the menu...
Roxy John says how about 'Get It On' as a theme. ..songs with get, it or on in the title. How about Get Back, Turn It On Again and On The radio. Suggest one of each and if you can come up with a sequence of three then even better...
Scotch Git reminds me that we haven't done duets for a while so lets have your suggestions for the best loved and some of the more unusual partnerships...
Graeme Renwick has come up 'songs that are no longer relevant or true' for tonight. Top Of The Pops and Free Nelson Mandella are two that spring to mind. Let's have yours on the email or call in or text during the show...
I was worried that our theme of 'married life' songs would be too slushy. Mmmm, no worries on that score. "What songs sum up your marriage?" I asked. The top 5 suggestions were as follows:
Under My Thumb
Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit
Don't Turn Out Like Your Mother.
Marriage guidance is available for anyone affected by the issues raised in this programme!
To celebrate St Patrick's Day tonight's show will feature the best Irish artists of all time. Just as you don't actually have to be a Christian to get Christmas presents you don't actually have to be Irish to celebrate St Pat's day.
The Obamas have dyed the fountain in front of the White House green for the day as seemingly Michelle was inspired by their home town of Chicago which famously dyes the river green every year to celebrate. The Americans are even more passionate than the Irish about it and when I was on holiday there last week I did sit down to coffee and a St Patrick's Doughnut which was covered in green and white sprinkles. No doubt the shamrock green food colouring was full of diddley-diddley-dee numbers!
I'm toying with the idea of including artists of Irish origin on tonight's show as well. We've already been asked for Declan Patrick Aloysius MacManus and Mary Isabel Catherine Bernadette O'Brien ( Elvis and Dusty of course) and should anybody feel inclined to ask for Steven Patrick Morrissey then of course that suggestion would be warmly welcomed around here.
There's been some talk on the show tonight about playing the theme from The Littlest Hobo. Jim and Caroline emailed to say that it was originally done by Terry Bush. They also sent this pic and thought that he maybe had a touch of the Shakin' Stevens about him. I can't see it myself - maybe it's just the double denim look that makes a man look like shaky...or one of Status Quo.

I much prefer the look sported by Chris Andrews whose Yesterday's Man I'm about to play. He's an interesting artist who as well as writing for Adam Faith and Cher wrote a string of hits for Sandie Shaw. You can read more about him .

One minute you are on holiday wandering idly from coffee shop to coffee shop feeling totally relaxed and in an instant it seems you are back behind your desk trying to juggle three things at once.

Apart from worrying that the new A & F shirt that I bought on holiday might just be a bit on the young side, I am prepping for hosting Marie Curie's Daffodil Ball on Saturday then it's Action For Children's Women of Influence lunch on Sunday.
And of course there are next week's themes to get organised.I hope you like them and as always don't be shy about getting in touch. Send me an e-mail with your suggestions or leave them on the blog.
Monday 16th
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - songs about any of them will be accepted tonight. Thanks to Maria and Donald who came up with the theme...
Tuesday 17th
It's St Patrick's Day so tonight we'll feature the best Irish artists of all time...
Wednesday 18th
On Broadway, Walking Down Madison or maybe Frank Sinatra's famous anthem. It's New York songs for tonight's theme...
Thursday 19th
It's 30 ( er...sorry 40!) years since John married Yoko so let's celebrate with songs about being hitched - the happy ones as well as the ones that lead to D.I .V.O.R.C.E.

It's Red Nose Day and people all over the country are doing something funny for money. Get it On got in on the act early last night and despite my anxiety that I wouldn't enjoy the playlist - as ever you lot rose to the occasion and made me laugh despite myself.
That and the fact that Vic wore his red nose for much of the show and really is a guy with an incredible energy. He's surely the only person who would consider playing air guitar along with AC/DC as well as singing the Ying Tong song in a Harry Secombe stylee!
It's been a bumper week - we really do appreciate all your texts, emails and calls - and the fantastic choices you come up with.
To those who hoped there would be a week of Tiny Tim and Jethro Tull - I'm sorry we've not satisified again...but hey Hendrix 3 times, The Muppets, The Goons and Kraftwerk - where else could you get that mix?
BB's back Monday - and themes for next week will be up soon! Miss Babs x

I love reading blogs so this is a bit of a treat actually getting the keys to Bryan's Blog! Along with this blog, I have an unhealthy addiction to reading JZ's blog - just to see if I can get an idea of what makes my boss tick! Recently I've twittered too. I found out that Wossy was spending an afternoon eating donuts, and of course there's the social network sites, where my "friends" constantly tell me what they're up to.
I know of one 91Èȱ¬ senior leader who has given up social network sites for Lent and this gave me food for thought over the weekend. Is this fascination for what trivia is going on in the life's of others actually depriving me of a proper social life. My best friend Sharon and I have been promising to meet for lunch for just about a year now. We work a floor apart in Pacific Quay, but most of our communication is done by text "where ru?" "coffee?", "c u l8r". Is this healthy? So we took a day off together and the reason for lack of blogs is that I've been busy doing something very old fashioned. I've been having proper conversations with friends. Sharon and I managed to get past the "how r u" and sped thro a chat about children, holidays, hairdressers, a wee bit about work and our work life balance, and of course handbags. It was lovely - and we emailed each other today to say so!
Hmmmm.....I guess along with that and this blog I'm back on the wagon and there really is no hope!
For those who are disappointed I've not delivered on gossip.........I can tell you Bryan has an unhealthy interest in the music of Andrew Gold, and Vic love's Britney's Toxic!
Looking forward to your comments....I think! Miss Babs
I'm off on holiday next week. I've left Vic Galloway in charge of the show and more worryingly I've left Barbara in charge of the blog! Tales of cake, handbags and scandal at the 91Èȱ¬ are on the cards.
I hope you like the themes and hope that you'll support . It 's 'funny songs' on Thursday and even though I won't be there, or have done it, I did get the t shirt...

Monday 9th
Blue Monday and The Happening are two songs which don't mention the title in the chorus. Can you think of any others? Get in touch with your suggestions....
Tues 10th
Tomorrow on 91Èȱ¬ Radio Scotland,'Temple of The Apollo' celebrates the legendary Glasgow venue. What were your favourite rock venues and what were the best things you saw there. Let Vic know by emailing...
Wed 11th
Patrick suggests songs with a driving connection for tonight. His suggestions are Turn, Turn, Turn and Red Light Spells Danger. Let's have yours...
Thurs 12th
Tomorrow is Red Nose Day so tonight let's have your suggestions of the songs that make you laugh...intentionally or not!
I'm a bit late getting into the studio tonight so I'm struggling to get all the technical bits done before ten past six. It's all Michael Jackson's fault. The 'King of Pop' has just given a to announce his "last ever" shows in the UK. It was meant to kick off at four o clock but in true unpredictable style it didn't start till about twenty to six.
Jackson was barely able to string together a coherent sentence but did tell us how much he loved us. Sadly he didn't give too much away about the gigs.
It was fascinating viewing if only to stare open mouthed at his latest look. "Like a fly" was how one of my colleagues described it. What was interesting was that so many of us were prepared to stop what we were doing and gather around the screen to watch.
Whatever you might think of him or his music I can't think of another single pop star who would have that kind of effect on an office. "C'mon boys stop what you're doing - Chris Martin's on the telly!" is not a phrase you hear very often.
It's a tough theme tonight. 'Bands who named themselves after songs' has even got a few of the regular GIO bloggers stumped. I was a bit worried that all we would get were blokey bands so I expanded the theme to include bands and artists with the same name. Someone's just asked for Aretha doing Doctor Feelgood which will make a great addition to the show.
It's been slow on the emails this afternoon as well which is why the most exciting thing that happened in my day was when I looked out of the window and saw The Bell's bridge go sideyways. See....

OK, so it's not like watching the Berlin wall come tumbling down but it's not something you see every day. However, my most enjoyable displacement activity was the challenge set by Paulo Pablo elsewhere on the blog:
"Roxette is also my fave Dr Feelgood track. Roxette the band never had a number one hit but five other Swedish acts have. Just thought I'd throw that in to amuse you for 5 minutes."
With the help of resident rock trivia expert Richard, I managed to come up with four. Can you name all five? ( Although now I've checked it there are actually seven to choose from.)
"Check out this " emailed one of my colleagues this afternoon. It was a video about 'donk' some new music craze that originated in Wigan and features bangin' dance tunes played at 150 bpm. "Take a look at this guy's Myspace" mailed someone else a few minutes later.
It's become so easy nowadays to read about and listen to new music. Whether it's donk or death metal you are after it's all just a mouse click away. Back when I started in radio I did the alternative and indie show. If people wanted to check out the new music then my show and a handful of others were the only places they could hear it. I was very lucky to have it that easy.
The growth of online fan sites has also done away with the need for fanzines, but for those of us old enough to remember them we'll never forget the excitement they generated. As much as I love to sit and leaf through the latest Vanity Fair or other glossy, nothing will compare to the thrill of those lovingly compiled gems. I imagine that today's teenagers would sneer at the amateurish illustrations and typewritten articles which were then photocopied, stapled together, and sold for a few pence at the local record shop.
I've just read on the that The National Library of Scotland is to track down and catalogue the thousands of fanzines published in the UK over the past 70 years in order to preserve this unique part of our culture.
In Aberdeen I remember Granite City which showcased the local heroes like APB, the Squibs and Sid Ozalid. I'm sure getting this as a kid was partly responsible for wanting to work on magazine later in life.
Anybody else have memories of local fanzines and the bands they showcased?