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Archives for September 2008

Next Week's Themes

Bryan Burnett | 16:36 UK time, Friday, 26 September 2008

The news has been full of it, Abba sang about plenty of it, while for Simply Red it was just too tight to mention. Yes, it's the Credit Crunch! So let's try and cheer up the markets and get the city moving with a host of monetary suggestions for tonight.

Estelle on the A9 came up with tonight's suggestion - clothing and wardrobes. Everything to do with clothes from wearing them to washing them. Could this be the night Vic has to play Lady in Red or can you come up with some tunes to save his blushes!

It's the Return of the Running Man! Bryan's back - after a rather exhausting break marathon training in the States - so we're going to celebrate his endeavours with your songs about exercise - Olivia Newton-John got Physical, while Jackson Browne was Running on Empty, and of course Bruce Springsteen was born to do it.

After the politeness of our Forms of Address theme last week, we're returning to a double theme tonight with Compliments and Insults - so while on the one hand You're Beautiful you may also want to tell someone you Married a Monster from Outer Space - thanks to Joe the Jam Man for tonight's theme.

My First Blog - by Vic Galloway! (Age......??? and a half!)

Bryan Burnett | 16:51 UK time, Thursday, 25 September 2008

Hello bloggers and blog-readers!

It's my first time doing this on the Radio Scotland site, and let me start by saying it's been an absolute pleasure standing in for Bryan this week. I've done the show before, but only when it was an hour long - the 2 hour format is a different story, and very satisfying to get through a ton more music! I hope you've enjoyed the music that I've played out, sifting through your ever-inspiring lists and suggestions. Yes, YOU choose the music! However, it's not over yet... I'm very much looking forward to the last stint of this week tonight with our 'Sleeping and Dreaming' theme to cap off the week. Of course, I'll be back for the beginning of next week on Monday and Tuesday, and we'll post the new themes asap for you to start cogitating on the matter! BB will return in a post-holiday haze of happiness and healthiness! I think I need a bit of that too...

What have I learnt this week... well, you lot are a tight community with a serious knowledge of music across all genres; I now know how to cook A-grade fairy cakes thanks to Jan in Rutherglen; Producer Barbara's pet name for her husband is 'Lambchop'; Radio Scotland Boss JZ likes to crash the studio and film us occasionally check his blog today! Pluto Shervington is a reggae musician (shame on me - I'm a massive reggae fan!), thanks to Julie from Edinburgh... and a whole lot more besides - thank you all!

You've been very welcoming to me this week, so maybe you'll listen in to the final 'Vic's Most Wanted' this Friday 26th September between 6.40-8pm, and tune in regularly to my Monday night 'new music and alternative classics' show between 8.05-10pm each week. It's always good to have new friends listening in.

Ok, I best get ready for tonight's show... Sweet Dreams!

Vic xxx

Next week's themes...

Bryan Burnett | 10:19 UK time, Friday, 19 September 2008

Monday 22nd September
Put your hands together as Vic Galloway sits in for Bryan Burnett and kicks off the week with 2 hours devoted to songs which feature clapping. David Bowie 'Golden Years', Queen 'Radio Ga Ga' or John Cougar Mellencamp with 'Jack & Diane'? - email your requests to getiton@bbc.co.uk or leave your suggestions on Bryan's Blog at www.bbc.co.uk/radioscotland.

Tuesday 23rd September
Today would have been Ray Charles' birthday so tonight Vic celebrates r'n'b and soul music across the decades.
It could be James Brown or Smokey Robinson, Etta James or Adele. You decide and email getiton@bbc.co.uk or text Vic on 80295.

Wednesday 24th September
Madmac fae Clydebank suggested tonight's theme - forms of address. It could be 'Lady Madonna', 'Me And Mrs Jones',
Duke Ellington or 'To Sir With Love'. Let's have your suggestions on Bryan's Blog at www.bbc.co.uk/radioscotland.

Thursday 25th September 2008
H20 dreamt of this, Faithless couldn't get any, and the Beastie Boys had none until Brooklyn.
Vic winds things down on the last show of the week with songs about sleep and dreaming.Email getiton@bbc.co.uk

The part that really matters....

Bryan Burnett | 17:34 UK time, Thursday, 18 September 2008

elbow.jpgElbow, The Bad Livers and The Sweet doing 'Little Willy' have all been suggested for tonight's theme of bodyparts. It's one we've done before but I wanted to come back to it as it was such a hit last time and there's a lot of new listeners who haven't had the chance to submit.
It's my intention to post some of the best puns that come in during the show, so watch this space...

Who Nose Where The Time Goes - Fairport Convention
Ti-knee Bubbles - Kidney Devine
Ear Comes The Sun - The Beatles
Kidney Get It Right - Climax Blues Band
Olivers Army by Pelvis Costello
When I Kneed You - Leo Sayer
Anything by Toe-Knee Christie
Anything by Boney M
Carly Simon - You're So Vein
Anything by ChestKnee Hawkes

Thanks to all who contributed. It was a fun couple of hours...

Top tributes...

Bryan Burnett | 18:25 UK time, Tuesday, 16 September 2008

HamishMcAlpine.jpgShould be another good one tonight. So far you've asked for The Barenaked Ladies singing about a Beach Boy, Space singing about Tom Jones and Michael Marra paying tribute to the goalkeeping legend , suggested by Steve in Skye. Tribute songs is the theme and elsewhere on the blog you will see some of the weird and wonderful suggestions that have come in.
Personally I would go for Lighten Up Morrissey by Sparks, or maybe Billy McKenzie's answer song to William It Was Really Nothing - Stephen, It Was Really Something. I've never actually heard the track so as far as I know it might be an urban myth!
In my search to hear it I came across some great Moz covers. Colin Meloy of The Decemberists released an EP of Morrissey covers a few years ago and I found a of him doing an acoustic Everyday Is Like Sunday at a live show. Also worth a look is Suggs doing from 1993.

Souled out Scottish bands...

Bryan Burnett | 17:40 UK time, Monday, 15 September 2008

wets.jpgJust been reading on the 91Èȱ¬ news about Hue and Cry's 'comeback' 20 years after they first experienced success in the charts.
In the article Pat Kane talks about those early days of "a lot of hype in the press about blue-eyed Scottish soul bands...We were quite a distinctive group - Danny Wilson, Deacon Blue, Texas, Wet Wet Wet, ourselves."
I have got great memories of those times as working at a Glasgow radio station and writing a pop column for The Evening Times, I was slap bang in the middle of the action.
Many Get It On listeners seem to have good memories of that time judging by the amount of times we get asked for Danny Wilson, Hue and Cry, Deacon Blue and Texas. The one that's missing is Wet,Wet,Wet. Wonder why? Is it that they were the 'less cool' members of the Glasgow scene or was it the fact they enjoyed great success as bona fide pop stars that switched the 'musos' off?
Either way I'm glad that we've been asked for Angel Eyes on tonight's angels and devils show as it will remind us all of what a great debut Popped In, Souled Out was.... And it's definitely aged better than Sham 69's Angels With Dirty Faces, but more on that later.

Next week's themes...

Bryan Burnett | 15:29 UK time, Friday, 12 September 2008

Alan on the e-mail suggested a two part theme for tonight. It's angels for the 1st hour and devils for the second. Angel Eyes v's Devil Woman...you decide!

It could be Stevie Wonder singing Sir Duke or Bowie's Song For Bob Dylan. Tribute songs is the theme so let's have your suggestions on the blog or by emailing getiton@bbc.co.uk

Today is the birthday of Hank Williams who would have been 85 if he'd lived. We're celebrating his birthday tonight by making 'country covers' the theme. From Elvis Costello to The Stones many artists have dabbled in the world of C&W. If we get enough good suggestions I promise not to play my recording of Telly Savalas doing I Walk The Line...

With Elbow having just won the Mercury music prize it seems a good time to return to the popular theme of 'body parts'. From Lyin' Eyes to The Back of Love there's plenty of parts to choose from, I just urge you to keep it clean. I am still recovering from my Ken Dodd trauma of last time...


Bryan Burnett | 19:32 UK time, Thursday, 11 September 2008

ernie.jpgEnjoyed hearing Sixteen Tons on the show tonight. I always enjoyed digging out country music from that era on Brand New Country. There's an behind the song as well.
Steve from Bathgate also has memories of Sixteen Tons:
"This was the name of a tour by the Clash in the early 80s since that was roughly what all of their gear weighed. The Johnny Cash version was played just as the lights went down and the Clash hit the stage. Edinburgh's Odeon - fantastic!!! - Steve from Bathgate (working in Norway)"

A night of Wonder...

Bryan Burnett | 18:34 UK time, Wednesday, 10 September 2008

stevie.jpgBack at work today full of love and joy after seeing Stevie Wonder in Manchester last night. As the man himself said he just loves to say "I Love You" and for so many people there these were the songs they fell in love to and lived their lives to.
It was a sensational performance from a guy who is in his late 50's. The golden voice is still there and was shown off last night as he ran through one of the most impressive back catalogues in popular music.
Would love to have done some Stevie for tonight's water theme but was struggling to find an appropriate song. Jan from Rutherglen and Jim from Erskine came to the rescue with 'Isn't Sea Lovely' or ' Sir Dook!'

Some great Scottish runs...

Bryan Burnett | 18:34 UK time, Monday, 8 September 2008

1.jpg"91Èȱ¬ Radio Scotland - Scotland's fastest radio station" - that's our new claim to fame after yesterday's Great Scottish Run where we trounced the team from Radio Clyde. Gary Robertson finished ahead of Des McClean in the 10k and in the half marathon...well George Bowie may be younger and better looking but than me, but is he faster? No chance!
We had a whole host of producers, reporters and other staff members run as well, so well done to them.
Lots of The Get It On regulars were also out on the streets of Glasgow. Jim from Nairn has penned a very funny poem about the day and clearly knows that the best way to get your request played is to flatter the presenter...

Jings n crivvins n michty me
Oor Bryan has run a new PB !!
Forget Andy Murray and even Chris Hoy,
Get It On's Bryan is the boy!!
One twenty five I believe was the time
I was half an hour later n that did me fine !!
You were fantastic n ah wiz the trier
Play for yerself I'M ON FIRE (5000 VOLTS)

( From Jim Stew n Bernie the semi naked runners from the other week !!)

Next week's themes...

Bryan Burnett | 10:50 UK time, Saturday, 6 September 2008

elements.jpgLet's try again with the week long theme of The Elements which was suggested by Raymie in Consett.
It was postponed from last week, so if you've already posted then don't worry as your suggestions are still valid.
Provided there are no major hurricanes, floods or fires dominating the news then the plan would be fire on Monday, air on Tuesday, water on Wednesday and earth to round off the week on Thursday.
Post a comment below and let me know your your fire,air,water and earth suggestions....

Problems, problems...

Bryan Burnett | 17:39 UK time, Thursday, 4 September 2008

Kajagoogoo.jpgDespair, heartache and spots could all feature on tonight's show. 'Songs that could be on the problem pages' is the theme which was suggested by Kirsty in Killie. There are tons of good suggestions elsewhere on the blog and despite what you might think it sounds like we will have some funny suggestions.
Don't think we will match some of the puns suggested for last night's car theme. 'CorTina Turner' and 'Nissan Dorma' were two of my favourites suggested by Carol, but the best e-mail of the night came from Andy in Inverurie who suggested we play Roxanne by The Police. "It's a song about an escort" explained Andy...
The very nature of the subject means that a lot of the songs suggested are a bit 'down', however the Meeks in Dundonnell have come up with the song that will save the show! the pic above should give you a clue.

Motoring On...

Bryan Burnett | 17:40 UK time, Wednesday, 3 September 2008

car.jpgI've just scared myself by looking in the mirror. Nothing new there you might think! I had my hair cut (or rather shaved) this morning and had forgotten just how short it was.
It was a horrible feeling standing in the bathroom and being glared at by a scary looking ned then realising it was my own reflection all along! Better be careful in the studio tonight in case Barbara thinks I'm going to make off with her purse!!
Talking of my producer, here suggestion is that we do songs with car in the title in hour 1 and do makes of cars in the 2nd hour. So many people have suggested car name puns on the blog it would seem a shame to leave them out.
Leave a suggestion if you think you can do better than Martin in Buckie's "Audi you do it?" and "Honda Road Again".

This week's ( revised) themes...

Bryan Burnett | 19:03 UK time, Monday, 1 September 2008

Tuesday:" I believe the world should revolve around me..." say Little Jackie and on tonight's Get It On we are focussing on self centred pop. The theme is "me,myself, and I" so why not put yourself in the spotlight and get in touch with your suggestions?


Steve on Skye suggests songs with 'car' in the title. Tracey had a fast one and the Associates had a white one in Germany. What are your favourite motoring anthems? Leave a comment on the blog or e-mail getiton@bbc.co.uk...

Kirsty from Killie suggests 'problem page' songs as a theme. D.I.V.O.R.C.E, The Drugs Don't Work and all those songs for the broken hearted. I'll try and be Get It On's resident agony uncle ( I did work on The Jackie in my younger days!) so send me your problem songs and I'll do my best to answer them...

Change of theme....

Bryan Burnett | 15:45 UK time, Monday, 1 September 2008

questions.jpgWe've decided to postpone this week's theme of 'the elements' until a later date. With on it's way to New Orleans, I didn't want to be sitting here playing Like A Hurricane by Neil Young while the US coastline is battered by a tropical storm. So many of the songs suggested by fire/air/earth/water would be inappropriate at a time like this.
Instead we are going to go with song titles that are questions for tonight. Suggestions could be Who Pays The Ferryman? What Do You Want To Make Those Eyes At Me For? Or When Will I Be Love. Send them in by blogging or on e-mail and you can call and text after 6pm.
I'll post the rest of this week's revised themes later today...

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