Summer sounds...

I will make no puns about ‘mountains’ of requests for last night’s show but we definitely peaked in terms of sheer volume of suggestions. I think it was the biggest number of texts we’ve ever had so thanks to everyone who got in touch and once again apologies if I didn’t get around to yours.
Loved the e-mail from “Hamish the Hillhead hillwalker” who was definitely enjoying Thunder In The Mountains: “Lovin the show the nite, dancin' about in my crampons & goretex to Toyah is not something I had ever envisaged doing in this lifetime. The majik of GIO!.”
There were some really clever ‘out of the box’ suggestions as well. Check out Bob Shand’s which are posted under ‘Next week’s themes’.
Let's have your summer mix tape suggestions please and you could end up getting the second hour of the show all to yourself.
To recap… each and every Monday during June and July we will be giving the second hour of the show over to one listener and their ultimate summer mix tape. What are the tunes guaranteed to get you in the mood for your hols? The top tracks that you would take on holidays with you?
Post them on the blog if you like or send an e-mail to