In a flap over birds...

It’s been an incredibly busy week on Get It On – both on and off air. I get used to it, but it’s interesting to see the reaction when a new person comes to work on the show.
My usual production assistant Paul was off ill yesterday, so Kirsten stepped in. She’s got a reputation for being fantastically organised so I was delighted to have her on the show.
However, no amount of preparation can prepare you for the onslaught of texts and e-mails on a busy Get It On. It’s was funny to see the normally cool and collected Kirsten swamped by a mountain of paper, totally red of face, and brandishing a highlighter pen like Andy Murray’s tennis racket.
As always, I feel guilty about the amount of stuff we don’t get around to mentioning, never mind playing. But as I hinted at last night that may change in the next couple of months. Can’t say anything else at the moment though…
‘Birds’ was great fun as a theme. Loved the suggestions for The Partridge Family, De Doo Doo Doo and the guy who asked for Or-kestrel Manoeuvres In The Dark.