It's A Sin

I feel a bit like a priest at confession today as I sit here reading your e-mails filled with tales of lust, sloth and greed.
The seven deadly sins is the theme for the show and it looks like it will be a lot of fun.
Top sin so far is envy with lots of people asking for Bryan Ferry doing Jealous Guy. That's a must for tonight. Really struggling to find songs about gluttony though.
Maybe I should open it out a bit more. The early church leaders were a bit looser in their definiton of gluttony. In those days you would have got 'done' not just for eating too much, but also eating too soon, eating too expensively, eating too eagerly and best of all - eating too daintily!
Think about that next time you're nibbling on a delicate cucumber sandwich. Don't even think about cutting the crusts off or it's straight to the big fire for you!